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Chili has grown and changed over the years. But one simple fact remains. Chili is a dish that continues to bring us warmth and comfort.

Robb Walsh not only gives us 60 delectable recipes for the ever favorite dish. But he also dives into the history and the evolution of chili. The book is divided into four parts: Chili's Family Tree, Tex-Mex Traditions, Chili Road Trip and Modern and Vegetarian Chilies (Because vegetarians have to eat, too - pg. 1). There are many vibrant pictures, so that your mouth begins to water just by flipping through the pages. Walsh not only instructs us on the main course, but how to roast green chiles, make fresh corn tortillas and stone ground cornbread. There is also a detailed guide to peppers and chili powders that I found very helpful. With dishes like Lobster Chili, Three-Bean Chipotle Chili and Old-Fashioned Tex-Mex Enchiladas, there is no doubt that this will be my go-to cookbook as the winter months quickly approach.

Chili...Need I say more? I love making chili, but also enjoy a variety of styles. The Chili Cookbook has such a wide selection of chili to choose from that I don't think I will ever tire of it. I enjoyed reading about the history of chili. From the Aztecs to the Chili Queens. Ready your taste buds for the ride of their lives as you dive into this delicious cookbook from beginning to end.

I received a free copy of The Chili Cookbook from the publisher, through Blogging for Books, in exchange for my honest review.
It Comes At Night (2017)
It Comes At Night (2017)
2017 | Horror
Like feeling paranoid, tense and uneasy at the movies? This is for you! (0 more)
Slow build up fizzles to a pretty disappointing ending (0 more)
Tension packed, slow burner
I headed into ‘It Comes At Night’ in a similar way to when I saw ‘Get Out‘ a few months back – having seen a lot of positive four or five star buzz about it on my news feeds, but without actually seeing the trailer. I skimmed a couple of reviews this time, just to get a rough idea of what I was in for, and one of the words which seemed to crop up on a number of them was ‘unsettling’. Well, that sold it for me! Get Out is my favourite movie of the year so far, and I felt that my enjoyment of seeing that had been greatly improved having not seen the trailer, and with no expectations. So, I went into ‘It Comes At Night’ hoping for a similar experience.

The opening scene sets the tone for what’s to come. A sick old man listens to his daughter Sarah tell him she loves him. She’s wearing a protective gas mask, as are her husband and son. Husband Paul and son Travis then take grandpa out of the cabin they’re in, into the woods where they proceed to wrap him up in a sheet, shoot him in the head, roll him into a ditch and set fire to him. It becomes apparent that we’re in a post apocalyptic world where some kind of plague has taken hold, and Grandpa had unfortunately become infected. We’re not shown any TV news footage, we don’t hear any radio broadcast of any kind and there aren’t any zombies or infected people wandering around. There’s just this small family, out in the middle of nowhere and with no idea what state the rest of the world is currently in or how bad things are. They keep their cabin boarded up, with only one locked door for entry. They lead a lonely, basic existence, taking no chances with whatever is going on out in the rest of the world.

And then one night they’re awoken by somebody breaking in downstairs. A man who claims he thought the place was empty. He claims to be only out scavenging for water for his family. His name is Will and he says that he’s left his wife and young son behind some 50 miles away and is only interested in providing for them. Paul and his family don’t know whether to believe him and this feeling of uncertainty, paranoia and tension is something which takes hold and continues throughout the entire movie. Not knowing if Will is infected or not, they tie him to a tree overnight to see if infection sets in. When it doesn’t, they come to an understanding and agree to go and get Wills family and bring them back to the safety of the cabin. The family seem to integrate well, falling in line with Pauls strict routine of eating, washing and going to the toilet, and all seems to be going well for a while.

