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Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family
The last crusade
Dora And The Explorer And The Lost City Of Gold maybe this years biggest shocker. A mix of Tomb Raider & Indiana Jones this one really does hit you right in the nostalgia gland. After not knowing anything about this character what so ever I was seriously expecting to walk out this movie shortly after it began, so imagine my surprise when just 15 minutes in I found myself not only highly entertained but actually full on laughing constantly at all the jokes too. Ok so Im not really sure who this movie is aimed at to be honest as theres not much in here that will apeal to young kids bar the strange inclusion of two horribly animated cgi characters (which I feel didn't fit at all with the look of the film & ruined the overall visual style of the movie). Dora the movie is also so self aware & full of strange adult humour/jokes that seemingly mock its own source material too which found hilarious. This along with how the overall tone was handled made such a fun & fresh aproach for a kids film that made it exciting & enjoyable to watch. Visually its beautiful with such vibrancy & vastness that sets feel alive/exciting to explore. They really captured the sense of adventure & discovery here & although most of the film is just a re-skin of Indiana jones and the last crusade it never felt stale or any less thrilling bringing back the same feelings I had while watching those films way back when I first saw them in my youth. Cast wise everyone one does a smashing job at over acting which only adds to the tone & humour with Michael Pena owning every scene he's in with his energy alone. Miles better than the last Tomb Raider & Indy films & filled with such randomness, strangeness, 4th wall breaking & fun Dora is a film recent Disney movies could learn a thing or to from, its genuinely hilarious, has great production values, a decent sense of threat, positive messages about leaving your comfort zone & a smart self awareness making it a really enjoyable watch. Oh & that Danny Trejo cameo 😂
This is the second book of the series, and even though I haven’t read the first part, I was able to follow this book quite easily. There are a few references to the past and you can quickly realise what happened. Though, if you wish to read the series, don’t start with #2, because there are a few spoilers here that you wish you hadn’t read if you read book #1. I won’t be reading #1 because the spoilers in this book ruined it for me. But I am sure it’s an amazing story as well.

Carrie works in a library and has a cat that brings with her at work. Her father is a famous bad guy, that spent all her childhood in jails. One day, he returns to town, trying to get his share of a box of jewellery that he stole with another man. But a murder changes everyone’s plans, and Carrie has to make some dangerous decisions. It is a wonderful story about family, love, Christmas and tragedy that ends well.

This is a book full of mystery and crime, but it also is warm and family-oriented. I loved the mystery - crime part of it, I loved the scenes where everyone, mostly Carrie plays out to be a detective, but there were also scenes where things were so obvious, and she made terrible choices that made me cringe.

I struggled a lot to understand and like Carrie - I didn’t like the way how she gets quiet and doesn’t talk and just cries, and suddenly when she leaves the situation, she bitches about everything and how things should've been done differently. WELL WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE, THEN? But then, there were also moments when she would come up with some interesting hypothesis and actually succeed into making a right choice, and I would think - YEAH, that’s my girl.

All in all, definitely a beautiful read, with a few tweaks here and there. I would love to read something similar to this, and for you that love chick-lit and detective stories, you would most probably enjoy this read :)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Potentially, I'm one of the only people to have enjoyed Mortal Kombat Annihilation. Admittedly it was a long time ago that I saw it, but I remember good memories of it.

I'm going to skip over the extended synopsis, firstly because the short one sums it up, and secondly because if I put much more in it the whole plot will be ruined.

While I watched the film I was generally entertained, but when I came out there were some points that festered in my brain a bit. And those thoughts seem to have been reflected in podcasts and reviews I've come across.

This is probably exactly what you'd expect from A] a video game film and B] a Mortal Kombat film... it's both good and bad in varying degrees.

What is sad about this review is that I can't really tell you anything good about it... or just anything about it at all. Everything was instantly forgettable. I can tell you the woman from The Meg & Black Water Abyss is in it (because of course I can). I can tell you that there are bad guys fighting the good guys... or the less bad guys...

Effects, there are some of those too. Vague recollections of them being okay. I could certainly embrace the fantasy angle and forgive some things.

At this point I'd like to apologise for such a half arsed review, but it does perfectly illustrate the film... waffle with no real purpose. Although actually, the film does have a purpose. To set up for a sequel. Because some random comic violence and odd powers are generally entertaining.

