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Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Gloria (Anne Hathaway) is out all night drinking and comes home to her boyfriend Tim (Dan Stevens). Tim is headed to work and tired of Gloria’s partying ways. He’s packed her bags and tells her to not be there when he comes home from work. With no job, no place to live, and her life seemingly in at its low point she decided to go back to her home town. She is able to stay in her childhood home which is empty and she finds herself sleeping on the floor. Gloria heads out to get an air mattress to make her a little more comfortable. On her way back she runs into a childhood friend Oscar (Jason Sudeikis). He invites her to the bar he owns and despite the fact drinking ruined her relationship and is the reason she finds herself in this position she agrees.

Gloria winds up spending all night drinking with Oscar and his buddies. She stumbles home and passes out. She is awoken the next day by a phone call telling her about a giant monster that has appeared in Seoul. Gloria, Oscar and his two friends (Tim Blake and Austin Stowell) meet up again that night to talk about the Earth shaking event and wind up drinking all night, again. Gloria wakes up in the morning and again the monster appears in Seoul. It showed up at the exact time and the exact same spot in Seoul. As Gloria watches the footage of the newest sighting a strange thing occurs, the monster scratches its head in a very familiar way. Ever since Gloria was little she had a tick of scratching the top of her head in a particular way. Now on TV the monster is doing the same thing. She looks at the footage from the last sighting and notices that the monster looks to be carrying something, exactly like she was carrying the mattress she bought the morning before through the park. Is she the monster? If she is why is it only appearing in Seoul?

Colossal is a very interesting and original take on the “monster” movie. I hesitate to describe any more of the movie in the narrative because I really was surprised by the direction the movie took and think anyone why watches it should not have a preconceived idea of what is going to happen. Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis are real good. Sudeikis really surprised me in his role. It wasn’t his typical character and I thought he played it really well. The supporting cast is okay but not particularly memorable. But the story really was focused on the two main characters. I thought the film was funny and dark. I definitely laughed throughout the film. There were times I questioned where the story was going. It didn’t transition from one point to the next very well. But I thought it did a good job of bringing everything together in the end. The visuals were good but not great but that is to be expected with an independent film. Another thing I will remember from this film was the soundtrack. The music seem to really follow the tone of the movie well.

This is a movie I will definitely find myself watching again. The story was interesting and, minus some sloppy plot transitions, was really well done.
Claiming Her Highway
Claiming Her Highway
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Genre: Historical

Words: 17,970

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.8/5 stars

My rating: 2/5 stars

Cass runs one of the greatest band of highwaymen around. Despite being a woman, she’s respected by her crew, and every night they return to camp richer than they were and she can enjoy being in the arms of her second-in-command, Will Carpenter. But that all changes when Will accepts a position in the King’s Guard. Cass knows Will wants more than what she can give him. He wants marriage and kids, as well as honest work instead of thieving. But Cass doesn’t know if she can ever give him up.

Claiming Her Highwayman is free on Smashwords.

I found myself underwhelmed by this story. When it starts, Will and Cass are already a couple, and the chemistry between them already feels forced, as well as the heist they’re about to go on. It’s like a bad first draft that hasn’t developed into something greater yet. Cass and Will feel more like paper dolls than people and unfortunately, I never get that attached to them. They just don’t have the chemistry.

It doesn’t help that my suspension of disbelief took a huge beating when Will’s offered a job with the King’s Guard, as the princess’s personal guard. He’s a highwayman! Since when do they let criminals guard princesses? Um, never. Not only that, but he’s still in contact with his old gang, and he’s not even in training to be a soldier! He just is. Apparently the standards for becoming a member of the King’s Guard is really low.

It would make a hell of a lot more sense to me if there was a scarcity of guards for some reason, like the country was at war, and that’s why they’re turning to criminals to keep up with the demand of soldiers. That would flesh out the plot, too. But nope. Apparently we’re supposed to accept that a robber can become a princess’s bodyguard easily after mugging her with his gang of bandits. Oh, and he almost becomes her husband. Because every king wants his little girl to marry a common criminal.

Despite everything wrong with the story, I like Will’s and Cass’s characters. Even though Will only exists to be Cass’s lover, he’s got some pretty charming lines in the story. His need to protect her is incredibly sexy.

