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Psychic Whispers (Woodward Hill #1)
Psychic Whispers (Woodward Hill #1)
Arial Burnz, AJ Nuest | 2020 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Psychic Whispers is the first book in the Woodward Hill series and I LOVED IT! This was just the right book at the right time and I fell in love with the characters of this small, gossipy, quirky town.

Inara has the ability to talk to the animals, she even calls herself Dr DoLittle. Unfortunately, before she was old enough to fully understand or use her ability, she was attacked by a pitbull. This left scars, both seen and unseen, that she is determined to work past. Nik has been the 'son gone bad' for too long in the town. The son of a man accused (but cleared) of murder, his reputation has always hung over him like a shroud. He thinks Inara is too good for him. She thinks he is put off by her scars.

Aww, come on, people. You know these two will end up together but it's not a smooth road by any stretch of the imagination. With fears on both sides, a small-town mindset working against them, oh, and plus a murder to solve whilst staying alive, these two have their work cut out for them.

There are a whole host of supporting characters that I loved and, fair warning Ms Burnz and Ms Nuest, I'll be wanting stories for all of them! 😉

The world-building is excellent with just the right attention to detail that I needed. The pacing is smooth and the steamy scenes are hot! Nik is pure alpha but Inara is no pushover.

All in all, this was a brilliant read and a fantastic opening to a new series that I will be following closely and reading ALL of them! Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Perfect Melody Silenced (Gen-Heirs World: Bella and the Beast Master #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
PERFECT MELODY SILENCED is the second book in the Gen-Heirs World: Bella and the Beast Master series. It does follow on from book one so I would definitely recommend you read that one first. Plus, it was a 5-star read so why miss out?

Markus is back in town and wanting to catch up with Bella. Only, she's not at the docks to meet him. So he tracks her down, because of course he does, and finds out she has been punished for helping him. This immediately puts him into protective mode. Lunah is Little Miss Twinkle Toes, dancing around as she is so happy to be back with Bella. And Bella? Well, the first thing she does is lay a big smacker on Markus' lips, so that gives you an idea about how happy she is!

The mystery that these three need to solve is a good one but, I'll be honest here, I wasn't that invested in it - which pains me to say as I know how much work the author must have put into it. But it's Markus, Bella, and Lunah!!! I need them together, I really do. And it's not just because it's steamy, because we're still in slow-burn territory, but because of how well they balance each other out. The passion is there, don't get me wrong, but it's not ALL about that.

This was an outstanding book 2 and it's left me with a definite hankering for book 3. Once I have all of them, I may just binge-read the whole lot in one day. When is book 3 coming out, by the way? Asking for a friend!


** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!