Sadly, I think the expectation of an experience similar to ‘Get Out’ affected my overall enjoyment of the movie. Sure I was tense and on edge for pretty much the whole movie, but I guess I was expecting it all to build up to something much more. It did reach a pretty intense finale of sorts, but then it just seemed to fizzle out until the credits rolled and a sense of overall disappointment set in. I don’t think I was the only one either. As I stood to leave the cinema, the guy across the aisle from me, along with a couple of others seated nearby, all kind of looked at each other in disbelief and with a ‘WTF?!’ expression. It was definitely a good movie, which deserves to be seen, but it just didn’t leave that much of a lasting impression on me.
I enjoyed both stories in this book. They are quite sweet and it will put you in the holiday spirit. Can Susannah forgive her former love Toby Unger? Toby has two little children who are new students for Susannah. Susannah will need to help her new to students that needs some help with them being a little trouble but will it work? Will they find the love before Christmas? Toby two little children are having a little trouble adjusting to their new surrounding. The handsome Amish man needs desperately needs some help with his two children. Susannah had gotten a broken heart ten years ago when Toby left. Can Susannah find the forgiven him? Will they find they are a true match for each other before Christmas? You can find out by reading the book called "Heart of Christmas" by Marta Perry.

Sally Yoder left her community during her teen years. Her heart is back at home and she believes that her young man named Ben Lapp will not love a bold woman like her. There are some surprises in the book. Sally and her charges are to spend time with their grandmother. The children and Sally are going to experience what an Amish Christmas is. Sally and Ben and the children are going on a sleigh ride to pick out a tree and visit the children Great Grandmother. They get stranded in a snowstorm. Will Sally and Ben find Love? Will the children learn that they can have fun with a plain holiday with no modern electronics? You can read about this story in the book called "A Plain Holiday" by Patricia Davids. You could read both these stories in the book called "An Amish Family Christmas" by Martha Perry and Patricia Davids.
Starve Acre
Starve Acre
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The writing, the writing is beautiful (0 more)
Will scare a few people (0 more)
His others were good. This is exceptional
I have enjoyed Andrew Michael Hurley's previous books very much but he has surpassed himself with Starve Acre. This is a dark and suturing read that gives you the same feels as Iain Banks' masterpiece The Wasp Factory. Anyone who was fans of the exceptional read as well as possibly Neil Gaimen's folk horror will find pleasure in this read.
I love it when you are so into a book you sprint upstairs when you get in from work to read a few pages before starting the evenings cooking etc, as I did with Starve Acre.
It's hard to tell you what happens in the story without giving away plot twists but this is a book of the supernatural, of a future dictated to by the past and of a family grieving trying to rationalise feelings and hurt. It is a place where they will remain outsiders and a tree that holds the mystery of it all.
Everything about this book should make it a classic. Its presentation and cover is beautiful. Michael-Hurley's writing is beautiful capturing the darkness in a way that is delicate and sweet which only makes the horror more shocking. The Lonely and Devil's Day were very good, but the writing here is some f the best I have ever read and the story is incredible. He has now become of a level that the next book he releases I standing outside the book shop at 9am and taking a day off work to read it, he is simply that good.
Miss this book at your peril, this is better than Stephen King and the rest. Andrew Michael-Hurley is now the true king!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Minor spoilers ...

This started out so well. It was incredibly magical - secret doorways on earth, which took the main character Karou, into a shop where her chimeara 'family' resided. Karou has little knowledge, being human, about her own origins or how she ended up in the care of Brimstone, the shop's custodian. All she knows is that he collects an endless supply of teeth (which she is often sent to pick up from around the world - the shop's doorway acting as a portal that deposits her anywhere on earth). There is a second door within the shop, which Karou is not allowed near and she has no idea what lies beyond it. Messages are sent to her via a crow-like creature. So far, so mysterious. It reminded me a little of Narnia or The Adventures of the Wishing Chair / Magic Faraway Tree. Oh, and if that's not enough - the teeth are used to help grant wishes (ranging from minor to major).

I'm a big fan of dual-world/magic-portal books. However, as the novel went on it became less intriguing. It slips into the sort of insta-love that is ten-a-penny in YA fiction. Also, I just felt that the 'big reveal' of what was behind the second door was a bit of a letdown. And the whole war between angels and chimera felt somehow jarring and unimaginative. I feel mean-spirited saying this, but the dynamic and world-building just didn't capture my imagination. The layering of the back-story also felt a bit forced and I started to find it dull.