Cass’s character is a little more complex. She’s strong and independent, and she knows what she wants in life. She’s the type of girl who would be bored to death in most respectable professions for a woman, instead enjoying being a bandit. But I hated her when Bryce, one of her men, attacked her in her tent. All she did to defend herself was bide her time until she could scream for help

What. The. Fuck.

She’s a damn gang leader and she doesn’t know how to defend herself against one man who gets too handsy? Please. That’s fucking ludicrous, and all of my respect for her is just gone because of that one scene. How the hell did she become a leader in the first place if she needs to scream like a damn damsel whenever she gets attacked? Not cool.

This book really didn’t do much for me. While it’s all right, it’s not that good. The characters aren’t good, and neither is the writing. I suggest you look elsewhere for your historical romance bad boy.
Alex (Twilights Falls #1)
Alex (Twilights Falls #1)
A.M. Salinger | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful start to a new series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

    Alex’s business partner scammed him for the tune of half a million dollars. His friend, Izzy, has the perfect solution. Marry her client, live with said client for 6 months, and get his half million back. Finn’s great aunt is a manipulative woman, but she loves him, she really does. Getting Finn out the house to meet someone new was not going to work while the artist hides himself away following the death of his wife several years ago. Marrying him off seems the perfect idea. When Finn and Alex come face to face at the courthouse, neither is expecting a man, but they go ahead. They can live with each other for 6 months and be done. But what happens when feelings get involved? When things begin to be REAL?

    I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this start of a new series by Salinger! I LOVED the Nights series and I can see this new series growing on me too.

    There is immediate attraction to Finn from Alex but while Finn acknowledges, to himself at least, that Alex is gorgeous, it takes time for the attraction to Alex to grow. Loved that it wasn’t immediate obvious to Finn, just what he might be feeling for Alex.

    It’s not overly explicit, at least to start, but once these guys admit they want each other, and that Finn doesn’t seem to have a problem with that, they are all in! It does get a bit emotional, especially for Finn, when talking about his wife, and then to his great aunt about . . .things . . .and you feel sad for him, that he was never fully honest with himself. That his wife and his aunt saw, though, knocks him.

    Glad the business partner gets his comeuppence!

    I LOVED the wider group of friends that Alex comes home to! They are funny and I wonder if the series will evolve around them? I know Carter is next, who pops up here.

    It didn’t take me long to read the 170 pages its billed as, just over 90 minutes, but it left me feeling that warm and fuzzie feeling I haven’t had from a book in a good long while.

    So, thank you, Ms Salinger, for setting me up for a busy day at work, feeling that warm and fuzziness all day! I look forward to catching up with these guys should they pop up again in the series. * I hope they do!*

    OH!!! There is a bit at the back of this book that gives the first chapter to One Night, which is the first in the Nights series. If you haven’t read those books, I STRONGLY recommend you do! I made a new shelf for them, and everything! And of course I read that little bit and then had to go back and read Cam and Gabe’s first book again. And NOW I wanna go back and read the whole damn series again! Be warned though, those books are HOT off the charts!

    Ah sod it! I wrote 4 stars, then changed it to 5 then back to 4, but here you go!

    5 warm and fuzzy, too stinking cute stars!

    **same worded review will appear elsewhere**
So This is Love
So This is Love
Elizabeth Lim | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Never has a title of a book made me sing one verse over and over (and over) again. Seriously, I have been wandering around the house humming “So this is love” so much my husband probably thinks I have got myself a new fella!

‘So This is Love’ is the latest in the Disney Twisted Tale series and has been eagerly awaited by yours truly. The latest novel, by Elizabeth Lim (who also wrote the Mulan inspired tale ‘Reflection’) explores what would happen to the classic Cinderella tale if Cinders did not try on the glass slipper for the Grand Duke and scamper off towards her happily ever after. How would Cinderella fare if a dramatic stand off resulted in the remaining slipper shattering into a million pieces?

However, it is not, as you may suspect, Lady Tremaine who smashes the second glass slipper but Cinders herself. Lim’s Cinderella has her head firmly on her shoulders and is all too aware what the power of possessing this shoe may mean to herself, the Prince and the kingdom if it fell into the greedy hands of her relatives. Thus, in an act of bravery, she destroys her ticket to a happily ever after and faces the wrath of her stepmother in the process.

