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The Girl Without Skin
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book contains discussions of childhood sexual abuse This is a very tense, well-plotted thriller that managed to surprise me quite a few times! It's the story of two men, Jakob in 1973 and Matthew in 2014. Both deal in some pretty gruesome murders and their fates are linked when a mummified corpse is discovered.
Mafia Captive
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is one of those guilty pleasure books that will keep you entertained and a little embarrassed that you are entertained.

Things I liked about the book: The psychology behind the main characters, the use of conditioning, and how fast of a read it was.

Things I didn't like about the book: Sexual Assault, Stockholm Syndrome, and the stupidity of the characters.

The book has a different kind of plot and it is very dark compared to other novels that I have read. The main character is kidnapped, held hostage, forced into sexual experiences. This book frustrated me in the fact that BDSM does NOT equal abuse, or rape. Safe, Sane, and Consensual are the three things that don't really make an appearance.
Heart of Ice
Heart of Ice
Noa Rose | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
red riding hood has nothing on jessica
Jessica has her best friend in the woods called wolfie who promises to protect her under all circumstances until she get whisked away by her mother. Wolfe pines for her as she pines for him. She will not give up until she finds him again!

This novella is quite raunchy I would also say it has a slight trigger warning as there is a mention of sexual child abuse. It is a very intense story with non stop action! A lot of sex is involved and sexual content and feelings, however it is an amazing story of a very deep connection between a soul mate for want of a better word.

I would recommend this book for people to read just make sure there are no children around!
Louis Theroux's: Savile
Louis Theroux's: Savile
2016 |
9.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Honest refelction
Filmed after Jimmy had died and allegations of his sexual abuse arose (due to his death he was never convicted) Louis re examined his friendship and knowledge of Jimmy. Hard to watch in place as Jimmy was a pedophille hiding in plain sight and some to at times almost reveal himself as that. Louis focuses on what went wrong and why no-one had the bravery to come forward swooning including himself and his initial programming. Genuine and filmed to show the true horrors of Jimmy's actions.
The Roanoke Girls
The Roanoke Girls
Amy Engel | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
A deeply disturbing psychological drama
I would not consider this a conventional thriller as it was understandable that the ending would play out in such a way. But it is a harrowing, horribly grim perspective on intergenerational sexual abuse and incest. It raises questions about how such acts can continue to happen over long periods of time, how abusers manipulate their victims to make them feel they are to blame in their trauma as well as the complicity of outside factors such as the other parent and the outside community. A horrifying look at patriarchal structures.
Anatomy of a Scandal
Anatomy of a Scandal
Sarah Vaughan | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
A well-timed book about abuse of power
An Anatomy of a Scandal is a book about privilege and power, a timely novel given the recent spate of high profile sexual harassment cases. In this instance, James is a privileged, charismatic, successful member of Parliment and is accused of raping his mistress in a lift on the grounds of Westminster, while his doting wife Sophie, is torn between believing him and staying with him.

A trial then ensues, in which the accuser, Olivia is forced to face her worst nightmares, all the while fighting against a system in which he is king. Her lawyer Kate on the other hand, knows he is guilty, and we watch her back story unfold.

The book is told from alternating viewpoints with alternating timelines. As more of the past is revealed it is even more clear, that James is hiding more than expected.

An Anatomy of A Scandal exposes sexual assault for being more than just a moment in isolation. It is a culmination of behaviours and attitudes leading up to that moment and involves more than just the victim and the assaulter. An interesting read, and worth a trigger warning.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Perestroika in Books

Mar 10, 2024  
Joao Cerqueira | 2024 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perestroika by João Cerqueira is the story of a fictional country’s turn away from Communism.

We start off in Slavia in 1978 before any of the massive changes that will eventually take place, and we meet the inhabitants of the country: from the corrupt politicians to the men incarcerated in concentration camps. We see how people live on next to nothing and lies from the government that tell them all of their woes are because of the wicked Capitalist West.

The tables are turned on these corrupt Communists with the advent of Perestroika, and instead of Communists governing the country, an all-out crime boss finds himself in charge. But make no mistake: this was engineered by Ivan Fiorov (the crime boss) and his lackeys.

This is a story that is as relevant today as it always has been - especially with what is going on in the Ukraine at the moment. Some of the story arcs in this are horrific, and not just those that take place in the concentration camps. There’s child abuse, sexual coercion, drug abuse, neo-Nazis, violence. The people in this country experience a lot of change in a short period of time. But at the same time, everything stays the same.

Well worth a read.
My Dark Vanessa
My Dark Vanessa
Kate Elizabeth Russell | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
At fifteen, the very bright Vanessa Wye earns a scholarship position to boarding school. It's the year 2000. There she meets Jacob Strane, her English teacher, who is forty-two-years-old. Soon the two are involved in a powerful relationship--and one that quickly turns sexual. Seventeen years later, Vanessa is working as a concierge at a hotel, just another in a series of dead-end jobs. She hasn't had any real serious relationships. And now, Jacob Strane, has been accused of sexual abuse by a former student, Taylor Birch. Taylor tracks down Vanessa, wanting her to share her story, too. But Vanessa doesn't feel she was abused by Strane. In fact, her entire life is framed by her love story with Strane. As Taylor Birch's story gains traction in the press, Vanessa must confront her past and what it means to her.