As a sign off for this review, I would like to say sorry for this trash (the review and the film). I just think it perfectly sums up how I felt about this film: I've wasted your time, you'll never get it back, but I've (hopefully) given you some brief moments of entertainment. But on the plus side, if you've read this review before seeing the film then I might have saved you the 1 hour and 50 minutes (oh my god, I don't even know how I sat through that) of viewing time.

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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 2, 2021  
Sneak a peek at the clean contemporary romance novel THE YES DARE by Kathleen Y'Barbo and watch her video guest post on my blog. Enter the giveaway to win all the books in her Pies, Books & Jesus Book Club series signed by her and the real Bonnie Sue (1 winner) or a signed copy of The Yes Dare (3 winners).

Have you ever wished for a second chance to fix something you’ve messed up or for the courage to say yes to something that just may change your life? Sometimes saying yes to the last thing you want can mean saying yes to exactly what you need.

Ryan “The Rocket” Sutton’s winning streak is legendary makes him the undisputed best quarterback in the NFL. However, thanks to one dumb mistake, he’s a failure as a husband to Coco, the only woman he’s ever loved. When a judge’s mistake in divorce paperwork means Coco is still his wife, Ryan makes up his mind to fix what he ruined. Ryan’s game plan doesn’t count on an internationally famous movie director’s camera crew following him as he competes for Coco’s love.

After spending most of her adult life as a football wife and mother to twin sons, fashionista Coco Sutton is learning how to be single and fabulous. Emphasis on Fabulous. The sports trophies, memorabilia, and heavy masculine wood furniture in the home she used to share with Ryan have been banished to the attic, and her home is now a cozy haven of plush candle-scented comfort. She’s got big plans that include owning a boutique or maybe an art gallery, but she never planned to take on the biggest challenge of her life: staying single. Then her best friend gives her a copy of a book called The Yes Dare, and all her plans are turned upside down.

From a Hollywood movie to the local spring event formerly known as the Cow Chip Toss Festival and a country crooner with a crush on Coco, will Ryan dodge the obstacles to win back the only woman he ever loved?
Love, Pucks, and Other Stories (Rush Hockey #4)
Love, Pucks, and Other Stories (Rush Hockey #4)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read but that cliffhanger is a doozy!
LOVE, PUCKS, & OTHER STORIES is the fourth book in the Rush Hockey series but the first book in Billie Rose and Joel's trilogy. I haven't read the previous three but that didn't impact my enjoyment of this story.

Oh, man, but I'm conflicted on this one. Let me start with the good things:

I loved how dedicated Billie Rose was to her town, even when people didn't see everything she did. And how she brings joy to her own life with washi tape. Joel accepts his place as a minor league hockey player, giving his support to those who will move on whilst he is happy to put down roots. Although he and Billie Rose are usually at loggerheads, when he actually opens his eyes, he sees there is so much more to her than he realised. And he goes about breaking through her walls, ever so softly, until he gets to see the real Billie Rose - workaholic and all.

Okay, so (without spoilers) here's what did me:

That ending! Well, that and it took so long for Joel to figure out that harpy isn't necessarily a nice word! I mean, come on. Even if he didn't see her flinch, on what planet - when he grew up with a nice mum and sisters - did he think that was okay? And speaking of his nice mum and sisters, plus his dad, I can't believe that no one, NO ONE, ever mentioned said ending. Not once! Not even in passing. I'm sure most people will be loving that cliffhanger but, for me, it ruined it slightly. Now there's going to be unnecessary angst with Joel explaining, Billie Rose not believing, and lots of time grovelling until hey, everything's fine again.