I suppose the real test of the first book in a trilogy (as this is) is whether the reader can't wait to pick up the next instalment. Personally, I'm not sure I would bother. A shame, really, as it started out so well.
The Remembering Tree
The Remembering Tree
HR Mason | 2022 | Paranormal, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE REMEMBERING TREE tells a story of magical healing and a belief in God, although it is not overly religious. When Gemma's husband dies, she is left alone, with just her fifteen-year-old daughter. Shortly after, her grandma dies and she is left a home, plus money for renovations, so they move there. Once at Moonstone House, things fall into place and Gemma realises things are not always as they seem.

Although this is listed as supernatural suspense, I would also add romance to that. Whilst not the main part, it does help and support the story move along.

I found this to be a quick and easy read, with the story pretty much going in the direction I thought it would. There are a few coincidences that raised my eyebrows as it seemed rather too easy, but that may just be me.

I was also left with a couple of questions - the main one being why wasn't Gemma named after a jewel? She named her daughter one, and it's what her family was known for, but she wasn't and it never explained why. I wanted to know!

I am probably in the minority here but the last part - the final ending, if you like - didn't do anything for me. In fact, for me, it actually took away from the story. I had enjoyed it up to that point but then felt a little let down.

All in all, this was a great read that I enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending if you like cosy mysteries with a romantic element.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Monster Calls (2016)
A Monster Calls (2016)
2016 | Drama, Fantasy
Story – The story here is clear for everyone watching, this is one family a son, mother, grandmother and dad dealing with the impending death of a loved one. We get to see how Conor the son deals with everything in his own way that means he doesn’t get punished for anything, we get to see how the mother must stay strong for her son until the very end and how the grandmother must deal with the upcoming death of her daughter while being the only one there for grandson. This will make you cry it is as simple as that because his is one of the hardest hitting emotional punches you will ever receive.

Fantasy – We are thrown into a fantasy world that Conor creates to help him deal with the tragic events that are happening within his life, we are left to decide for ourselves which side of the story is real or not with the fantasy element too.

Characters/Performance – Conor is a character that we could see in so many situations when a parent is terminally ill, he struggles to find his place when he knows his future but can’t face it. When we look at the adults we get to see the struggling mother with her health, the father who isn’t around and the grandmother who doesn’t really know how to act because she will be losing her daughter but needing to be strong for her grandson. The tree monster is a great character in its own right, even if it is created to help Conor deal with the problems in his life.

When you look at the performance youngest Lewis MacDougall is brilliant in this role going through the full range of emotions while the bigger name actors let him take the centre stage.

Settings – The settings used make us feel like this is just a normal family that has had to deal with its ups and downs but now it will be taking on the biggest down. We don’t get any iconic settings but we get everything we need to feel the pain the characters go through.

Special Effects – The special effects here are brilliant making us fully believe there is in fact a monster with Conor helping him through this difficult time.

Final Thoughts – This is easily one of the most heart-breaking films of the year but shows just how difficult the situation would be for a young boy.


Overall: Bring your tissues to this film that will leave you emotional exhausted by the end.

JT (287 KP) rated Sinister (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Sinister (2012)
Sinister (2012)
2012 | Horror
7.1 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Has the found footage genre been done to death? Some would very much say it has, yet they keep on churning the films out. One thing to note with many of these is the budget, films like Paranormal Activity and Insidious were made for a pittance yet generated millions at the box office.

This is the same for Sinister, made for $3m it grossed almost $80m and was one of the surprise hits of last year, of course films like this are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love a good scare now and again and here I wasn’t disappointed.

Ethan Hawke is the clear standout in this one, here he plays true crime writer Ellison Oswalt who is looking for his next big thing to thrust him into the limelight. He and his family move into a house which he tells them is only a few doors down from a gruesome murder of a family who were all hung from a tree in their back garden.

When he finds a box in his attic containing reels of super 8 film and a camera he soon discovers more grisly murders and that somehow they are all linked to each other. Add to that a mysterious figure who appears in all the films and you have a character who goes a little stir crazy in trying to uncover the truth.

His family are desperate to leave, not happy with the current surroundings they are thrown into even more turmoil when its revealed that the house Oswalt said was two doors down is actually the house they are living in at the moment, don’t you just hate when that happens?