This is the first point in the twisted tale where we see a completely different Cinderella than we have ever seen before. After a dramatic turn of events Cinderella leaves her family home for good and finds herself at risk of a life living on the streets. However, Elizabeth Lim has not abandoned all aspects of a fairy tale: a chance encounter and a new friend present Cinders with the opportunity to find work within the palace where she once danced the night away.

In my opinion, the traditional Cinderella would go running straight to the Prince, explain her story, rely on her beautiful face and live happily ever after. Thankfully for the realists amongst us, our twisted tale Cinderella agonises over the possibility that the Prince is more in love with the idea of the “runaway princess”: she decides that their relationship would never work and that she should focus on her career and creating an independent life for herself.

This was such a refreshing character trait: I loved the fact that, although Elizabeth Lim did not change the time period of the novel, she modernised the main character into a young woman who does not need rescuing. Quite the opposite, as Cinderella soon finds herself witnessing corruption within the palace: can this Disney Princess become a hero and save the kingdom?

Lim’s Cinderella is truly a modern role model: she is resilient, sometimes stubborn but altogether kind and most importantly, she faces her fears despite overwhelming periods of anxiety in some of the most emotive and beautifully written pieces I have read in a long time.

In an Instagram post to Elizabeth Lim (@elimpix) I told her that this Cinderella is the version I would prefer my boys to chase after. However, on reflection that isn’t true. This Cinderella doesn’t deserve to be chased and hunted down in order to fit into a pretty shoe. This Cinderella is a partner in every aspect: working for the good of the kingdom and a ruler in her own right. This is the Cinderella I would want my boys to be worthy of.
Shadow Guardian (Blood Shadows #1)
Shadow Guardian (Blood Shadows #1)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
fabulous new world!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Imagine reading a book, and it changes the way you see things. Everyday things, like the Shadow the light makes behind the cuppa tea on your desk. Or the one that is in the corner, cos the light doesn't quite reach that far. Cos let me tell ya, this book has done that for me!

Enter the world of the Shadows, with Guardians, Healers and Seers. With power tripping heads of Council who want. . . well I'm not really entirely sure what his plan will lead to, but it won't be good for the norms of this world, and maybe not even for those who can manipulate the Shadows. With a betrayal at the highest level. And with love at its most profound.

I loved this book! So forgive me if I rant a bit too much!

I loved that i could process each bit of new information, before the next bit came. I loved the layers to the story. There's romance, and danger. There's the world building, and the idiot trying to destroy it. There are friendship bonds, and those bonds being decimated. And so much romance, and even that being tested.

I loved that we didn't get who was controlling the Shadows that were so slimy, I had an idea but that was wrong.

I loved that Ethan took everything thrown at him, and promptly threw it back, tenfold. I loved that Kay was as damaged as he was. And I loved that when it all goes down, he says JUST the right thing to her! He melded himself into this world beautifully. I think there might be a secret or three about his full heritage to come out, but maybe I'm just reading into the story and being greedy cos I'm like that!

While Kay and Ethan do get a HFN ending, there is, I think, much to come for them. Their relationship will again be tested, and I can't wait to read about it! And Elizabeth, Kay's gran. She needs to be happy and given what is revealed here, she might be!

There is also the matter of the idiot and the Blood Shadows and what he will do now. I can't see which way he might go!

Zach, one of the Triad of Shadow Guardians with Kay and James is next. And I'm not certain who brings the trilogy to a close! James would be good, as the third in the Triad but that would mean he comes out of this​ mess. And if he does, he will be deeply damaged in many ways. Oh, he's gonna break my heart, I know he is! (Assuming he gets a book! *looks pleadingly at Ms Roberts!

Ms Roberts has a skill, that enables you to just fall into whichever world she writes about and you can just absorb it all, as an everyday occurrence and nothing out of the ordinary that these people can manipulate the Shadows, hinted with blues, greens and red, and heal people with a single touch.

So thank you, Ms Roberts, for a new world to fall into, even if it's just for these three books! I look forward to reading them!

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Smith's Corner: Hunter and Holden (The Heartwood Series #6)
Smith's Corner: Hunter and Holden (The Heartwood Series #6)
Jayne Paton | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Long time coming, but these boys do not disappoint, no ma'am they do not!
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Book 6 in the Heartwood series, and Lord has it been a wait for these two!