On the whole, I enjoyed the story and would recommend it if a) you're a fan of Ms Faber's writing and b) if you don't mind cliffhangers because, trust me, this one's a doozy!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Path of Flames
The Path of Flames
Phil Tucker | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has popped up a number of times as I have strolled through the fantasy section of Amazon's kindle store in the past. However, I was never really taken with the cover (which sadly I do base my TBR list on, in part) as I'm not much of one for elves. However, with the invitation to sample Kindle Unlimited for 60 days I thought I'd try and maximise my trial period and blast through this (now completed) series.
The first in the 5 book series (unless you count Escape from Bythos, a short opener) begins with Asho (the white haired character on the cover, not an elf after all but a Bythian human, at war alongside his lord and the army of "the good" against the armies of "the bad". We gradually start to see the world revealed at a gentle pace and each of the races are at different stages of their ascension to heaven, each step depending on how they lived that life (kind of like a tiered Buddhist reincarnation with eventually getting to heaven after a number of good lives). The Bythians are the lowest of the low and Asho is very lucky to be allowed to squire the Ennoian (read annoyin') Lord Kyferin.
From the result of that battle, further PoV characters are introduced: Ishkra and Kethe (Lord Kyferin's widow and daughter respectively), Audsley the magister and former knight Ser Tiron, as well as the orc-esque kragh Tarkon. All but Tarkon's narratives blend together to give an overall storyline from different perspectives.
The somewhat familiar castle setting is quickly thrown out the window as Lord Kyferin's brother takes over the castle and banishes his widow through a lunar gate (a mystic portal that only opens once a month used to travel great distances) along with her loyal followers into a ruined inhospitable wasteland with demons wandering the moors.
The characters are well defined and develop well through their trials and tribulations. While the plot is somewhat reactionary (there isn't really one main quest set up early on, rather events unfold and the plot is driven from there) this doesn't feel like it evolved that way, everything slots together well.
I have really enjoyed this first episode in the world of the black gate and have carried on with the follow-up, The Black Shriving.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Interactions between Rey and Kylo (2 more)
The special effects
The lightsaber battle against the praetorian guard
Poor storyline (2 more)
Completely irrelevant side story with Finn and Rose
Wasted main villain
Disappointing entry after a promising previous film
What hasn't been said about this film already?!

Having had high hopes for this based on a solid entry in episode VII this film simply didn't live up to the high expectations.

The special effects were, as normal, fantastic with the ship collision at light speed a major highlight. The interactions between Rey and Kylo and subsequent character development of the 2 is both interesting and welcomed and provides hope for episode IX. The scene with the 2 fighting side by side against the praetorian guard was also great to watch.

Aside from those parts the film felt like it lacked any real direction and the storyline is simply poor. With the film opening on a massive battle where the first order, once again, are made out to be utterly inept and farcically incompetent it seems as if the film wants to substitute substance for style.

Almost the entire film consists of the first order chasing the rebellion at sub light speed waiting for them to run out of fuel whilst we are given an utterly pointless side mission for Finn and newcomer Rose which does nothing to develop either character or the actual main storyline.

Luke, meanwhile, has become a hermit and whilst that in itself isn't an issue (after all so was Yoda) it is a disappointing change to the legends Luke who would have been a lot more interesting.

The princess leia bridge explosion scene was also very shortly done. Whilst it was a great development to show her with significant force abilities the special effects made it crying worthy and completely ruined it.

Then there is the bizarre decision to simply kill off Snoke in the most pathetic of ways. All the build up of what appears to be an exceptionally strong Darkside user and he is cut down far too easily. It will be interesting to see how episode IX addresses this as it was a very disappointing ending to the character.

All in all there were just too many awful decisions and I left the cinema feeling massively underwhelmed. Perhaps in time, especially after its sequel, maybe this will be a film looked back on as a perfect midfilm in the trilogy.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 9, 2018

Although I agree with some of what you said, I think people are generally being too harsh on this film. For those of us who are old enough, I remember lots of unresolved issues when Han was encased in Carbonite and taken away by Boba Fett. We had to wait 3 years to know what happened.

Maybe (Hopefully) things have been thought out enough by the people in charge now and they give us a kick-ass Episode IX!


Dr Dystopian (526 KP) Jan 9, 2018

That's exactly what im hoping Andy. Whilst there are other issues in the film that bother me im hoping the storyline and progression makes sense by the end of IX and that it's a fantastic film that rounds off the whole trilogy well. Then when looking back it may be that XIII isn't a great film on its own but is well placed as part of the trilogy.

Sword Art Online: 1: Aincrad
Sword Art Online: 1: Aincrad
Reki Kawahara | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't know why I did this to myself. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it. I suppose that in my mind, I thought of it as reconnaissance work, to try to better understand where all of the "Kirito" and "Asuna" clones suddenly flooding the few MMOs I played were coming from.

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I enjoyed the premise of the light novel - the whole "being trapped in a video game until you beat it and if you die in the game you die in real life" thing. I also liked the idea that once in the game, the players were stripped of their anonymity. They were forced to play as themselves, rather than the avatars they had created to represent themselves.

