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The Scarecrow (Jack McEvoy #2)
Jack McEvoy is at the end of the line as a crime reporter. Forced to take a buy-out from the Los...

Cold Granite (Logan McRae #1)
Christmas is coming, cold, dark and wet, bringing death with it. DS Logan McRae is having a bad...

The Blood Road (Logan McRae #11)
A road that leads to murder… Logan McRae’s personal history is hardly squeaky clean, but now...

Erin Michelle McIntire
(1 KP)
Last Active: Jan 20, 2019 

William Manley McDonald
(1 KP)
King of the Nerds
Husband, father of 2, animal lover, board gamer, movie buff, audiobook and podcast addict and...
Last Active: Mar 25, 2019