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Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
2013 | Horror, Mystery
6.7 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For every bit that I enjoyed Insidious, Insidious: Chapter 2 is a complete snoozefest. Harsh, I know, but the sequel takes a path that’s far too common, and does it dreadfully so. It’s redeeming quality comes in the way it weaves into past events, hinting at time running in a completely different way in the Further. It’s an interesting notion, but can it really be called a haunting with what we learn?

Character wise, Wilson does a far better portrayal of Josh/Not Josh and, almost as if my complaints were heard (which I know they weren’t), the kids are actually passed off and their disappearance form the film for many scenes thus explained.

The plot of this second installment deals with saving Josh. At the end of Insidious, we learn that it’s not Josh that came back from the Further in his body. Naturally, given that an entity from beyond has taken up habitation in his meat suit, the ghastly things that terrify his family follow them to their new house (or technically, old house since it’s Josh’s childhood home). Thus the goal of this movie is to save Josh (though this reverse damsel-in-distress is fairly amusing).

In Insidious: Chapter 2 we get to see the fun part of a ghost story – because this one is actually a ghost, rather than a demon. The Bride in Black, y’know the ghostly thing that Josh encounters in the first film, has a pretty interesting story behind her and much of this film is centered around discovering that… at a crawl. Worse, there’s not a whole bunch of originality in her, which is where I’ll leave it in order to avoid spoilers.

Once again, it’s the Further that seems to bother me most. We only get glimpses of it and we know next to nothing of it, aside from the fact that time is not linear. I do have to commend the writers for the whole dead body inside living body means the decaying of the latter, because that’s a neat thing that I expect to see in possessions. There’s just not anything that stands out about this film, though, and for me that’s a disappointment.
The Last American Vampire
The Last American Vampire
Seth Grahame-Smith | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Rare Case of The Sequel Being Better than the First Book
I loved this book. Honestly, I'm not certain that I didn't like it even more than "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter." One of my favorite things about both of these books is that Smith writes them like history books (complete with footnotes and actual photographs of things like Teddy Roosevelt posing with an elephant he'd just killed and Jack Ruby with his gun jammed into Lee Harvey Oswald's stomach). The facts he uses in his book are so... FACTUAL! I mean, seriously, the only thing keeping a person from reading these books as absolute truth is the fact that s/he doesn't believe vampires actually exist. But if a person DID believe in vampires? Oh yes, everything in these books is absolutely plausible. I can honestly see some confused people who are on the fence about whether or not vampires are real reading this book, finishing it, slamming it down, and saying, "I KNEW IT! I -KNEW- THEY WERE REAL!" Ha. Seriously though, the realism in these books is what makes them so much fun and so wonderful.

The thing I like about this book so much -- the thing that very possibly makes me enjoy this one more than the original -- is all that cameos in the book -- Mark Twain, Howard Hughes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Henry Irving, Eliot Ness.... I mean, HELLO?! What a stellar, badass cast of cameo characters. Although, honestly, "cameo" is not the most appropriate word because some of these characters played pretty major roles in the novel. It was fantastic. Viewing Howard Hughes' eccentricities and insanities through vampire-colored glasses is simply... perfect. It doesn't seemed forced at all. Wait, after a plane crash, Howard Hughes was turned into a vampire? ... Yeah, I can see that. That makes perfect sense. And it DOES! It is such an easy transition from mentally ill billionaire to crazy vampire. Not such a stretch. And Rasputin? OH yeah. That guy was TOTALLY a vampire. :-p

Anyway. Now I'm kind of rambling. But seriously, this book was fantastic, so much fun. There wasn't a single part of this book that I didn't love.
How can I read and review the book Psycho without comparing it to its movie adaptation? Yeah, not possible. For starters, the biggest difference has to be Norman Bates' physical description, which is balding and dumpy in the book. A far cry from Anthony Perkins. For most of the book I admit to not being able to visualize Norman in a different light than Perkins, who I feel was genius casting. I mean, who in that day and age would ever see that next-door-boy-look as a threat? Other than that, I have to say that the movie is pretty darned true to the book; some minor things but nothing necessary was kept out. I enjoyed Bloch's writing, it's just smooth and easy to read, keeping to a nice clip. The next to last chapter has a bit of an infodump explaining Norman's behavior, but it's short and really didn't bother me. Probably one of the best handled infodumps I've come across. So, I'd definitely recommend reading the book if you enjoy the movie, it adds a little here and there to the film.
<i>4 stars</i>

<b>Psycho II</b>
How do I put this succinctly...? What a total piece of crap.

