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Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) created a post

Jun 2, 2019  
Finally achieved my first platinum on the ps4 playing batman from telltale games also my first ever platinum on any playstation console feels good
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
An Instant Classic
Who knew that game play like this could be so addicting? I've played this season through twice on PC and once on Xbox One and I'm still not tired of the story. Each time you can change what happens and develop the characters differently. It's absolutely engrossing, to the point where you actually forget you're playing a game. Telltale are amazing at making games, I haven't found one I've disliked yet!
Batman - The Telltale Series
Batman - The Telltale Series
2016 | Action/Adventure
It's Batman (1 more)
Troy Baker
Frequent glitches are still present (1 more)
The Joker
Telltale's best for a while
The world's greatest detective gets the Telltale treatment and for the most part it works.
Playing as both Bruce Wayne and Batman is a lot of fun, the original storyline is interesting and the incorporation of the other characters in the Batman universe is well done.
Troy Baker makes a great younger Batman and the voice acting is pretty solid all round.
Unfortunately Telltale still refuse to update their engine and the game suffers from a frequent amount of glitches due to this.
Also, while I was willing to accept a different take on the characters in this world for the most part, I found this version of the Joker underwhelming. He didn't seem like much of a threat and I didn't like his voice actor either.
Overall though, as a Batman fan, I had fun with this and I am looking forward to seeing how Telltale's version of the Batman mythos plays out in future games.
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
Great time killer
Make choices for a young girl in the zombies apocalypse. Your choices essentially affect the outcome of the story. It's fun and had a decent replay value, but even replaying it's not gonna last you longer than a few days. Definitely worth a play, if you like TWD and need to kill time. If you want to actually kill zombies you're in the wrong place. As an added bonus telltale games has a bunch of these in different series'
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
Just another good Telltale game (0 more)
Very Good Prequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
Whether this game is "canon" or not, they did a good job telling this story. I am not a hard core Walking Dead fan, but I watched enough to know what was going on in the game. This story covers the adventures of Lee and Clementine. The two go through many good times and through some bad times. As with the Telltale series, your decisions and actions decide the outcome of the game to an extent. Lee and Clementine find different friends along the way that help them get through the apocalyptic world. They also run across some not so friendly people. For instance a family that turned to cannibalism to survive...yikes! Lee protects Clem and Clem protects Lee. Of course you heart is ripped out when Lee is attacked by a walker and bitten only to get infected. In his dying breath he tells Clem to stay strong and be smart. You can also have a negative effect on Clem and your friends. It's all up to you. You even run into Glenn at one point. In the end...I recommend this game, especially if you are a fan of the Walking Dead series
The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us
2013 | Action/Adventure
The story is great. (2 more)
Telltale games are unlike any others.
Bigby kicks all type of ass.
If you haven't played one of telltale's games then this the perfect first step.
Based on the comic book series 'fable', you take the place of protagonist 'Bigby' a detective who is tasked with finding the murderer of a prostitute known as 'Faith'.

There are different options the player can make that affect the out come of the story; if you decide to tell toad to go fuck himself, then he may be less inclined to help you further down the line...
Don't worry, though. There's always a little note in the corner when you punch someone in the face that 'they'll remember that'.
Stephen King's It
Stephen King's It
1990 | Drama, Horror
8.1 (95 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Old Vs. New
I have seen both the original It and the newer remake and I have to say that both are very good movies. They do have their differences, of course, but I try not to compare them too much because I enjoy both of them. If you enjoy Stephen King then you will definitely enjoy It. It displays telltale Stephen King horror that we all know and love. The horror aspect, while obviously a dominant feature, does not completely take away from the underlying friendship within the movie. These kids from Derry band together to face It and develop a profound bond and connection that brings them together again years later. Overall, a really good movie and a just portrayal of a Stephen King classic.
Under the Dome
Under the Dome
Stephen King | 2010 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
It wins hands down against The Stand
The title says it all. Once I picked this up, I couldn't put it down. As always, Stephen King creates a world inside your head and 3 dimensional characters you feel like you could reach out and touch.
This book leads you by the hand through a small town cut off from the outside world, straight to a finale that is a satisfying end. King does not disappoint.
Kings telltale show don't tell writing is on display here, whilst critics condemn him, as a reader this is what brings the story to life.
If are on the fence about King, pick this up, stick with it, he will delight and surprise you.

Fred (860 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Batman - The Enemy Within in Video Games

Sep 14, 2018  
Batman - The Enemy Within
Batman - The Enemy Within
2018 | Action/Adventure
Great voice acting (2 more)
An original Batman story
A new twist on old characters
Maybe Telltale's best game
I have played all of Telltale's "pick your path" games. Most of them, great games, like The Wolf Among Us. Some, not so good, like Jurassic Park. Batman: The Enemy Within is actually the 2nd part (season) of a 2-part game. The first season was great. It told a brand new Batman story. Nothing is canon, due to the fact that the story is different, depending on your choices. But the story is so unique, yet so much a Batman story, it has become one of my favorite Batman tales. I definitely put the first season as one of Telltale's best. This second season, however, may be their best ever.

Now, I can't give anything away, but let me say, in the story, you can befriend one of Batman's enemies. See, they are not a bad guy at this point & so, you can actually become their friend & they will help you. And the way it happens is so believable & yet so weird, but also so cool. I played the entire game (even the first season) as their friend. I do know that if you don't become their friend that the entire 5th episode of the season plays entirely different. I think this is the first time this happens in a Telltale game. would explain the file size of the 5th episode. I haven't seem this other episode, but will be trying it out. I do however, loved the way it played out the with my playthrough.

If you're a Batman fan, this is a must-buy. If you like the Telltale games, this is a must-buy. I do recommend you play the first season first, so you can get a little heads-up with the story.
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
Amazing character development (3 more)
Great story
Emotional and incredible acting
It's fun
Some frame rate issues (3 more)
No difficulty options
Illusion of choice
Can't skip boring scenes after multiple playthroughs
I love you Clem!!
First off I want to say it's an incredible game and that's a thanks to some great story, incredible acting and amazing character development. I think we all thinking about lee and Clem! Lol

This is your typical telltale game. Point and click with QTE which is fun but the framerate issues can make those frustrating and there is an illusion of choice that don't really matter in the end.

I do find the game a bit easy at times which would make it more fun, especially on a repeat playthrough. Take heavy rain as an example. Higher difficulty they give more and quicker symbols to press during QTE.

Like I said the characters and acting are incredible. You will cry, I don't doubt that. They show so much growth through the series and if your going to get stuck in then you better prepare because it's coming into its fourth and final season so you got a long road ahead.

There is way too much zombies out there in video games, movies and TV but I do love this game and I have played multiple playthroughs but after a while it can get annoying when you can't skip the boring scenes.