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Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Anna Adler | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
the steamiest of them all!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Eliza has lusted after Jackal and Zaster for some time. And they, her. But it takes nearly losing Liz for her and them to see that they could be happy together, the three of them.

Book 4 in the Hers series, and I would personally recommend you read the other books first. Book one, especially, since Alyssa and Jax play a huge part here! Chase and Holly, book 2, are mentioned but I don't think that the couple from book 3, Roth and Kaitlyn are even mentioned. Doesn't matter though. You don't NEED their stories for this one to make sense, but it might give you a better picture of what Alyssa and Jax are trying to do for Silenia.

Certainly the steamiest of the four books! But also, the darkest I think. Even from book one, where Alyssa owns Jax, this book does take a darker turn.

Liz is suffering from a drug addiction, and she is keeping it from everyone, save the medic on board. The blackouts are the biggest side effect, and could cost them all their lives, if she's flying and blacks out. But when she needs to, Liz steps up, and gets shot. Zaster, bless him, takes it the hardest. But after a conversation with Jackal and then Liz, they actually want to make things work.

And work they do! OOOOOOEEEEE! Yes ma'am. Once they admit to each other what they all want, they are all in and straight away. Liz does not waste any time getting down and dirty with her men!

I read a wide variety of books, across lots of different genres. I don't just read M/F books either. And for me, if the GUYS had had some sort of sexual contact too, this would have taken it over to the full 5 stars. That would have just been the icing on a very hot cake!

I'm sorry, Ms Adler, to keep asking for more, but write such good stories and I want to read them!

4.5 stars, rounded UP for the blog.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Reap This Three: Getting Back Mine (Oh So Happy Holidays #3)
Reap This Three: Getting Back Mine (Oh So Happy Holidays #3)
Rafe Jadison | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved the history between Seamus and Mine!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Oh Happy Holidays series, and you really MUST, I mean MUST read books one, Reap This, and book 2, Reap This Two before this one. Preferably, back-to-back. I had a big gap between book 3 and 3, and I think I lost a little bit of the experience by not reading all three together. And you won't get the massive cliff hanger after book 2, if you read them together, either!

Seamus wants Mine back. His coven discover a way to find Mine before he was the sceptre he is now. There follows a chase across time and space to get the two lovers back together.

And for the most part, I did enjoy this, I really did. I'm left felling . . .kinda . . bereft . . maybe? This is an ending, and Seamus IS happy, but I'm feeling there is more, you know?? I'm feeling (and ya'll know I'm all about my book feelings!) that there is more to come, and that Seamus and Mine really do get their very happy holiday. Again, I just can't see how that might happen!

I loved the trips back in time, and I loved that we learnt (learned? I can never get that one right!) more about Ian and Khnurn's relationship and just how much history they had. And I love love LOVED that Mine and Seamus had history too and that was a total surprise!

Mr Jadison has a way of pulling you in, keeping you fully engaged, and cutting you off just when you think you got the book sorted, you know?? So again, there were a few choice words, and the sky had a tinge of blue, just not quite as bad after reading Reap This Too!

So, thank you, yes, it was totally worth the wait, but are you really REALLY done with Seamus and Mine, huh?? Are you?? Are ya, huh, huh????

Cos I don't think so šŸ™‚

4 slightly streaked blue stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Attack the Block (2011)
Attack the Block (2011)
2011 | Action, International
Remember, remember the fifth of Novemberā€¦because thatā€™s when the film Attack the Block (from the producers of ā€œShaun of the Deadā€) begins ā€“ on Guy Fawkes Night. If you want to know what that is, use a search engine like I did (thereā€™s even a catchy poem for this British holiday, too).

Anyway, back to the film. Itā€™s Guy Fawkes Night in London, with fireworks exploding throughout the city, a small gang of teens are looking to have a little fun. The gang has 5 people; the leader Moses (John Boyega), Jerome (Leeon Jones), Dennis (Franz Drameh), Biggz (Simon Howard) and Pest (Alex Esmail). During this ā€œfun timeā€ they mug Sam (Jodie Whitaker) a nurse returning home from work. During the course of the mugging an object falls from the sky striking a nearby car. While the gang is distracted, Sam runs off and calls the police. As Moses investigates what hit the car and what he can steal, something scratches his arm and escapes into the night. Moses is so furious, he and the rest of the gang give chase, eventually cornering and killing the creature.