And it's nice that the novel/anime/manga have managed to carve out their own space in the "virtual reality gone wrong" genre, and give .hack// some competition.

But I really, <i>really</i> did not like Kirito.

Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced against the character because of the flood of people naming themselves Kirito in MMOs who made the games obnoxious to play for months on end, since a good portion of them had no idea what they were doing. They all chose to play tanks (of course) and completely ruined it for people looking for a tank who knew what they were doing, or made it harder for actual tanks to get a party, because nobody trusted anybody to know what they were doing in those dark years after the anime first came out.

Maybe it's because Kirito (the actual character) was such a complete special snowflake, without any real redeeming qualities, other than the fact that he managed to luck into his power. That, and his relationship with Asuna are all that really define his character.

I've heard that their characters and the build up of their relationship are handled better in the anime, and doesn't come across as so insta-love. But to be honest, I've got no desire to watch the anime just to get character development when it should have been handled better in the novel that the anime was based on in the first place.
The Beloveds
The Beloveds
Maureen Lindley | 2018 | Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow-moving thriller with a despicable main character
Betty adores only one thing in her life: her childhood home, called Pipits, and desires nothing else than to live in it. Alone. So when her mother passes away and wills the home to her younger sister Gloria and her husband, Henry, Betty is beyond angry and ruined. She puts Henry and Gloria in a class called the Beloveds; people she deems loved and admired and lucky in love and everything they do. Betty, of course, is on the outside looking in on these Beloved sort. She vows she will do whatever it takes to get Pipits back, at any cost.

This novel features Betty talking to us directly in a conversational style, which I liked. However, sadly, the rest of this one didn't work too well for me. For one thing, it's just maddeningly slow. There is so much talk from Betty and she is so mean, crazy, and cruel. Halfway through the novel, I felt as if nothing had happened, other than her rantings. Beyond her being mentally ill, the whole book is built on her obsession for this house, and it became a bit much for me. I understand that it should be creepy, but it just didn't work for me.

For much of the novel, Betty isn't really even that good at being evil, she's just mean-spirited and a ranting drunk. I kept reading out of a morbid curiosity, but I really wasn't all that interested or engaged or drawn to anyone in the novel. In fact, I just despised Betty completely and couldn't even find myself liking her as a "bad guy." She was just mean. Also, again, I felt somewhat bad despising someone who was so clearly mentally ill, but she was so hateful, and her obsession with this house was just all-consuming and hard to empathize with.

Overall, this one didn't work for me. It was so slow, with such a despicable main character with odd motivations. However, I've read a lot of reviews where others really enjoyed its creepy nature, so it may work for you.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); more at
The Expatriates
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lee's latest novel intricately details the lives of three American women living in the expatriate community in Hong Kong. Margaret, who moved to Hong Kong with her husband and three children, is dealing with a horrible loss and how it has affected her entire being. Hilary, wealthy and married, is adrift in life - struggling to have a baby and floundering in her marriage. And Mercy, the youngest, is a Korean American trying to recover from her own recent horrors and figure out where she belongs. Their lives and stories are linked in small and large ways, as they each traverse the difficulties of life and the consequences of their actions.

It sounds trite - the linked stories of three women, but the book is nearly magical. The chapters are compelling and amazing: you truly feel as if you are there, with the characters, getting completely caught up in their lives and stories. It's one of those books where not a lot happens, yet in some ways, everything happens, and it's mesmerizing somehow. Lee has a unique voice for each character and they each become clearer and defined as the book goes on; they are so themselves that you can't ever imagine not knowing them, or how they would react to a given situation. Much of what happens is sad- in fact, there were times where I felt like my heart was physically hurting reading - but there is much redemption in the book as well. I truly found parts of it to be beautiful.

The ending, which I felt like could have been too easy, or conversely, easily ruined, felt perfect somehow. My only complaint with this book? That it ended. After I finished it, I found myself standing at the sink later that evening, washing some dishes, and thinking, "oh at least I get to read my book later tonight" and then feeling nothing but profound disappointment that the book was over, and I was done being a part of these characters' lives. Lovely, poignant book - highly recommend.

I must note that I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley (thanks!), though I wasn't approved until after it was published. The good news for you is that this novel is available now (as of 1/12/16) in all the various publication forms. You can check out a review of this book and many others on my <a href="">blog</a>;.