Hunter is best friends to Faith (book 4, Faith and Fox) but he's been a constant in this group since the beginning. As has Holden. Hunter knows Holden is straight, but his heart wants Holden and his heart will wait Holden out. Because Holden starts to feel something for the annoying bigger man who laid claim to him, even if he doesn't want to. And then all of a sudden, Holden questions everything he ever knew about himself.

Long time coming, but these boys do not disappoint, no ma'am they do not!

We knew Hunter had a thing for Holden, waaaaaay back in book one, and there is some overlap here with the later books. So I'd suggest you read all the other books before this one, to get the full picture of these two and how everyone else can see what's going on, even if Holden can't quite get it. They are, however M/F books, and might not be your thing, but they are so good! Most of the other pairings are crash condensed in this one, though.

There is anger here, with Holden fighting how he feels, how Hunter makes him feels. The thing is though, Holden does not ever say NO to Hunter. He pushes him away, sure, and he fights himself so freaking hard, but not once, does he utter the words NO to Hunter.

There is so much love too. Hunter does love Holden, even if Holden rejects him at first and Hunter cannot be with anyone else. Coco, Holden's daughter, can see how Hunter makes Holden feel, once they actually decide to do this thing between them, and she is a real delight here, loving that Hunter knows he can't just take Holden, he gotta take Coco too.

There is smexy times: so much with the smexy times, even if we do have to wait for the main event! But I loved being made to wait, I really did, and the epilogue? Oh! I loved the epilogue, I really did. It shows just how much Hunter loved Holden, and how he would wait for Holden to be ready to fully consummate their relationship.

There is pain here, too. Mostly on Hunter's part. A part he hides from a lot of people, but Holden sees it in Hunter, when he least expects to, and Holden does not do tears!

I think what I especially liked here, is that all the angst comes BEFORE they get together, you know? Once they decide to be a couple, they are all in and I loved that.

Loved watching the other pairings from both Holden and Hunter's point of view.

Who is next? No idea since all the brothers are now spoken for. Dakota (from the clothes store) needs a story, and Monty (the chef in the bar) oh I wanna know why Monty is so angry with the world (for most of the time, but he does come good here for Holden!) But I don't really care who comes next, I will read it!

5 full and shiny stars! I honestly think the best was saved for last!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't want it to end!
Independent reviewer for Book Sirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is third book in the Blood Shadows trilogy and it CANNOT be read as a stand alone. You need to know what happened before, what James has done, and how he came to be in the mess of his making. And you know, cos I SAID SO!! Both books one and 2 were 5 star reads, and this one did not disappoint!

James knows what has happened before is entirely his fault. He trusted Gordon and look what happened. He lost the woman he loved, his friends, and his Shadows. Riley loved James, but she never actually voiced the words. Finding him again was bittersweet, though, given what he did and what has to happen now. They need to trust each other, but can they forgive?

Quoting from my review for book one, Shadow Guardian: James would be good, as the third in the Triad but that would mean he comes out of this​ mess. And if he does, he will be deeply damaged in many ways. Oh, he's gonna break my heart, I know he is! (Assuming he gets a book! *looks pleadingly at Ms Roberts!

And he did! James broke my heart, big time! But Riley as well. They had so much before, but neither had actually said what they felt, or where they wanted it to go, then Gordon came along and wrecked everything. Both of them suffered, deeply, in very different ways. It takes time for them to even speak to each other, but they need to reconnect to actually get one over on Gordon.

Gordon, the power tripping head of the council, makes his plans far more clearer here and it's not just the Norms of this world that will suffer if he gets his way. The Shadow Weavers will suffer, badly, if he gets his feet under the table and gets his way. One suffers here, and it wasn't easy to read, being Shadow stripped.

I think it does have a higher level of violence than the other books, but it really was needed. What Gordon did to James, and the others meant Gordon needed to be stopped at all costs. And it DOES cost, deeply, but it really was needed.

While heavy on the emotional side for James and Riley, I found it a little less explicit than the other books. The emotions are rife for Elizabeth and David too.

AND! The bad guy gets a say! Oh I love it when we hear from the bad guy! Now, I can't actually recall if we did before, cos I don't mention it, and ya;ll know how much I love getting the bad guy so I will always mention it, and we get Gordon in all his world dominating glory and I freaking loved it!

Writing this, even though it was an amazing third instalment, is making me sad. because it is the FINAL part of the trilogy and don't wanna leave them!

I can't wait to see what Roberts comes up with next. I'm really loving her mind and how she gets things across.

