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Breaker 19: The CB Trucker game
Breaker 19: The CB Trucker game
1976 | Dice Game, Kids Game, Racing
The box art isn't bad (0 more)
Everything else (3 more)
Completely based on luck
The game plays you.....
No Decisions to be made
This IS NOT smokey and the bandit the boardgame.
Do you love dice, and do you hate making decisions? The just maybe this game is for you... This is an activity with rules rather than a game in my eyes. Those kid are not having fun on the box cover, I don't care what you say. In 1976 they really could've done better. But this particular game didn't bother to try. I put this on par with Candyland, but Candyland is much prettier and designed for kids to learn colors and counting. This one has almost nothing to offer. Even if you can get it for 50 cents at a garage sale, throw the board away and keep the dice and money for another game as missing pieces. Or even better, come up with your own rules and redesign the game. that would be a more fun process than playing the game as is for sure. I'm sure it would be more fun to be a trucker for a few hours, even on the boring straightaways of nebraska. So if you can do that instead. Even Monopoly is better than this game.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Apr 13, 2018

Wow. Harsh. Never heard of it but now I feel like I’ve played it. I know games like this and I avoid them.

Flawed Perfection (Eve Sumptor, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

We continue where we left off with Eve, Adam, and Lainey. This one is written more from Eve's perspective, which I greatly enjoyed, and we get to keep reading about Eve's new marriage to Adam and their sweet baby girl, Bella. Unfortunately, they don't stay happy-go-lucky for very long, as once again there's trouble afoot for Eve. It starts when some of her newly-acquired paintings go missing, and the ones that do make it to the gallery are forgeries! While trying to figure out this mystery, Eve gets pulled into yet another game of cat and mouse, one that she may not be able to win.

This is a great series, and the relationships are easy to identify with. Eve is in love with Adam, Lainey is in love with Jack, but Eve and Lainey both love each other. Now that it's been two years, we can see how they've changed, but we also get to go along with them as they try to cope with the feelings that still exist between them. How will they handle it while dealing with this new and dangerous conflict? You'll have to read that for yourself.

4 1/2 stars
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)
2016 | Family, Sci-Fi
7.4 (48 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Unique characters (2 more)
Great cast
Another great tim burton style
Predicatable (0 more)
Great movie, rather unique
This was a great Tim Burton movie. I do believe it is underrated, I've heard many bad things about this movie mainly being told it's boring but its far from it.

Each character is very unique and sometimes kinda creepy and there were some very interesting parts of the story I found very very interested, more specific the loops.

The cast was great but was surprised not to see Helana Boham Carter playing the lead. I've not heard anything about a sequel but I really hope it happens with the cast returning and maybe add a few new characters (I'm yet to read the books).

It was shot really well, you can see Tim Burton all over it and the CGI was pretty good. I loved the design of the monsters. I would have loved more and it is missing something that I can't quite put my finger on.

However, I could see myself going back and watching this again and that is the sign of a good movie. It was predictable and it's not going on my list of the greatest movies ever but it did not disappoint me.
I'm rating this book as a 5 for a few reasons. First, I think the world is extremely innovative and unique. I really enjoyed the well thought-out and different magic system and setting. The plot and intrigue was also very enjoyable. The first set of books especially did this quite well. However, the second set of five books really fell short for me, especially 7-10. It seemed like there was a lot of random stuff thrown in that didn't make a whole lot of sense, wasn't explained very well, and no one thing was really focused on. It seemed very haphazard and complicated for no good reason. The ending also seemed to come on extremely quickly. The second to last page of the book was a fight scene and then everything ends on the very last page when Merlin decides to become the King of Chaos with very little rationale given how strongly he had been hinting he was not going to do this. The book completely lacked a resolution. So while I enjoyed it on the whole, I don't feel I would be missing much (except perhaps depth in the magic system) if I didn't read the second 5 books at all.
On Dublin Street
On Dublin Street
Samantha Young | 2012 | Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
One of my favorite romances
This is the second time that I have read this book and honestly it is even better than I can remember. Samantha Young has a way with creating a world that you just step into. I first picked this book up in 2012 when I was looking for a cheap read. It was only a few dollars at that time and I couldn't put it down. Joss & Braden are wonderful characters that are sure to make you swoon. Joss is a kick ass girl who has some pretty big issues going on in her life. I loved that she sought help for her issues & I loved how Samantha Young was able to portray therapy in such a positive light. I loved the banter between Joss & Braden and I just loved each and every character that was introduced.

