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Vertigo (1958)
Vertigo (1958)
1958 | Drama, Mystery
An ex cop is asked to surveil the wife of a friend who seems to be exhibiting erratic behavior. Unfortunately, Scottie had to retire from active duty after an incident of vertigo caused the death of another officer. He takes the job and wanders with the woman as she visits an art gallery and cemetery among others. She inexplicably one day decides to hurl her body into San Francisco Bay and luckily he is there to retrieve her.

Once revived, Madeleine is no worse for wear, but does not remember the incident or the circumstances of her rescue at the hands of Scottie. They form a quick friendship that turns quickly into lust and a deepening feeling of obsession for Scottie. One day, they take a trip to Mission San Juan Bautista based on a nightmare vision described by Madeleine. She climbs the bell tower, but Scottie is unable to follow restrained by his vertigo and, unfortunately, has to just watch as she plunges to her death.

Afterwards, an investigation reveals Madeleine had been exhibiting irrational behavior which was the cause of her husband's concern in hiring Scottie, so her death is ruled a suicide. Scottie is distraught over the loss and takes consolation in his friend, Midge. On the mend, Scottie frequents locations Madeleine had visited previously hoping this would offer consolation to his grief. He meets a familiar, yet strange woman there.

Vertigo is usually not only considered Hitchcock's best film, but also on many critic lists as the greatest film of all time alongside Citizen Kane and Casablanca.

The movie does have a lot to admire including its complicated, intriguing screenplay which had smart discussions with its characters with lots of exposition given at various points challenging the audience to keep up. The film's situations are interesting and the plot keeps going at a vicious pace through the twists to the end.

I learned recently Hitchcock diva Vera Miles was initially cast for the role of Madeleine, but had to withdraw as she became pregnant before filming so Kim Novak replaced her. Due to several unforeseen delays, Miles had given birth and could've been available; however Hitchcock forged ahead with Novak anyways.

The harrowing initial scene where Scottie chases a random perpetrator across blackened rooftops only to stumble and discover his title affliction really sets the tone for the film both with the cinematography which is stunning and the blistering score at full pace.

Picking an absolute favorite Hitchcock movie has always been difficult for me. Vertigo would probably rank 3rd behind Psycho and The Birds, but still all masterpieces. I love the fact as in other Hitchcock classics, you think you know where the story is going, but he always keeps you guessing.

A magnificent performance by Jimmy Stewart as well. Well deserved of the praise he has gotten over the years for it. He is intense, charming and morose throughout the film which makes him electrifying to watch. His work with Hitchcock including Rope and Rear Window is among his best work.

A masterpiece.

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Lara Elena Donnelly | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rich setting, memorable characters
This was the type of book that when I finished it, I had to lie back down and just stare at the ceiling. It was mind blowing. There are layers of intrigue and you don’t watch it unfold, in fact it’s the opposite, you watch it form and develop as the story progresses.

The setting in this one is one of a lot of political instability. It’s explained in the earlier parts of the book. It’s a bit difficult to follow (notes may help some readers) perhaps a character list would help in this case to keep everything straight. A glossary would have helped as well as the characters have their own slang - most of it straight forward but it would help nevertheless. That being said despite these little shortcomings, the world is rich and detailed. Amberlough is decadent and has remnants of Weimar Berlin. Now I did say previously it’s hard to follow because of the slang, but it’s precisely because of this slang that makes the world more detailed and fun to read.

The pace of the plot is slow and steady as it sets up the stage for what would follow after. It is essentially, a spy novel, so it quickly leads to a lot of double dealing, moments of backstabbing and betrayal. There are only three characters that you really need to focus on as the supporting ones just add to the flavor of the novel. Of the three that are central to the plot, one must love Aristide.

