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Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Prime Video
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.3 (68 Ratings)
App Rating
Included with Prime subscription (0 more)
Sometimes free vs paid titles aren't obvious (0 more)
Many free (with subscription) titles
Amazon has lots of exclusive titles. Not only can you watch lots for free with your Prime subscription, but there are even MORE titles available to purchase or rent. My family frequently uses the "no rush shipping" credits to watch newly released movies. By combining the two benefits, there really isn't a need for any other subscriptions.

Nicola (24 KP) rated Instagram in Apps

Nov 17, 2018  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.2 (364 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to use (0 more)
Reporting problematic pages (0 more)
Great App
Great app for sharing your photos and viewing others. However, reporting pages that are spam/inappropriate (pages used to scam people) and fake/imitation of others, doesn’t work well and sometimes have to report them multiple times or (in the case of imitation of someone else) you gotta get them to report it which can be really hard if it’s someone with quite a few followers.
Prophecy of the Sisters
Prophecy of the Sisters
Michelle Zink | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Writing style (0 more)
Plot lacks sometimes (0 more)
This book started off pretty slow but did pick up towards the end...
However, I did feel like I had points where I struggled to read it or didn’t really want to pick it up and carry it on even though it had it’s really good moments.
I’m not sure if I will continue to read the series but if I do I’ll be sure to keep you all updated!

Lizzi Lewins (73 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Jurassic World Evolution in Video Games

Jan 9, 2019  
Jurassic World Evolution
Jurassic World Evolution
2018 | Simulation
I remember enjoying operation genesis for countless hours way back and so I love that we finally have another jurassic park game. The graphics are great and whilst achieving goals can be challenging and sometimes frustrating overall I have really enjoyed the game so far. The developers have done a great job and have listened to the players when it comes to updates. The only negative for me is lack of space on Isla Nublar.
The Proposal (2009)
The Proposal (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Romance
Chemistry (1 more)
Predictable (1 more)
Predictable but great
yes this movie is cheesy, yes this movie is predictable and no this movie is not going to win Oscar BUT this movie is great. It is heartwarming, funny and easy to watch.

It has genuine moments that will pull you in and the chemistry between the leads is spellbounding.

Sometimes we don’t need Oscar winning performances to make us happy and this movie is proof of that.

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Underwater in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
Anna B. Doe | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Underwater gave me the "feels" and had me wanting to slap Marissa about a dozen times. However, by the of the story my urge to do so subsided somewhat. This story and characters are exciting and full of life and it shows that sometimes the best things in life are right in front of you... you just have to open your eyes, take it all in and take a leap of faith.

AT (1676 KP) rated John Wick (2014) in Movies

Jul 17, 2019  
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
I finally got around to seeing John Wick. I liked it! It's great action movie fun all the way through. The choreographed fight scenes were done well, considering the fact that that was the majority of the film. It's sometimes difficult to have that many and not have them all end up looking the same in the end. I'm not sure what took me so long to watch the movie. I'm glad I finally did!
The Caged Queen (Iskari, #2)
The Caged Queen (Iskari, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Loved it!!! It was different than The Last Namsara but similar. It was well written with an engaging story, action, intrigue, the stories and legends I love so much about this world.

There was also so many feels again. I want to go ride a dragon and visit this world so much sometimes! I love getting lost in it.

If you haven’t checked these out yet then go do it now!!!
My Dad Wrote A Porno
My Dad Wrote A Porno
8.5 (24 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Belinda blink (0 more)
For my first podcast review I fought I would listen to my dad wrote a porno because I heard about so much I had to listen to it as I've only listen to the first episode and it does very funny alot of gigging going on from the podcasters which can be annoying sometimes but I will get used to it as I listen to see where Belinda goes next
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 11, 2019

This is one of only a few podcasts that I listen to religiously. I'm actually a big fan of the giggling podcasters, for me it's their humour and friendship that really make this enjoyable. Which is good because the 'stories' they're reading are complete crap! 😆


James Koppert (2698 KP) Nov 12, 2019

It has me crying. So funny

Communication, Games, Social Networking
7.8 (56 Ratings)
App Rating
Being able to use on desktop or mobile (0 more)
Sometimes you disconnect without realising (0 more)
I use this every week as I play D&D on Roll20 with friends from around the world.

However, one of the players is in the same room as me and when I use it on my mobile, despite him showing as muted on the call, I have to unmute and remute every single session.

Other than that, it works well