They arenā€™t sure what the creature is but they know they can probably make money off of it, so they take it to Ron (Nick Frost), the friendly neighborhood drug dealer who lives in their apartment complex, for safe keeping. As the gang enjoys a ā€œrelaxingā€ smoke (donā€™t worry anti-tobacco people, they arenā€™t smoking cigarettes), Moses is approached by Hi-Hatz (Jumayn Hunter) the local drug kingpin that Ron works for. Hi-Hatz likes the tough, street-smart Moses and wants him to be one of his dealers, a job Moses considers an honor to be offered.

As Mosesā€™ gang gaze out the apartmentā€™s window at the fireworks exploding over South London they see more aliens landing. They soon discover that these aliens are bigger, stronger, tougher and way more violent than the first one they encountered and, even worse than that, these aliens are coming after them. The gang decides that they have to fight back and protect their block. During one encounter with the aliens, Pest becomes seriously injured and they end up tracking down Sam (the nurse they mugged at the beginning of the movie) for help. Once Sam is convinced that they are telling the truth about the invasion she joins them and eventually a sort of mutual respect forms between her and the members of the gang. Unfortunately while they are fighting off the invasion, Mosesā€™s gang has a falling out with Hi-Hatz. So just to be clear, at a point in the film, Moses and his gang have the police, Hi-Hatz with his crew and aliens chasing after them. Will Moses and his merry men be victorious or will they fall prey to ā€˜those clamorous harbingers of blood and deathā€™? Sorry, felt the need to quote Shakespeare.

The movie is highly enjoyable with its unique twist on the sci-fi genre blended with a healthy dose of humor, believable action and great anti-heroes. While the movie is a low budget film, the cast put on a big budget performance. The special effects were well done and not over the top like so many other sci-fi action movies Iā€™ve seen. While the movie is a bit on the campy side (which I do enjoy) I do want to point out that with the exception of the alien-thing the film keeps things quite realistic. One negative thing about the film is that because of the British accent and slang I did not understand some of the dialogue (Iā€™m sure the British say the same thing about our movies).

I will be honest, Nick Frost was the driving force behind me wanting to see this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed his scenes but he only has a few scenes. Jodie Whitaker did a very nice job of taking the audience on a journey of a character who, at the beginning is both mad at and afraid of those who had mugged her, but as the movie progresses those feelings are slowly replaced with mutual respect, understanding and friendship. Jumayn Hunter portrayed such a unique drug kingpin I was actually rooting for him (donā€™t worry law enforcement officials, I will still ā€œSay ā€˜Noā€™ to Drugsā€). The rest of the supporting cast all did wonderful jobs as well but I want to talk about the actors that made up Mosesā€™s Gang.

You wouldnā€™t know it by watching the movie but this is the first film for John Boyega, Leeon Jones, Simon Howard and Alex Esmail; the second movie for Franz Drameh. Even before knowing that, I already thought these five actors did an incredible job in the film but after finding that out I was really blown away. Their five characters are the core of the movie that takes us on this great adventure. However I do want to single out the lead John Boyega, as his character goes through a sort of rite of passage in the film. He does an amazing job with the range of emotion that is needed all the while keeping the character as real as a sci-fi film will allow. I will definitely keep an eye out for future films with these actors.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
It started with a dog and a car...
If you are expecting to be wowed by unusual plot twists, stray from the formula or an exceptional screenplay then this isn't the film for you. If you are expecting all the elements that worked in the first two Wick tales, then this one will fill you up with a maelstrom of goodness!

I do enjoy when a sequel picks up right when the other film ends which is the case with Wick 3. John has just defied his superiors by performing his usual routine of dispensing the baddies at the Continental hotel which has caused him to now be considered "excommunicado" or free reign for other villains to find and kill him. After a round or two of assassinations, John tries to get his footing and figure out what to do next.

Simultaneously, a strange woman shows up at the hotel telling the Manager he has 7 days to remove himself from the premises since he had allowed Wick to escape and aided him in doing so. The same ultimatum is given to the Bowery King among his rooftop full of birds.

John makes his way to Morocco and meets up with Sofia and her cool two attack dogs who help him get in front of another man who knows where the head of the High Table can be found. Wick ends up back in the US after wandering through the desert to have a final showdown with yet another mega posse of hooligans.