5 full and shiny stars, casting wonderfulyl coloured Shadows around!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Quiver in Books

Mar 15, 2019  
Julia Watts | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely book that gets you thinking
Liberty "Libby" Hazlett is the oldest six kids (soon to be seven). She is part of an evangelical Christian family who practices the Quiverfull lifestyle--having as many kids as God deems they should. The father is the head of the family and his wife and children (especially the girls) should do everything he says, no matter what. Libby and her siblings are home-schooled and rarely see anyone outside of their family and church. So when a new family moves next door, it's a pretty big deal. Zo and her family are not exactly in the same vein religiously or politically as Libby's family. Still, Libby and Zo become fast friends--a friendship that may be cursed from the start. Spending time around Zo's family is eye-opening for Libby. But no one challenges Libby's father or their religion in her family. What does it mean for Libby that she's questioning her faith? And what will the repercussions be?

"It's all over the Bible--'be fruitful and multiply' and then there's Psalm 127 that says that children are like a warrior's arrows and 'blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.' Some families like ours call themselves Quiverfull for that reason."

This was a really interesting, eye-opening, and sometimes scary novel. It was very well-written, and I really enjoyed it. A huge thanks to LibraryThing to introducing me to Julia Watts and her work. This novel is told in varying viewpoints between Libby and Zo, highlighting the stark contract between their upbringing and the way the two girls look at the world. It does an excellent job at showing how religion shapes your thought.

For Libby, her religious family is basically her entire life. We see how differently boys and girls are treated in her family, with the girls serving as helpmates in every way. She is not allowed any independent thought and is completely indoctrinated in her family's evangelical religion. Any thoughts she has that differ from her family's way of life make her feel strange and scared--and stepping out of line in any way means punishment. Even worse, she can't see any way out. Even though she doesn't want to, her future is set: getting married and having babies in the name of God.

Libby was so wonderfully written, and my heart ached for her. Watching her confront what she was taught, seeing her yearn for a different life--it really opened my eyes to how hard it must be for so many kids raised in religious homes. It's so easy to be derisive about religious views with which you don't agree, but the book did such an excellent job showing how Libby didn't have a choice: religion was such a part of her life from the moment she was born.

Zo's character was great, too. She didn't always seem as fleshed out to me, but it was refreshing to see a gender fluid character in YA literature. She was very down-to-earth, and it was nice to see her sexuality not be her defining characteristic. I also enjoyed how very feisty she was:

"The fact that Mr. Hazlett justifies his dictatorship through religion makes me think of all the families and communities and countries that have been torn apart because of people who claimed to be acting in the name of God."

This was a lovely book, which even had some surprises. It made me want to cry at times and laugh at others. It's very well-written and so beautiful to read. The subject matter is different, well-worth reading, and wrapped up in a very entertaining and interesting story. It certainly gets you thinking, plus it's very hard not to fall for Libby and Zo, too.

I received a copy of this novel from LibraryThing and Three Room Press in return for an unbiased review - thank you!
Before You Break (Secrets #1)
Before You Break (Secrets #1)
Joel Leslie (Narrator), KC Wells, Parker Williams | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
awesome narration of an awesome book!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.

Six years ago, Ellis joined the Specialist Firearms Unit. Wayne was his partner, but Wayne wanted more, much more. Ellis is straight though. When Ellis begins a spiral downwards, and Wayne can no longer keep covering for him, he knows what he needs to do. Question is, will Ellis let Wayne help the way he wants to, the way Ellis NEEDS him to?

Book one of the Secrets series, which is a spin off from the Collars and Cuffs series. I’ve no read ANY of those, so this is brand new to me.

I really REALLY loved this one!

Ellis is, by his own admission, struggling to come to terms with his responsibilities forced on him at an early age, an age when he should have been learning how to be a boy, not a man. Wayne keeps covering for his silly mistakes but it’s getting more and more difficult. After a particularly difficult op, Wayne decides enough is enough and knows what Ellis needs. But Ellis has always portrayed himself as straight, and vanilla and Wayne is neither. Wayne knows Ellis needs to be “taken in hand” to get to the bottom of what’s bothering him, and Wayne is just the man to do it: the ONLY man to do it.

Not all of Ellis’ problems are immediately clear, and it takes time for the full picture to develop and I loved that. You don’t get a massive info dump. Ellis is. . . .difficult . . .when Wayne introduces him to the lifestyle and it is, in some places, rather amusing the conversations Ellis has with himself about what Wayne is doing, WHY he is doing it.