The plot kept me on my toes. I never knew if I was going to laugh, cry or roll my eyes in frustration. This is honestly my favorite romance that I have read. If you haven't read Samantha Young, you're truly missing out. She quickly became one of my favorite authors and has yet to disappoint me. The characters, the plot, literally everything about this book is beautiful.
Hollywood Ending
Hollywood Ending
Kellye Garrett | 2018 | Mystery
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Didn’t Want Hollywood Ending to End
It’s awards season in Hollywood and actress turned PI Day Anderson is celebrating when her boyfriend, Omari, is nomination for the Silver Sphere Award. However, after one of the parties he has to attend to mingle with the judges, Lily Davis is murdered. Lily was a publicist for the Silver Sphere Awards, and they have offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of her killer, so naturally Day jumps in to solve the case. This one seems much easier than her first murder case. Is she missing something?

Of course, she is, and the book soon involves plenty of complications that kept me reading as fast as I could. There are some fun twists before we reach the climax. Day and all her friends are back, and I loved spending more time with them and seeing how their relationships have changed. I also really enjoy the insider’s look at life in the Hollywood world. Everything is brought together by humor that had me laughing and smiling the entire way through the book. Those who loved the first book will be equally delighted with this one. And if you haven’t started this series yet, you need to do so today.
Emma in the Night
Emma in the Night
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful, twisty, cannot put down
Emma and Cassandra were missing for 3 years. Some believed they were dead. Were the kidnapped? Murdered? Did they run away?
It starts out with a young Cassandra, Cass for short, telling about her mother and her older sister Emma. Her mother loved Cass more, and would often brush her hair and tell her how beautiful she was, while Emma was often denied love from her mother. Their mother would also ask them to tell her how beautiful she was. She needed to hear it frequently. They had a routine. When their parents split up, Emma told Cass to tell the courts they should live with their father and when she did, Emma did the opposite. Emma stood by her mother as a sort of betrayal to her sister. Now their mother loves Emma more and Cass is off to the side.
Cass tells about the day she disappeared, when she was 15, and her sister who also disappeared.
She was with Emma then, but now she's home. Alone. How is she going to tell people what really happened. She is very nervous. Has to get her story straight. What will people think? So where was Cass and What Happened To Emma?

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Roma, Underground in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Roma, Underground
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roma Underground is done well. The author start out with a woman we meet as Bianca N. We do learn a little about her past. Her name is mentioned, as Alabaster Black. You may think well, is that her real name or not? We also meet up with Dante, Alessandro, Farrugia and Gennaro. We also run into a few more people along the way.

What out a bit of a boring start with this story. It does get much better. Somehow this group gets involved with a smuggling artifact. Why is Bianca recruited by “Rendition”? Who are they, and what do they want?

Though you do not know how this group gets brought in to start a hoax? You will just be wandering in the world is going on and what it roughly about. Someone is stealing artifacts or art artifacts that have been going missing. The hoax is started by an idea that is shared by Dante.

You do go about learning about Roma Underground and what happens there along the history of Rome. I can not wait to find out what to happen next in the next book named “Wasp Nest.” This book is worth the reading and it offers so much more.

Becs (244 KP) rated Dragon Wing in Books

Sep 10, 2018  
Dragon Wing
Dragon Wing
Rebecca K. Busch | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The storyline. (1 more)
The descriptions.
Grammatical errors. (2 more)
More grammatical errors.
Missing character backgrounds.
A great read but also not a great read.
I received Dragon Wing by Rebecca Busch as a read and review copy from Austin Macauley Publishers for my full honest review.

I was really wanting to love this book and give a five-star rating, but there were so many grammatical errors that it honestly killed me at times to read. Don't get me wrong, the storyline was wonderful and I loved it but with the grammatical errors, the whole book was lacking and seemed like a Wattpad story. (Now there is nothing wrong with Wattpad stories. But when you get an actual physical copy or even digital copy of a book, you kind of hold it at a higher standard compared to reading a story that is only published online.) With that being said, I could only give this story a 3-star rating due to the lack of editing Dragon Wing went through. If it was edited properly, I would say this could have easily been a 4 to a 4.5 star read. But the errors take away from some of the plot, causing it to be boring and way too difficult to read.
Designed for Haunting
Designed for Haunting
Sybil Johnson | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Designed for Your Halloween Reading Pleasure
It's a couple of weeks before Halloween, and Aurora “Rory” Anderson and the rest of her painting friends are working on the annual benefit they put on where they sell their work for charity. That changes when Rory gets an e-mail from Zelena, a friend in her painting group that says the e-mail is being sent to Rory because Zelena is missing. As Rory begins to investigate, she learns that no one has seen Zelena for several days. A dead body just increases the stakes. Can Rory figure out what is really happening?

This is a great mystery with several other mysterious happenings that help cloud the issue. Yet as Rory sorts through what applies to the main mystery, she leads us to a clear picture of what happened. It all comes together in a page turning climax. The characters are strong; the new characters do their job of keeping us wondering what is really happening while Rory and the other series regulars were a delight to be around. This book evoked a Southern California Halloween for me perfectly, complete with a potentially spooky sub-plot or two to add to the seasonal fun.