The "Wick" trilogy certainly is gushing with style, great looking facades and non stop action which lets me forgive the repetitive nature of this film of the trilogy especially. The screenplay won't win any awards especially the way Wick seems to wander through the story talking with random bystanders on his "quest" to fulfill his destiny. The Halle Berry character was not really necessary as I enjoyed seeing her killer attack dogs dive at opponents gonads more than seeing her shooting thugs the same as Wick.

The choreography is the reason we watch as it is like a ballet of bullets and this film does not disappoint there. This time we get an impressive knife throwing barrage as well as a sword fight motorcycle chase (both stunning) which keeps things interesting and moving quickly through the lack of an intricate plot.

There really isn't even an assigned antagonist other than maybe the Adjudicator, but even she has others perform her dirty work for her. I am assuming we will see more of her in John Wick 4 - 10.

No real complaints as the 130 minute run time rushed by and I was enthused the entire time other than when I was yelling at my dog every time she jumped down from sitting on me to watch other canines kicking human asses.

I think this was her favorite film of all time!

Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Exposition Man
Gemini Man is a pure bore, a tedious bombardment of utter crap that's so oversimplified you would think it was made for children. Personaly I admire Ang Lee as a director hes got this quirky kinda way of shooting films & hes always brave enough to try new filming techniques/strange camera angles that you dont really see in other movies. Id liken him to Luc Besson tbh but sadly just like him after making some absolute cinematic masterpieces they both then seem to be content with just churning out utter dross & while at the heart all these movies have great ideas/cool action its the excecution they fail on every time. Gemini man is no diffrerent infact id say its even worse than Lucy or Billy Lynn as its just so dull to the point where I was questioning if i should use the time catch up on sleep instead. Nothing of any intrest happens in this movie and im not kidding when i say all we get 90% of the time is characters repeating the extreamly basic plot to us over & over again which comes across as patronising making the movie exteamly monotonous & exhausting to watch. Acting isnt much better either its all very one tone/basic with characters clearly only there as checklist reminder of whats about to happen. But what about the action? well for a 2hour movie #action scenes only equate to about 15 minutes total & even when we do get finally get an action scene (bar the motorbike chase from the trailer) theres really nothing memorable or thrilling at all. One thing I will say its a looker for sure & at times my god does it look fantastic with a visual clarity that almost feels like your on set but problem is again its not pushed enough & theres not really any enviroments or action that makes good use of the techniques used to film it which is a big shame (it almost got a 2 because of visuals but I got annoyed I wasted 2hours of my only day off watching it). So irritating, boring, generic, predictable, shallow, basic, overlong & inteligence insulting I warn you now do not go to see Gemini Man it deserves no ones precious time or #money its just a pointless mess thats nothing but an absolutle chore to sit through.
The Hangover (2009)
The Hangover (2009)
2009 | Comedy
The road trip gone awry has been a staple of Hollywood comedies for years. Bing Crosby and Bob Hope provided tons of laughs with their ā€œRoad Toā€ films which have continued with films ranging from ā€œRoad Tripā€ to the Chevy Chase ā€œVacationā€ film series. In the new movie ā€œThe Hangoverā€, Director Todd Phillips follows upon his many successes which include ā€œOld Schoolā€, and ā€œStarsky and Hutchā€ to create one of the funniest films in recent memory.

When Doug (Justin Bartha) is about to be married, his friends Stu (Ed Helms) and Phil (Bradley Cooper) decide to give Doug a bachelor party. With his eccentric future brother-in-law Alan (Zach Galifinakis) in tow, the guys hit the town for a night to remember. Or maybe not.

After a rooftop toast overlooking the scenic Las Vegas strip, Stu, Phil, and Alan awaken to find their lavish suite at Ceasarā€™s Palace destroyed and everything from a tiger to a chicken sharing their room. Henpecked Stu panics, having told his girlfriend they were going to wine country and is at a loss to explain the state of the room as well as his missing tooth. With all three men nursing a severe hangover and Doug nowhere to be found, things take a turn for the worse when a baby is discovered in the closet of their suite. Desperate to get to the bottom of the previous night and locate Doug, the guys try to piece together their lost night.

As the plot unfolds, the guys go from a wedding chapel to a hospital and police station, and trying to stay ahead of new threats and complications that arise. With Dougā€™s wedding looming in a few hours, the group takes extreme measures to find their friend and get him to the alter on time.