With a name like Aristide Makicosta you know he’s going to be a character to remember. He’s flamboyant, street smart and clever. Despite the world burning around him he always manages to do everything in style. It’s hard not to fall for his charms and so you would understand Cyril’s love for him. I still don’t know what to think about Cyril. He was doing the job and had to. It came at a great cost but he had no choice and he had to think for himself (although I know there seems to be a lot of hate for him).

I love Cordelia. She’s got sass, she’s just as street smart and a survivor. Her character development is on point in this book. Yes she may be just a ‘dancer’ but she soon develops into someone with a cause to defend the city she loves. Despite the horrors she goes through in the latter half of the novel, she doesn’t let it break her. It’s admirable and she’s likable not only because of her catchy personality but also because of her unstoppable strength.

That ENDING THOUGH. I felt my eyes grow wide each time I turned the pages throughout the last third of the novel. This was why I had to sit back and just absorb everything I’ve read when I finished this one. It was that good.

Greatly recommended if you like intrigue, a decadent setting, and memorable characters. I absolutely enjoyed this book.
A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
A sexy, stylish and smart mystery
The first time I saw a trailer for A Simple Favor, I was sucked in. We learn that this story follows Emily, a mysterious, secretive woman, and why she went missing. I love a good mystery, and immediately knew I had to go and see it ASAP to answer that simple question: what happened to Emily? On a separate note, I really like both Kendrick and Lively, so was interested to see the two of them in the leading roles. The trailer alluded to some interesting dynamics between the two, which made it more appealing.

The film is told from Kendrick’s perspective, as a single mum and lifestyle vlogger, Stephanie. She has a reputation for always wanting to keep her hands busy and stick her nose in everything, much to the annoyance of the other mums in the neighbourhood. Because of this, she is quite an isolated character, which ultimately leads her to befriend Emily. The two are polar opposites; Stephanie is a quirky, awkward and cheerful person, whilst Emily is sarcastic, brash and cynical. This pairing is a delight to watch on screen, as their friendship becomes a strange and complicated one.

When we’re first introduced to Emily, she has a powerful presence, emphasised by her luxurious and fashionable dress sense. One thing that has stood out to me and many other reviewers, is the stunning costume and set design and how they contrast with each other throughout the narrative. Characters personalities are brought to life through their wardrobes, perfectly crafted to speak louder than words could. I don’t normally place so much focus on costumes in my reviews, but in A Simple Favor’s case, it’s so important.

Unsurprisingly, the story is full of twists and turns as we are gradually shown what truly did happen to Emily. There’s not much I can say about this without spoiling it, but it’s a thrilling ride from start to finish. Admittedly it feels far-fetched in places, but I wasn’t bothered by this to the extent some others were. It isn’t the strongest thriller story I’ve seen, but it was still very entertaining.

Emily’s husband and son play central roles too, both expertly acted throughout. Class divide is a clear theme throughout the film, and I loved the way both Stephanie’s and Emily’s family compared and often clashed with each other. The visuals do a great job of emphasising this divide, juxtaposing luxurious environments with more humble ones. The visuals do make up for a weaker storyline, as they transport you to the characters world.

Overall, A Simple Favor is worth a watch and makes for a very entertaining couple of hours. If you’re a fan of thrillers with a bit of comedy thrown into the mix, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one. It’s nothing particularly outstanding, but I still thought it was a good film.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Annihilation (2018) in Movies

Feb 25, 2018 (Updated Feb 25, 2018)  
Annihilation (2018)
Annihilation (2018)
2018 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I don't know what I was expecting out of this film. I'm on a very long wait list to borrow the book from the library. As always, I'm sure the book is probably better, but I'll have to wait to make that judgment.
So, Alex Garland's Ex Machina was my favorite movie of 2014, so I was expecting a lot from the director. Again, I'm not familiar with the source material, so I'm not sure how well it was, or wasn't translated. The story was interesting, but there was a lot of tense silence. Yeah, it worked in the movie, Drive, but I don't think it worked here. The visuals were stunning, so it was interesting to watch from that aspect.
Now, the cast... I'm not sure how/why Jennifer Jason Leigh gets roles, because she is not a great actress (sorry, not sorry). Oscar Isaac was completely wasted. Tessa Thompson's character... she had glasses, so she must be smart??
The only interesting part of the movie, where any sort of tension was present, was the end in the lighthouse. Whatever that was... It gave me Pale Man vibes (see Pan's Labyrinth) vibes, which completely and totally freaked me out. I have serious heebie-jeebies after that, and even right at this moment...
Overall, it was an alright scifi movie, but, I'm glad I have moviepass so I legit didn't pay for it.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 1 in TV