Director Scott Derrickson builds solid amounts of tension throughout, most disturbing are the super 8 films that show a number of families being killed off (you’ll never look at a lawn mower in the same light again). But then you have the same old horror cliché’s slipping back into it, things going bump in the night which leave you waiting for that revealing moment which comes with a consistent bang.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this might not actually be classed as found footage, certainly not in the same vein as maybe Paranormal Activity or The Blair Witch Project. We’re not viewing anything from the point of view that the characters in this are dead….yet, and the resulting film is their story. But it is ‘found footage’, in that Oswalt has uncovered these films in his attic.

What makes Sinister that bit more unnerving is the somber mood, lighting and camera angles. Not quite giving us the full picture we have to let our imagination stay a few steps ahead of us. The musical score then connects everything together to give us a real horror treat.

Hawke gives a solid performance, he’s a man very much on the edge and that fame is the answer to his future. He’ll succeed at whatever the cost, and the cost is ultimately a big one. The end reveal some might have seen coming a mile off, personally I wasn’t expecting it so it was a good finish to a film that had rattled the nerves a few times.

Produced by the same team that brought us Paranormal Activity and Insidious, it’s a low budget success that shows big budget horrors how it should be done.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated White Petals in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
White Petals
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

First her father died, then her Nana, and to top it all off her mother has been placed in a psychiatric hospital. Life for Emmeline Rose has not been easy but the unfortunate circumstances are going to lead her to the discovery of a secret gift. In this young adult novel, <i>White Petals</i>, Maria Grace creates a heartwarming tale of grief, friendship and fantasy.

Fourteen-year-old Em has been placed in a children’s home whilst her mother recovers from a psychotic breakdown. Here she begins to make friends with some of the other children, however she finds herself being bullied at school. Yet, what she cannot understand is why she gets a painful ringing in her ears whenever the school bully is around. But when her mother starts explaining mind-boggling things about their family, things start to make more sense.

The novel is a first person narrative therefore everything is shown from Em’s point of view. This, however, results in the story sounding like a young teenager has written it, which can be rather annoying. On the other hand, this aspect helps relate to the intended target audience.

The biggest issue with <i>White Petals</i> is the way mental illness is described. Phrases such as “off her tree”, “crazy”, “psycho” and “nutter” are frequently used throughout the narrative. Mental health stigma is a growing problem that many charities and organizations are challenging. Although many teenagers may genuinely think this way due to a lack of understanding, there is no attempt in this book to contradict these beliefs and educate the reader.

Overall I personally do not think this book is anything special, however many teenagers may enjoy the humour some of the characters bring to the story. Each chapter is headed by illustrations that were the result of a competition held in Wales for eleven to eighteen year olds. Despite certain misgivings, the story was still interesting to read.

JT (287 KP) rated The Hunter (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Hunter (2012)
The Hunter (2012)
2012 | International, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There’s something about Willem Dafoe that unnerves me a little and I’ve never been able to quite understand the reason why? Putting my bizarre fears aside for a second The Hunter is a subtle thriller set against the backdrop of the Tasmanian wilderness.

Taking that wilderness as first point of call in the film its beautifully shot, long sweeping takes across desolate bush to the panoramic visuals of mountain ranges, it’s a harsh world to which Martin (Dafoe) finds himself in.

Tasked with locating the revered Tasmanian Tiger who most believe still exists even to this day, Martin goes in search of it with an almost no questions asked mentality. Of course during his stay it’s clear that he is ruffling a few local feathers as the logging population of the town see him as just another tree hugger.

He sets up camp in the home of a local family and although not wanting to at first bonds with the two children, Sass and Bike, who instantly take a liking to him, most likely as their father has gone missing mysteriously in the region that Martin explores weeks at a time.

The film lacks a certain amount of bite to it, and there isn’t really a lot in the way of thrills for the first hour at least. We follow Martin into the wild terrain watching him set traps and record data, it may sound a bit dull but Nettheim does enough to keep us intrigued.

It’s clear that Martin is not the only one after this urban legend, and when a few more sinister occurrences arise Martin starts to fear not just for his own life but for those he has grown close to.

The film has a satisfying conclusion and one that is probably expected, for all the build up has lead to it. The acting might not live up to much but the scenery certainly gives the film an absorbing contrast.