"'I'm going to ruin you.' He says it with obvious torment, a glimpse into how much he's thought about it, wrestled with it."

This I was absolutely captivated by Vanessa's story. She tells her tale in two parts: her adolescence, as she meets Jacob Strane at school and they begin their relationship; and then the present, as Taylor Birch's story hits the press and Vanessa must deal with the fact that her love for Jacob Strane is being portrayed as abuse and assault.

"It's strange to know that whenever I remember myself at fifteen, I'll think of this."

For a book with such dark subject matter, it's really beautiful. Russell is a wonderful writer, and this story unfolds almost lyrically. It's so well-done and completely mesmerizing. The sections featuring young Vanessa capture that early adolescent yearning and longing so perfectly--that deep desire to feel needed and wanted. To Vanessa, this is a love story, a romantic tale of a man needing and loving her. She blocks out and overlooks the parts of the story that don't fit. Understanding that some victims don't see abuse as abuse is key to the story, and Russell portrays the dynamic between Strane and Vanessa so well.

"'It's just my luck,' he said, 'that when I finally find my soul mate, she's fifteen years old.'"

As a result, we get a very thoughtful look at abuse, rape, and assault. And, yes, the sections of older Vanessa's story touch across the #metoo movement, as Taylor Birch and others want so desperately for Vanessa to join their side, to share her story. For them or for Vanessa, it's hard to say. This book is so dark, yet so insightful. Vanessa's inner struggle--basically she's having to re-look at the entire foundation upon which her life is built--is one of the most profoundly written and moving journeys I've seen in literature in quite some time. It's not easy to read about, certainly, and it's not always easy to understand her actions, of course. The story can make you uncomfortable; it can feel problematic. But it's an important read, and it's so beautifully and poetically written. I highly recommend it (taking into account the obvious trigger warnings, of course). 4.5+ stars.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Resist in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have read Missy Johnson before, and while I enjoyed her previous work, it did not prepare me for this novel. It was dark, intense, sexy, and complicated. I wasn’t expecting it to be such an emotional ride, but it sure was.

However, I am way past over the whole torment hero/heroine trope, so I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at some parts. It’s not the author’s fault. My reading list has just been saturated with this trope lately. I would just like some main characters who don’t need therapy. I am also confused by the storyline. Even now, I am still not 100% sure I know what happened. Maybe I missed something or skipped over pivotal parts?

I didn’t enjoy this book for one main reason: as someone who has been sexually abused, this book felt more like abuse than BDSM. I feel there are many authors who try to write BDSM but they follow the vein of 50 Shades. What I mean by this is that it seems more like a game of power with a woman not strong enough to know who to play. Thus it just comes off as abuse rather than a sexual exploration.
The Bipolar Addict
The Bipolar Addict
Conor Bezane | 2019 | Education, Fiction & Poetry, Reference
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very informative!
Rating: ☆☆☆☆.5

I received a copy to read and review from Smith Publicity for my honest opinion.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, bullying, sexual abuse.

The Bipolar Addict is broken up into three parts: Part 1 - Conor's Story, Part 2 - Interviews of others who battle with Manic Depression and Bipolar disorder, and Part 3 - Talking of Recovery, getting help, and that sober is the new cool.

Part 1 follows the hardships Conor endured growing up. Bullying which eventually lead to alcohol abuse and then later drug abuse as he grew older. During this time, he also attempted suicide a few times. Conor was then diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, manic depression, and anxiety. Mix all that with alcohol and drug abuse and his body was struggling.

As I read, I was enthralled in the world of what Bipolar disorder really is. I was also blown away with the writing style. The Bipolar Addict is a debut novel by Conor Bezane and he definitely has a way of grabbing your attention and holding it instantly. A first time author, Conor has taken his life and spun it into a tale of struggles, sacrifice, and recovery that will tear the readers heart out, rip it into pieces, and then piece it back together, little by little.

Part 2 was just as interesting as part 1. You learn about a few others who used and through some rough patches like Conor. Part 3 was more informative compared to parts 1 and 2, talking about sober being the new cool and that it's healthy. The book ends with links and information on different helpful groups in the chance that you need to seek help for yourself.

"We are punks. We are poets. Musicians and artists. Professionals and intellectuals. We are drunk. High. Manic. Depressed. We almost died. And now we are stable and sober."

Reasons why I rated it 4.5 stars:
1. The plot:
There really wasn't much of a plot as this was a memoir/ self-help book. But the way Conor wrote, captivated my attention through and through.

2. My enjoyment:
I surprisingly was really interested in the entirety of this book. I couldn't put it down as Conor captivated me, not only in his writing but also the way he was able to take his life and spin it into a tale that read like he was a friend having a conversation.

3. Character and story development:
Again, this was a memoir/ self-help book, so there wasn't much development as it wasn't needed.

4. Grammar and spelling:
I did notice a few grammatical and spelling errors but for this being a debut, I really didn't mind.

5. The overall story:
The way that Conor wrote, you could feel the pain, loss, and loneliness. The lows of depression and the highs of mania. It was all otherworldly and from someone who has balanced depression and anxiety the majority of my life, I felt the painful and roller coaster of a life that Conor lived. This was definitely worth the read and was highly informative.

"Keep coming back."