I thought it started out pretty well, for say about the first 25 or 30 pages, minus Norman's rape of a nun's corpse (which didn't seem in his character IMHO), but then it started going downhill and ended up in a deep, deep well. Bloch's characters and plot are cliche, boring, obnoxious, two-dimensional or a combination of all of the above. The denouement is ridiculous, although not totally unforseen, and it just seemed like Bloch wasn't even interested in writing a proper sequel with Norman Bates and was more interested in showing Hollywood as amoral and vapid. Whatever. I'm glad this is over. I have better things to do with my time, like clean the litter boxes.
<i>1.5 stars</i>

I will eventually get to <b>Psycho House</b> but I need a recovery period so this is going back to the library. I highly doubt that it'll be worse than P2.
Warcraft (2016)
Warcraft (2016)
2016 | Action, Fantasy
To begin, I am not really up on the plot of the game in which this movie is based, though I do understand that this is a prequel and that the tone is reasonably accurate to the that of the long enduring PC game.

But derivative is the word. The game was designed to allow its players to interact with each over and across the internet and essentially play in scenarios which span the fantasy genre, itself drawing from such classics as Lord Of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons and every medieval or ancient myth imaginable.

As a game, this sounds like fun, taking on roles and pretending to be mythological characters, wielding swords and magic, but since this was already taken wholesale from the genre, including films, what was the point?

Essentially, what we have is an epic mash up of films which have already made there mark whilst offering little if anything new worth talking about. The plot twists are predicable if not hammy, the characterisations are dull and cliched and in the end there is little to offer but a brand name and endless special effects.

The movie does pick up a bit in the third act but even this is let down with a finale of world building and sequel teasing, with the plot left wide open and several plot lines ready to go if there was ever to be a Warcraft 2. The problem is that there is little to tantalise unless you are already a die hard fan. The writing is poor, effective for driving the plot along at some pace but it is mundane, predictable and lacking any real intrigue or interest. It simply goes through the motions as does almost everything and everyone else in the film as a whole.

I want to say that it could have been better, but I can not. I think that Jones and his team have probably done a reasonable job of adapting this game but that is what it is, a derivative PC game and hardly suitable for a movie of this scale.

When will they learn?
Fast &amp; Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
Back on track
The best way to describe Fast & Furious would be as a guilty pleasure. There's nothing to lend weight to this film as a great work, an Oscar contender or a movie worthy of critical acclaim, but there something about this, as there was with the first, The Fast And The Furious, back in 2001.

Rob Cohen has never been known for subtlety and his 2001 film was far from it, but even even though he had nothing to do with this, his stamp is well and truly on it. Fast & Furious is the fourth in this surprising successful franchise, and besides the fact that I liked the original in spite of the fact that I'm NOT a motor-head, I've avoided the intervening sequels, 2 fast, 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift, for one simple reason, besides the fact that just didn't fancy them.

No Vin Diesel. I'm not suggesting that Vin is the greatest actor in the Hollywood, nor should be treading the boards of the Royal Shakespeare Company anytime soon, but his blockhead with a heart of gold persona works for me. He's likable and suits this role down to a tee, as does his dimwitted surfer dude sidekick, Paul Walker.

Walker offers nothing significant to the film except for his relationship with Diesel. The pairing is enjoyable but little more, but isn't that the point of adrenalin films like this? This is about cars, women, cops and robbers, and great fun to boot. The tone of this movie is on par with Cohen's original and though I can't justifiably compare this to the sequels which I have never seen, I don't want too either. This is the sequel that 2 Fast should have been and I only hope that now they're back on track, that Fast & Furious 5 could be another romp worthy of a watch.

