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David McK (3361 KP) rated The Hunger Games in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated Jun 18, 2020)  
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of those books/films that I've heard of, but never actually got round to reading before now (perhaps as a sub-conscious reaction to the perceived 'it's just for teenage girls' feeling)

I've previously heard it described as a bloodless <i>Battle Royale</i> for teenagers, but never having read that, I'm not really in a position to compare. What I did notice, though, were the more-than-a-few similarities to Stephen King/Richard Bachman novel <i>The Running Man</i> or even David Brin's <i>The Postman</i> in the dystopian setting (as the latter), and in the idea of a televised game show where people die (the former), and with a wide gap between the haves (i.e The Capitol) and the have-not's (anyone else)(again, from the former).

I'm happy to report, however, that's it's not *just* a for-teenage-girls-only novel: while there is the set-up for a 3-way love triangle to (presumably) later follow, that's actually not the main focus. It's also rather unusual in that it is told in both the present-tense and first person and, while I was never *really* hooked, it was also one of those novels that before I realized it I was more than half-way through!
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
What-time-d'you-call-this-then Shining sequel/follow-up doesn't have the magisterial formal brilliance of Kubrick, but scores consistently for solid storytelling and simple entertainment value. Many years on from the nastiness in the snow, Dan Torrance has tried to put his special faculties to good use, working in a hospice. However, a gifted young girl he has befriended becomes the target of a pack of inhuman killers who feed on the souls of psychics, and he finds himself compelled to intervene. Faced with a terrifying enemy, he finds he may have to make a reservation at a certain hotel.

The prospect of a two-and-a-half-hour sequel to a Kubrick movie, made by someone I hadn't really heard of gave me pause, to be honest, but Doctor Sleep rapidly develops into an engrossing and satisfying dark fantasy, with mostly good performances and impressive set piece sequences. Most impressive is the way it works hard to stand on its own merits, saving all the crowd-pleasing Shining references until late on, by which time it feels like it's earned them - almost. It's still probably self-indulgently overlong, and the climax likewise feels a bit overcooked, but this is still a cut above the majority of Stephen King movies.
Pigeon English
Pigeon English
Stephen Kelman, Gbolahan Obisesan | 2015 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is funnt and tragic (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is a great first novel
This is a must read. Written in first person and from the point of view of Harry, an eleven year old boy (If my memory serves me well) is the most intelligent and convincing narration I have come across. The novel is funny yet disturbing and the reader is told of the young boys own world but through the innocence of a (not quite mature enough to understand the world) boy. Present tense with analepsis allows the reader into the distance between his old life and his new life. Kelman's terrific talent of show not tell, and the young protagonists inexperience creates a sense of irony, as the adult reader see's what the child is too young to notice himself.
I am not going to go into the plot as I feel that this is something I do not want to spoil but believe me, Kelman's characters are fully fleshed out and the world they live in as real as any run down council estate in the UK. This novel surprised me, made me laugh and brought me to tears and has left a tiny book shaped hole in my heart. Well done Stephen Kelman

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Institute in Books

Nov 26, 2019  
The Institute
The Institute
Stephen King | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Would make a great film
Supernatural abilities and horrific events are nothing new for Stephen King, but this is the first time we've seen his take on The Maze Runner/X-Men and most other recent YA novels or films. And it's really rather good.

I wouldn't say it's up there with his knockout classics or epic stories, but this is a hugely entertaining read with some endearing and well developed characters. Even the kids in this are a lot more likeable than most other whinging teens that feature as protagonists in other novels, and it's just proof that King really does know how to do characters. The story itself is interesting and a neat new take on the supernatural/superhero powers that we're so used to seeing nowadays. My biggest issue is the ending. It's not terrible or even bad at all, it just comes across as very anticlimactic after the huge build up and is rather a bit of a letdown. It just seems a little too clean and wrapped up all too quickly.

Still I struggled to put this down, especially the further I got into it, and if you like stories about supernatural abilities then this is definitely one to read.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

Apr 8, 2020  
Mini review time for VFW on 4K.

VFW feels like the most 80s film I've seen since the 80s. It doesn't rely on nostalgia or 'remember this' moments its just a genuinely very well made movie thats clearly been made by people with a lot of passion and love for films of the past. Its so well done infact that you could actually mistake it for a forgotten film from a past era or decade. Caked in grain its undeniably sleazy, brutal, disturbing and shocking with such a great sense of constant dread. All characters are awesome too as is the hauntingly hypnotic and pulsating synth soundtrack which a company's the great dialog so well that most scenes just leak a cool atmospheric warmth. stephen lang is a stand out here calm, collected and as badass as ever. Very much like Green Room meets Near Dark this is defo one to check out for sure. If you hate grain on your 4K transfers you may want to stay clear but it undoubtedly adds extra character to the movie and makes the colours pop which is surprising for a disc with no HDR. Only available on import but not very expensive I'd say this is most definitely a buy.