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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Story, Characters and soundtrack (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
The Finale..Part 1
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Thanos did what? Yes this is what MCU was building up to.....A final battle with our favorite heroes and Thanos. This movie was well done and well balanced. It had so many heroes in this movie but it wasn't all cluttered up and all run together. That being said, the combined might of the Avengers, Black Panther, Dr. Strange and The Guardians of the Galaxy was not enough to stop Thanos. Thanos had a strong resolve to bring balance to the universe. A villain with a resolve like that of our heroes is a dangerous one. His argument is so convincing that it will have you almost agreeing with him. In the end, Thanos' resolve makes him victorious as he gets all of the Infinity Stones and wipes out half of the universe, including some of our favorite heroes. Will there be anyway the remaining Avengers can undo Thanos' Decimation? We have to wait till the next movie.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Woman at War (2018) in Movies

May 8, 2019 (Updated May 8, 2019)  
Woman at War (2018)
Woman at War (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Oh, yawn: yet another movie about a middle-aged choir mistress with a secret identity as a longbow-toting eco-terrorist (Green Arrow, if you will). Various exploits and close shaves with the heroine being pursued across country by helicopters, drones and dogs ensue, until the prospect of motherhood gives her pause.

How much of this film you can take probably depends on your capacity for self-conscious quirkiness. Quite apart from the main thrust of the plot, the film includes an identical twin, a comedy subplot about a hapless tourist who keeps getting nicked by the cops (through a series of weird coincidences he's always in the area when our heroine strikes), and, oddest of all, a device where the people providing the soundtrack (a three-piece band and a Ukrainian choir) keep appearing in shot and occasionally interacting with the story. The results are certainly memorable, but the plot becomes increasingly preposterous and what point it's all supposed to be making is a little unclear. Certainly diverting, and rather entertaining, though.

Kay Bee (1 KP) rated John Wick (2014) in Movies

Jan 28, 2018  
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
The most convincing character Keanu Reeves has ever portrayed, fantastic soundtrack, and the best gun fight in recent memory (0 more)
Not enough people saw it when it first came out and I had no one to talk to about it except my husband (0 more)
Best Movie Surprise I've Ever Had
I generally like Keanu Reeves even though he can be wooden at times action films have become his Forte. My husband and I both love action movies so we went to see it when it came out in the theater and hadn't really heard any Buzz about it. I was absolutely blown away and it was my favorite movie of the year, so much so that we were in line opening night to see John Wick 2 (and were not disappointed in that one either but that's another review). It really is just an all-around great movie if you like action films, revenge thrillers, or Keanu Reeves; you really can't go wrong. The score is so great I bought and downloaded it immediately after we left the theater. The club scene is perfection.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Should've Dreamed a Little Bigger
If brevity is the soul of wit, then at only 95 minutes The Dark Tower should have a few clever things to say for itself; not many of them seem to reach the screen, though. Very reminiscent of many other movies in which troubled young boys tumble into fantasy world which it proves to be their destiny to save.

Given it sets out to adapt a 4000+ page novel series with a devoted following, The Dark Tower was probably always on a hiding to nothing as a single movie aimed at a standalone audience. The disappointing thing is, really, that given it's about a vast multiversal setting filled with elementals and psychics and wizards and gunslingers and suchlike, it feels so timidly safe and familiar. The actual story is competently told, but at the end you really wonder what all the fuss was in aid of. Probably too weird for most newcomers and too short for fans of the books; good soundtrack, though.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Lust for a Vampire (1971) in Movies

Feb 17, 2018 (Updated Feb 17, 2018)  
Lust for a Vampire (1971)
Lust for a Vampire (1971)
1971 | Classics, Horror, International
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I Was A Teenage Lesbian Vampire in a Girl's Boarding School
Largely risible Hammer vampire movie. After the censors objected to all the not-very-subtly-implied lesbianism in The Vampire Lovers, the studio replaced that with a story about a schoolteacher becoming infatuated with one of his pupils and starting a torrid romance with her, which apparently was seen as less problematic (it was the 70s, I suppose).

Initially conceived as another vehicle for Ingrid Pitt and Peter Cushing, to be directed by Terence Fisher; in the end Pitt did Countess Dracula instead, Cushing passed due to family problems, and Fisher was replaced by Jimmy Sangster. The result is a prurient melodrama largely untroubled by subtlety, style, or acting talent (Ralph Bates is not too bad in the role earmarked for Cushing). The sex and nudity which is essentially the film's sine qua non feels very tame by modern standards; the pop song on the soundtrack will make discriminating viewers want to rip their own ears off.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
You haven't seen this movie... It’d be a lot cooler if you did.
I quote this movie so much it's insane.. Like every single day type of quoting and I can hoestly say that as soon as someone gets my reference we become instant friends.