It's nice to see a franchise go off track and find its feet again after so many years and it is a testament to the original cast who, though only have a limited range, have clearly breathed life back into the franchise.
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
More like Hellno
#hellboy is an #abomination, a brain dead overlong shit show of bad decisions & sheer laziness. I can honestly say i was so pumped for this film but it was such a monstrosoty that i considered walking out after just 30mins. Lets kick this off so i can at least pretend i havent wasted my night with this dross. To sum the film up its a cross between #eastenders & #kingsman (no not the good kingsman either that dire sequel #kingsmanthegoldencircle) & as you can imagine it doesnt work at all. Its not gritty, its not #funny, its not #stylish & its not well made, in fact its also not even half as good as it seems to think it is either coming across so #happy & smug with itself its practically flipping you the middle finger the entire run time. Tacky is a great word i would use to describe this movie, tacky & childish with #humour that wouldn't go a miss in a kids tv program (eg burp jokes, dribble jokes & #jokes about kissing old ladies). Acting is poor everyone just looks & talks half arsed like they can't be bothered, delivering emotionless lines without conviction making dialog a bland back & forth chore. I hope you like bickering too because theres a #hell of alot of pointless bickering scenes that just feel unnecessary. Not one character is developed or likeable not even hellboy himself with the #villain #millajovovich feeling like a bad guy in a stage play just minus the hissing. Cgi is so woefully bad is downright embarrassing sticking out like a saw thumb ruining the forgettable action scenes. Camera work is choppy & the film is badly edited with disorienting quick cuts. Sets & #creatures are bland/unimaginative & prosthetics feel cheaply made (even hellboys face feels off round the eyes). Plot was so paint by numbers i lost interest midway & put my head in my hands when the terrible climax hit (Talk about build up with no pay off). Hellboy ultimatly prooves filling a film with #violence, swearing, popular #music & #popculture references doesnt make your film cool if everything else around it lacks. Lazy forgettable boring poorly made shite. Avoid. #odeon #odeonlimitless #superhero #ronperlman #strangerthings #dc #guillermodeltoro #demons #horror #gore #comic
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Fighting fit
#alitabattleangel may just be the most #intense & visually splendid mature cgi fest I've seen in a long long time. Having not seen #anime that inspired this #movie i had no idea what i was walking into with this one. Upon leaving it i not only felt extremely satisfied but also like i had experienced something #breathtaking & full to the brim with #passion. To start I can't stress enough just how god damn #beautiful this #film is, cgi is staggering as well as jaw dropping. From the intricate inner machinery wires, dust particles & realistic lighting to the tiny blemishes on skin Alita simply knocks it out the park. Its locations are vast, immersive, claustrophobic, lived in, #depressing & full to the brim with story telling/world building so much so that they could each tell a story themselves. #Animation is slick, fluid & #natural with #human & cgi interaction weighty & almost flawlessly done. Story wise its extremely empowering as we watch #Alita grow from & innocent child like #girl into a tuff driven #woman. Seeing Alita emit such wonderful human emotions such as #love, excitement & #happiness is not only #heartwarming but also #magical. Starting so warm & ending so bleak we see Alitas innocence almost ripped away from her as she is forced to #mature fast letting her primal instincts & bad human traits (such as jealousy/#anger) take control tarnishing her other wise loving/careing inner self. Its tense, adrenaline inducing stuff & this mixed with well constructed action & your token damn right nasty at times #robertrodriguez death scenes its not always the happiest of films either. #Deep themes are explored but theres alot of them too so only surfaces are scratched. My favourite being how #society/entertainment glorifies/condones violence & uses it as a tool to control us all. Negatives - if anything #Battleangel is far to short, i feel i needed another hour of content in there somewhere especially the final act which felt rushed. If we dont get a sequel or 3 i will be very disappointed as this is a fantastic world i simply must know more about it. A must see for sure. #edskrein is an absolute joy to watch too. #odeon #odeonlimitless #robot #thursdaythoughts
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
