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Uzumaki (3-in-1, Deluxe Edition): Includes Vols. 1, 2 & 3: Vols. 1, 2 & 3
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderfully written and illustrated (0 more)
Story line is strange and can be difficult to follow the timeline (0 more)
Nightmare fuel in it’s purest form
Spirals exist everywhere in nature: in the shells of snails, the petals of a flower, the swirling clouds of a hurricane, even the shape of whole galaxies. Why this shape continues to show up over and over again in nature is still a bit of a mystery. For the most part spirals are viewed as aesthetically pleasing, appealing to humanity throughout the centuries.

What makes Uzumaki so brilliant is that it takes something so abstract and transforms it into pure nightmare fuel, utterly corrupting one of nature's most beautiful shapes: the spiral. When I had first started reading this comic I was skeptical, how could a geometic shape be scary? There is nothing inherently sinister about a shape, just as there is nothing all that unusual about the town.

Uzumaki challenged my perception of horror in it’s twisting narrative, starting slow as the madness began to spread, spiraling out like a flower in bloom. As the story reached a fever pitch, it quickly descends, like a whirlpool sucking everything underneath it’s surface. Pure genius.

The art is also a wonder in itself, with extremely detailed drawings depicting some of the best examples of body horror that I’ve ever seen. While this is of course up for debate, many fans and critics have chosen Uzumaki as Ito’s magnum opus, and after reading a couple of his other comics I would have to agree. Uzumaki is one of the best works of horror I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I highly recommend this for any fan of horror, but especially for fans of the works of H.P. Lovecraft, whose books greatly influenced Ito in his creation of the series.

Daniel Holford (0 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 20, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The surprise hit film of the year is here and there's no wonder it's such a hit. Immediately from the outsit of the movie it is clear what this film is going to be. Frequent scares and creepiness, mixed with excellent visuals and directing, all spliced together with a great coming of age story. Think stranger things and stand by me, with added monsters and killer clowns.

The kids are brilliant throughout, the stand out being Richie and Beverly, the former having already kicked off his career by appearing in the excellent stranger things. Although I compared the two earlier, his character could not be more different. Beverly is also excellent in her role, a brilliant young actress who shows the sadness that Beverly hides behind her fears (perhaps the most chilling/uncomfortable moment in the movie). The other kids were also good, but some rather less well developed than the others, making their struggle with their scares far less satisfying than some of the more prominent kids. I must also admit that the greatest achievement this film has is replacing Tom Curry from the original movie and having an actor, almost, maybe actually surpassing him in the form of Bill Skarsgaard. He is excellently scary and charming in the creepiest way.

The films scares are in moderate but heavy bursts, rather than the usual constant jump scares there is often anti climaxes, tension building with little to no big jump or sound effect which works in the horror franchise almost as much as a larger scare.

Overall this film has many elements that make it such a hit, the Stranger Things hype train certainly had helped it along its way. As well as having perfect comedy, great characters, directing and visuals and most of all, scares.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Tense and interesting
I'm going to be frankly honest now and say this film is a little overrated. One of the best horrors I've seen in a long time, but still a tad overrated.

The premise is a very interesting and truly terrifying take on the usual end of the world scenario. And this for me is the best and scariest thing about the film, never before has silence been so scary. John Krasinski does a great job both acting, directing and writing and i think it's a shame he doesn't do a lot more acting wise. The creatures themselves are horrific and strange, but not too weird looking to be laughable (like Life). They potentially look a little too CGI but it's acceptable for the most part. The film in general starts off a little slow paced but then soon picks up speed, to the point where when it finished, I couldn't believe it had been on for 90 minutes. I'm also grateful that they don't try and spend much time over explaining this apocalypse, instead relying on a few choice newspaper cutouts.

I do have a few issues with this film though. It relies a little too heavily on jump scares, which although they're very effective in such a quiet film, for me they're a bit much. Also, some of the film beggars belief - a woman in labour making barely any noise? Hmm not too sure about that. And my final criticism is the fact that the opening scene is prominently featured in the trailer, meaning any shock or fear we would have had at this is long gone.

Overall a very good horror film, and one I'd love to see in silence in my own home.
Ghost Stories (2018)
Ghost Stories (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror
More horror films should be like this
Most modern horror films nowadays I think are usually rubbish. They're full of obvious jump scares and unnecessary gore, without really instilling any real fear into the watcher. Ghost Stories however is different.