Wayne has loved Ellis since first meeting him 6 years ago, and to have carried that flame for so long was hard on him, but finally getting his hands (quite literally!) on Ellis is a balm to his soul. Ellis is his other half and he needs Ellis to see that.

The story unfolds at a steady pace, with Wayne kinda plodding along with Ellis till ELLIS decides he wants more, and I really did like that. Sometimes, things need to speed along but not so much here and it made for a great listen.

Joel Leslie narrates.

Leslie is, in my humble opinion, a MASTER at accents. These two guys are Londoners, and the accents were spot on. Jarod and Eli pop up, they are the new owners of Secrets and their accents are very different but again, spot on. Leslie does get all the emotions that both Ellis and Wayne are going through, and I cried in some places. I ooohhh-ed and aaahhh-ed and YAY-ed and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-ed in places, out loud. I don’t do that when I’m reading but when I’m listening I seem to be more vocal with my reactions and I can only assume that’s the skill of the narrator coming across.

I had to giggle a bit though. Mr Leslie is, I think, American, and the man CANNOT say leisurely like we do in the UK. Every other word was spot on, but that one? Nope, not right. But I won’t hold it against him, cos I LOVED this narration!

I already have book 2 lined up, and I hope that Wayne, Ellis, Eli and Jarod pop up along the way. Be great to catch up with them.

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Laws of Attraction (The Manx Cat Guardians #6)
Laws of Attraction (The Manx Cat Guardians #6)
JP Sayle | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i had another hissy fit!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and you really SHOULD read the other books first. There is MUCH referenced to, but not fully explained, from those books, and you will need to know what’s happened before now. And, you know, I TOLD you to!

Nick has had an attraction to his brother’s best friend, Brody, since he was a child. Now, on the Isle of Man, working on Aaden and Greg’s new kitchen, with Brody in close proximity, Nick can no longer hide his feelings. Brody’s reaction to Nick at Christmas has him questioning everything he ever thought about the squirt. When a certain witchy-poo's involvement in both men’s feelings come to light, and that spell is lifted, Brody is confused about some things, but he knows this: Nick is HIS. They just need to get to the bottom of Brody’s true feelings, what Nick thinks happened all that time ago, and just how deep that witch went with her spell.

So, yes, book 6, but I’ve been awaiting this one since we met Nick and Brody in book 4, Searching For A Soul to Love. Nick is Aaden’s younger brother and Brody his best friend. There were some hints to this book in that one, and a development in 12 Disasters of Christmas and this one does not disappoint!

Well, it DOES, just a tad, and I’m being petty, I know but these books tend to bring out my darkest thoughts, and also the most extreme! I wanted Nick and Brody to get together FAR sooner in this book! They do get together, I just had to wait til nearly the end for the main event! Oh don’t get me wrong, its sexy, and steamy and hawt as hell in places, but for the final joining of their souls and bodies? FAR too long I had to wait! And this is why I can’t stretch to 5 stars!

Everyone has a say, EVERYONE! Brody and Nick, mostly, but some of the other guys get a few minutes too. We also get a lot of that witchy-poo, Christina, and how she spelled Brody and Nick all that time ago, and WHY she did it. And now she’s paying the price for that: but she was warned! She is working off her penance, helping to find out who is trying to sabotage Greg at work and she wants her magic back. She does NOT like feeling human! Some amusing moments, though, for Christina and her body without magic.

King Manannan has a say, and we get how he feels about said witch. Which was totally unexpected! I did not see that coming! There are a lot of HINTS about what Christina is to the King, and about something that her father did to her as a child, but these are not fully explained and I wanted to know! Again, the extremes these books drag out of me! I was like, JUST BLOODY TELL ME!! And Ms Sayle, in true fashion, does not tell me, and so again, I spat me dummy out and threw my toys out the pram and everything, A-BLOODY-GAIN!

And we meet Ellie, and Cam, who are the stars of the next book. And even though THEY didn’t meet each other, I have a feeling their book will be quite explosive. So, write quicker, please!

Because I had to wait so bloody long for the main event, and because my questions about the King and Christina are NOT answered (but I think HERE, everyone will be asking questions about those two!) I can only stretch to..

..a hot and steamy 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**