#antmanandthewasp feels like a step backwards for our tiny #hero, this time instead of feeling bigger & better what we are left with is a film which is simply just ok. I loved #antman it was a refreshing & unique entry to the already overcrowded & overdone #superhero gene. Now we have the inevitable #sequel & im sad to say that i really didnt care for it i at all. Not only does it lack genuine excitement but the entire #film feels draw out & underwhelming too. Ant man 2 really bored me & for a superhero film thats not good. Action is sparse with everything noticeably feeling strangely lower budget this time. The cgi is bad, locations are drab & visually dull, set pieces are incredibly forgettable & fights lack excitement/thrill. This would all be fine if the film held my attention elsewhere but the plot & story are just as bad here. There's no sense of urgency at all & the stakes just dont seem very high, this isnt helped by some really out of place/silly characters & a conatant lack of seriousness throughout. I get that the film needs to be fun but when the #humour is this cringe & its getting in the way/effecting the scenes that need to have an #emotional punch then im sorry but it just makes me just lose empathy for all the characters. This also means theres no tension at all & the films so wrapped up in constantly explaining to us whats going on/happening that it ends up making you realise your watching a movie instead of being immersed in its law. Acting is a mixed bag #michaeldouglas & #michellefifer are clearly trying here but almost everyone else looks like they are going through the motions to get paid. Over all Ant man 2 is one big piece of exposition & filler that i cant recommend going to see. Its dull, forgettable, over simplistic & so stuffed full of unnecesary padding that its lost what made the first one so fun. A film that we just really didnt need where even the #stanlee #cameo feels overlong. #odeonlimitless #odeon #ant #silly #funny #mcu #marvel #disney #friyay #filmbuff #filmcritic #paulrudd #wasp #insect #comic #comicon #filmreview #hope #film
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
#pixar #disney #incredibles2 is an exceptional #sequel with a much more mature tone & flawless #animation. After doing a double bill of the incredibles films today in #4k I found myself awe of the technical achievement on show. This #film is stunning & I mean visual #perfection, particle effects are complex & mesmerising, #eyes house tiny red veins, faces blush & cloths contain intricate stitching too with character animation also being fluid & #natural. Subject matter is dark this time around & deals with extremely #adult themes, parents might want to think twice before taking kids to see this one as id say almost 80% of the film is a heavily dialog driven #drama. I wont lie at times its incredibly intense, heavy going & hard work but its also always fascinating & higly rewarding housing many very real world/mature themes with great complexity & depth. With things getting very serious the film does break things up every now & again with just enough huge scale top notch memorable action set pieces & slick comedy to let your brain rest briefly (however I found most #Kids in my screening were getting restless & bored by then so parents may want to think twice before taking the #family). Themes of death, jealousy, trust, lies, parent roll reversal, balancing home #life & family with work, teaching kids to be themselves while also making sure they obey the law & fit in, as well as metaphors about technology enslaving us all & how superhero films are only pushed on us to distract us from real world problems & belief someone else will solve all our problems for us (this is not only refreshing but expertly handled & over flowing with intelligence giving the #film a more human, realistic & relevant tone). Voice work is simply top notch with #bobodenkirk being the most interesting & going the extra mile. Score & #sound design are also on point & at times I swear I thought #jackjack was a #kid in my screening running around behind me. The last 20mins felt a tad rushed but with such likeable & well fleshed out characters & a more mature story #incredibles 2 might just be the most intelligent & #fun #superhero film or the year. #odeon #odeonlimitless #beautiful #hero #super
Beating Ruby (Spotless Series Book 2)
Beating Ruby (Spotless Series Book 2)
Camilla Monk | 2016 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been putting off this review for a long time because once I write it, I must accept that I have finished the novel and the wait for book 3 begins. If I loved Spotless, I don’t think there are words for how I feel about Beating Ruby. I don’t think I could love this series more if I tried. It is utter perfection in every way and has everything you could ever want in a novel whether that be action, romance, or humor. Monk (and her leading lady Island) has a unique voice that gives her life all her own. I didn’t think it was possible for an author to fit so much personality into a fictional character, but I feel as if Island and I are old friends, that she is flesh and blood instead of words on paper. Not to mention she is far more relatable than the plethora of heroines I read about.

I will be honest and say that Beating Ruby was a bit hard to get into. Mainly because, like Island, I was still too hung up on March to give Alex, or the plotline itself, a chance. I am so glad I hung in there though. Monk likes to torture her readers with what ifs and maybes, but at least in the instance, she wasn’t a complete sadist.

While I enjoyed Spotless, I definitely feel that Beating Ruby surpassed the bar its prequel raised. It still had the same sassy humor and brains that Spotless had. However, I feel Beating Ruby brought more emotions that Spotless just didn’t touch. Of course, there was plenty of leftover turmoil from secrets revealed in Spotless to fuel the emotional fire as well as questions that still needed answers.

Again, Monk ends her sequel with what I would consider a cliffhanger. I should be furious that I have to suffer yet again until she graces us with the third in the series. However, I think I can forgive her since Beating Ruby surpassed its predecessor. Even if the third is only half as good as the first two, I will content.