It's a straightforward, simple premise with the paranormal debunker and the 3 unexplained cases. It starts off well but it's only when it starts detailing each of the 3 cases that this film really gets going. The three stories are bizarre, creepy and actually pretty scary. They do have some of the obligatory jump scares, but for me these weren't as obvious and predictable as other horror films. As the stories progress and it all starts to get a bit weird, there are a number of WTF moments which really start to make you feel uneasy. There's also a few moments of dark humour thrown in, to be expected from Jeremy Dyson.

The final act however seems to halt some of the momentum the film has gained. There's a reveal that I saw coming a mile off, and then a good 15 mins or so of complete bizarreness before culminating in a very satisfying final ending. This little dip right at the end annoyed me slightly as it gets a little too weird, although it is explained away with the great final twist ending. For me it's just a shame that this slight dip into weirdness right at the end has lost a bit of what could have been a fantastic horror film.

I personally think the best horror films are those that don't rely too heavily on obvious jump scares, and instead use more subtle methods. True fear comes from the unknown, from the confusion and strange goings on in the background, and this is where Ghost Stories does very well.
So Cold the River
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has taken me a long time to read and I never totally got into the story past the first part, which was intriguing. It's not that it was poorly written or the plot itself wasn't an interesting idea, but my attention strayed a lot, most likely due the length (about 500 pages) and how slowly the story moved. And while I believe that some slowness was necessary to build the tension, it just crawled through it towards the finish line, and I was bored more times than not. I can't say Eric or most of the characters were interesting, so I didn't care too much what happened to them. Although I did like Kellen and Anne and it's too bad they weren't in the book a bit more. Possibly some things could have been pared down for a better flow to the story, such as Eric's separation from his wife, which was overdone with more background information than was needed. Also, there could have been a little less time spent with Josiah, who was a loathsome character. Even if he was supposed to be a nasty individual, and essential to the plot, not everything from his point of view added to the book. The ending was okay, but didn't really fit where the book had been going beforehand. That's not to say there isn't something good here, for instance the atmosphere was well done and the bit of history thrown in about Pluto Water, the springs, West Baden, French Lick, and the hotels added to that. Maybe a couple more rewrites and this could have been a scary or thrilling horror story. As it stands, it just wasn't for me, so I'll stick with The Shining, which I couldn't help thinking about while reading So Cold the River.
One Cut of the Dead (Kamera o Tomeru na!) (2017)
One Cut of the Dead (Kamera o Tomeru na!) (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
A cut above
#onecutofthedead is an extremely #fun and stressful look into the #art of #lowbudget #filmmaking. #Zombie films have literally been done to #death now so when i got the chance to catch this one i was sceptical but still the zombie #fan in me decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. I have to say one cut is possibly the most refreshing and unique take on the genre ive seen in quite some time. Essentially 2 films the first half is an impressive little low budget zombie movie creatively shot in one long take while the second half is a look into the film making process itself. Its essentially one big love letter to the art of film making (especially on a low budget) full of #nostalgia and nods to films we all grew up enjoying. We are shown all the passion, team work, #stress, mistakes, cost cutting, disasters, preparation, energy and #emotional investment and above all fun that goes into the making a movie which is extremely refreshing to see. Acting is full of life especially since most of the cast are unknowns and each of them manage to bring great #comedy, realisum and likability to the characters. Themes of #bullying and social awkwardness are touched on here too and the film touches on how a directors can sometimes go to far ending up pushing actors over the brink not only physicall but mentally. Fancy something #gory, #funny, different and quirky? one cut is a film about inspiration, passion, motivation and comitment that pleasantly surprised me and has successfully reanimated the art of zombie movie making. #gore #horror #friyay #scary #silly #movie #filmbuff #filmcritic #beautiful #oldschool #classic #georgeromero #dawnofthedead #throwback #walkingdead
Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
#overlord is overlong, #boring, repetitive dross with no #soul of its own.
I was looking forward to this #film walking in, it looked like a throw back to 2002 #action horror films like #DogSoldiers, #Deathwatch & #28dayslater but it couldnt be any further from any of them if it tried. When Overlord is a #war film its passable enough (mainly because it outright steals all the best bits from #savingprivateryan & #bandofbrothers) but its when it tries its hand at horror it becomes down right #embarrassing. We know whats lurking in the basement going into the film but for some reason it keeps it a mystery for far to long instead feeding us this dull recycled generic plot we've seen a million times before we get to 'what we came to see'. Once the horror hits its done extremely poorly, lacking in suspense, quality & grittiness. I get they were going for a kid of #grindhouse sort of style but it takes itself far to seriously losing the fun of such a film. Acting is as painful as the dialog which is delivered by most of the cast as if you gave a script to someone on the street & asked them to read it. Not one character is likable & they all seem to be un phased by wounds or the horrors they witness. #Creature design is unimaginative, cgi is #poor & set pieces are dull however there are some great tracking shots at times & a bit of nice imagery but its to few & far between. Its nice to see an 18 certificate film like this for a change but I found Overlord to be a huge let down & a big wasted opportunity. Pitty. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #gore #scary #natzi #war #worldwar #thursdaythoughts #filmbuff #filmcritic #ww2 #nasty #zombies #halloween #callofduty
Cargo (2017)
Cargo (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dead good
#netflix #cargo is in my opinion is the first great #netflixfilm ive seen yet. Cargo is an #Australian film about a family struggling to survive in a #zombie infected world & has been adapted from a short film of the same name. From the get go a #creepy unnerving yet strangely calm & peaceful atmosphere is established (this is done brilliantly with gorgeous establishing shots & slow camera movements accompanied by a beautifully depressing score). It looks fantastic too & its set locations not only add to the tension but are a treat to explore visually. Slow paced but never boring the #film never treats the viewer like an idiot with subtle information about whats happened & how people #survive in this world littered everywhere. Theres an overall theme about #family & protection ie planning for their future safety & how people in this horrific situation cope/stay strong & if what we do to survive sometimes borderlines on being inhumane. Tension is very well done throughout & keeping things mostly off camera was a smart move as it gives the film an more #anxious sense of dread. Acting is top notch & watching as characters constantly think about the #future, worry for each others safety & try to stay strong is genuinely heartbreaking at times. Effects are great especially the practical ones making the film far more believable. All in all cargo is well worth your time, its a great interesting character study & a refreshing/intelligent change of pace in a genre thats become so over done & cliche. Thought provoking, powerful & #bleak this film left me wondering how i would react & what i would do if someone i loved or if myself even were about to fall victim to the #virus. #martinfreeman #horror #scary #postapocalyptic #apocalypse #walkingdead #sunday #cinifile #moviecritic #netflixoriginal #SimoneLanders #love #dead
The Time of My Life
The Time of My Life
Nora Phoenix | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Time of My Life by Nora Phoenix
Nora Phoenix is a relatively new author to me. I've only read her No Shame series up until this one. For No Shame, I was hooked. I loved how Ms. Phoenix was able to introduce her characters and ways of living. So when I saw The Time of My Life I immediately signed up to review.