Dazed and confused is such a piece of life movie that it just works so beautifully. Even though I wasn't born until 89 and this movie wasnt made till 93 its such an iconic 70s movie that you just don't question it.

The casting was just so spot in that even the most minor characters feel like real people you could have gone to high school with and it's with that detail that Dazed and confused sucks you in and doesn't let you got to the point that you can watch this movie and rewatxg it multiple times and it's still just as good.

The other stand out factor is the soundtrack is one of the best there is each song just fits so well.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Biggles (1986) in Movies

Mar 28, 2018 (Updated Mar 28, 2018)  
Biggles (1986)
Biggles (1986)
1986 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
5.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Biggles Cocks It Up
Startlingly incompetent big-screen version of the classic boy's-adventure hero. New York yuppie discovers he is 'time twin' of First World War fighter ace, is plucked back through time to help him destroy a German secret weapon. Don't worry, it doesn't make any more sense in the actual movie.

Potentially charming adventure movie is utterly torpedoed by fatal uncertainty of tone; what started off as a 'straight' period movie is reduced to gibberish by the addition of witless time-travel plotline, which drags crass 80s 'comedy' bits in with it. The fact it largely seems to be the work of people who've never actually seen a film before, let alone worked on one, is the just the coup de grace. Even Peter Cushing's usual near-supernatural ability to lift a dubious script mostly fails him; no wonder this was his final (non-CGI) big-screen appearance. Soundtrack contains Queen bassist John Deacon's only recordings away from the band; this is almost certainly not a good enough reason to watch the damn thing.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla Vs Mothra (1992) in Movies

Mar 1, 2018 (Updated Mar 1, 2018)  
Godzilla Vs Mothra (1992)
Godzilla Vs Mothra (1992)
1992 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Barnstorming monster movie delivers everything you want from this kind of film, as well as reintroducing Mothra for a new generation. Meteorite manages to stir up Godzilla, Battra, and Mothra simultaneously (crikey, that's unlucky); explorer Takuya must help the benevolent Mothra and its fairy spokespersons protect humanity (while also sorting out his family problems: it's that kind of a movie).

Essentially a remake of both Mothra (1961) and Mothra Vs Godzilla (1964); as such Godzilla doesn't turn up properly until quite near the end. The storyline with Mothra and Battra is still very engaging, though, and the various call-backs to the 60s movies are fun. Excellent special effects, banging soundtrack, and the tone is pitch-perfect for this kind of film - dramatic without being absurdly serious. You could possibly argue that Battra is a fairly dull monster and superfluous to proceedings; apart from that, in every area that matters this is as good a Godzilla (or Mothra) movie as you can find. A highlight of the franchise.

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated the PC version of Emily Is Away Too in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Emily Is Away Too
Emily Is Away Too
2017 | Role-Playing, Simulation
For people of a certain age, Emily Is Away Too will remind them of being a teenager in the early aughts and late nineties. You play as yourself (more or less) as you attempt to woo either of two girls at your high school: Emily, the alternative hipster chick, or Evelyn, the punk rocker. In that way, it's much like many dating sims. You discover their likes and dislikes and play into them.

What makes Emily Is Away unique is the gameplay. It all takes place, so to speak, in a chat client called "EOL," which functions like AIM or Yahoo! Messenger. You can customize your font, profile, and avatar (the angstier the lyrics in your bio the better, of course). And don't forget to make your text as obnoxious as possible.

To compliment the retro look, the soundtrack consists of the sound of your hard drive working and really authentic chat notifications. It was a trip back in time for me, and it actually made me a little sad in a bittersweet way.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
The soundtrack (2 more)
Recognisable faces - and not just for 2 minute cameos
Ansel Elgort is strangely appealing. Even if he barely freaking speaks
Kevin Spacey (1 more)
I had friends that 'couldn't get into it', but it's the kind of film that's not everyone's taste
So good. So. So. So good.
Went into this not knowing a thing about it. Except, I assumed, there would be some driving involved. Just the poster alone made me think I'd like it, and I did.
It's just such a fun experience. The story isn't overly serious or convoluted, yet Baby's obsession over music and, the reasoning for it, add depth to him that really make the character a touch more loveable.
Action scenes aren't boring Michael Bay-esque. There is an element of fear for the characters safety, but more-so intrigue and respect at how those shots were created.

Without spoiling anything; I enjoyed the ending. It was a touch unrealistic, but the entire film dips its toe in that realm.

I left feeling satisfied, happy, and most of all, entertained. That's what it is all about!