Jul 5, 2019 (Updated Jul 5, 2019)  
Stranger Things  - Season 1
Stranger Things - Season 1
2016 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Welcome to Hawkins
For me, the first season of Stranger Things is perfect, and I really, and truly mean that.
The acting is top notch, the young actors in particular are phenomenal, believable, hugely professional.
Winona Ryder is fantastic as Joyce Byers, a mother losing her mind over the disappearance of her son (or is she). David Harbour is possibly the most likeable TV character in recent history, as Hopper, and then we have a host of supporting characters who all have an individual impact on the overall narrative (Justice for Barb)

There is an impending sense of dread throughout, as the mystery of Wills disappearance is slowly unravelled, as the season flits effortlessly from 80s buddy adventure, to creature feature, to government conspiracy thriller - there are many plates being spun, and none of them fall off.
Some of the more tense scenes will have you on the edge of your seat (R.U.N.)
At times it even reminded of one of my absolute favourite shows ever - Twin Peaks.

The 80s setting is a smart move, shoeing in references to other media left, right and centre, without ever feeling to on the nose, topped off with a very retro low electronic soundtrack, the atmosphere is very well crafted.

All of these positives put together produce an astounding season of television, that is near impossible to watch in bits.

Easy 10/10 for me!

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Couldn't agree more esp about Hopper - total legend!

Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Acting, humour, gore (0 more)
It's not Brad douriff (0 more)
Very good remake
Contains spoilers, click to show
If you watch the movie with the intention to compare it to the original, chances are you won't like it. This is exactly what I did upon first putting the movie on, when it first showed the ibuddy doll I almost immediately turned it off, I mean come on that is NOT how a good guy doll should look. Instead I stopped trying to compare, took it for what it was and ended up enjoying it. The storyline is completely different to original child's play. instead of a murderers soul trapped in a doll trying to find another human to transfer into, it is essentially a smart doll which goes haywire trying to keep Andy for himself. However, for a doll I found it funny that Andy could have conversations with him like he really was human and he thought nothing of it. I don't know about you but if a toy started understanding and communicating with me I would freak out! Anyway, this aside I really enjoyed the movie, the humour was spot on (I laughed way too hard when chucky presented Andy with his mums boyfriends face as a present, including a bow 😂😂), the death scenes were good and gory and acting was great. OK so it wasn't Brad douriff but tear yourself away from the original and you've got a pretty decent slasher.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
“An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him.” That is the synopsis of this movie. And that pretty much sums it up. This film isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel and it isn’t trying to be smart, but it is trying to be fun and that is exactly what it is.

Keanu Reeves as John Wick, channels his inner “Neo” with slightly more emotion to track down the gangsters who wronged him. Wick is such a “bad-ass” that the Russian mob refers to him as the man you send to kill the boogieman. The action is entertaining and the gun kata is especially fun to watch but there is no point where you ever feel Wick is in danger.

The most intriguing element of this film is the underground world of assassins where we learn and understand its rules and code. Unfortunately, the film does not develop this society enough which is a shame, because they have decent elements to create a series of films on this aspect alone.

Ultimately, unless you are just looking for the quick escapism of an action film, there really is no reason to go see this in the theaters and pay full price. Check it out as a matinee or even a rental. It is entertaining action, but once it is over, it is also quickly forgotten.