And I am glad that I did!!!

This is an amazing story, that will keep you engrossed from start to finish. The characters, whether they are there to be liked or loathed, all ring true, and sometimes in a whole that's-too-realistic-and-it's-scary kind of way! Judah and Denver are very different, in more ways that one, but they complement each other perfectly. The path to true love is never smooth though, and these two know that more than most.

I honestly don't want to talk too much about particular points in the story as I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. For myself, I loved going in blind, not knowing anything about it. What I can and will say is that there are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. Spread out over time, this is no insta-love, but it builds up over time, making it all the sweeter. The pacing is smooth and the transitions from one scene to the next are flawless.

Just one more thing that made me laugh to myself - and yes, this is a big hint, I guess - I never considered the title of the book until the ending. Perfect.

Absolutely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Incredible acting (3 more)
Unique take on the monster horror genre
Superb cast
Super intense
The most intense I've felt in a movie!!
This is an incredible movie. I cannot find a single fault to this movie.

The acting is incredible and that's without very little dialogue. The whole idea if the movie is: you make a sound, you die. This made me feel very intense at times especially considering the main female lead (Emily blunt) was pregnant. Even stuff as simple as moving medicine bottles had to be moved very carefully and this kept me on the edge of my seat. It's funny how very little and slight sounds and movements can sound so loud and scary. This was a very unique concept which added so much.

John Krisinki is an incredible actor and director. The movie is shot beautifully. He manages to not only bring the horror perfectly but he brings forward the importance of family and what a parent would do to protect their children. The kids were cast perfectly and every part of the cast brings so much emotion to the roles, they completely suck you in and you really care about them.

The CGI was great and not knowing exactly what the monsters are or where they came from brought another level of creepy to them. There were twists I didn't see happened within the first 10 minutes and the movie is paced incredibly well.

I'd be very interested to see a sequel to this with a whole new cast but not sure what the plot could be without reusing this same plot. I did get a feeling of cloverfield from this and could easily see this as being some kind of spinoff to those movies.

1 of the best movies I've seen of this genre. Could definitely recommend watching this.