What follows is a hysterical and highly enjoyable comedy that rarely lets up long enough for you to stop laughing before unleashing even more comedy. The ensemble cast is strong and have great camaraderie and chemistry. The film loses some momentum in the final act but rebounds nicely with the final segments. Make sure you stay for the credits for some hysterical stuff and some great celebrity cameos. While some may find the humor crude and sophomoric, if you are not easily offended, you will laugh loud and often at this comedic delight.

JT (287 KP) rated Blood Out (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Blood Out (2011)
Blood Out (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm not quite sure what my thinking was behind watching this, I mean did I for one second think it was going to be any good with a cast list that included Luke Goss and Vinnie Jones.

I should have turned off within the first few minutes, but stuck it out till the bitter end. It was painful all the way through, Goss who has had some mainstream success with his turns in Blade II and Hell Boy II, looked like he hadnā€™t bothered to read the script.

Tamar Hassan will always be cast as the hard man, and this time it was Vinnie Jones playing the supporting nutter role. As for Val Kilmer and 50 Cent, they hardly make an appearance in the film, popping up on a few occasions and offering next to nothing.

So to the plot then, in short, Goss plays Michael Savion a hard nosed cop whose gang banging brother is brutally murdered. In an attempt to find the culprit and bring them to justice he goes deep undercover to get close to the killers.

Along the way Goss discovers that his brotherā€™s pregnant fiancĆ©e is also involved and looks to try and get her out before its too late, while at the same time trying not to step on the toes of the FEDs who have their own mole in deep cover.

Did I for one second think it was going to be any good with a cast list that included Luke Goss and Vinnie Jones?

Goss is always going to be cast as an action B-movie star, and in no way is he going to be offered too many bigger roles. Why? Well he just isnā€™t good enough, simple as that.

The action set pieces are poor, the ending car chase and spectacular crash which sees just about everyone walk away without a scratch is hardly surprising of a film that has no believability whatsoever.

If Blood Out is supposed to depict a narrative of the street gang culture it does it poorly, the acting is shocking and the script seems like it was written by a two-year old.

This is Jason Hewittā€™s dĆ©but feature, and he is going to have to work very hard to redeem himself.
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
1978 | Comedy

"The last film is Animal House. Where I [veer] away from intense dramas. This thing is a perfect comedy, and I saw it right when it came out, as many people of my age did. Itā€™s one of those films ā€” I saw it one weekend; I went back to see it the next weekend and the next weekend. Itā€™s a perfect piece of work and I watch it almost once a year. Iā€™m no expert on it ā€” canā€™t tell you the cast except for the big names ā€” but itā€™s one of those things where I donā€™t even know if itā€™s any good. All I know is, I laughed in the same places, like Pavlovā€™s dog. ā€œHey, Iā€™m a zit!ā€ and the food comes out of [John] Belushiā€™s mouth ā€” to me that is about the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Until he does this or until he does that. And you know: ā€œA pledge pin on your uniform,ā€ stuff like that. Itā€™s funny down to my DNA. You know how it is with films. You love them so much, you almost adopt them. Like if thereā€™s a song you really like ā€” you almost kinda wrote it yourself. Because now itā€™s in your bone marrow. Animal House to me is from a much happier time of my life. As an adult Iā€™m over-serious and worried. But as a younger person, that comedy was just so effortlessly immature and funny. The humor is not the highest brow, but itā€™s done so well. It works on every human cliche, like the drunk wife of the dean and the dean is over-seriousā€¦ That was a film I watched usually around Christmas time. Somehow, I always find it in December and I watch it and I laugh sometimes, and I find myself crying because I miss Belushi. I think he was a great talent. Iā€™ll watch him eating the food and I laugh so hard, literally, tears will go down my face. I donā€™t know the guy but I spoke to him once on the phone, briefly, but I just miss the guy. ā€˜Cause heā€™s one of my guys, like Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. All those SNL people ā€” thatā€™s my kind of humor. Itā€™s just a perfect low budget comedy. Itā€™s what you do with great acting and great writing. You donā€™t need a budget. You just need great acting and great writing."

Star Wars: Episode VI ā€“ Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: Episode VI ā€“ Return of the Jedi (1983)
1983 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Packed With Iconic Moments
Jedi Luke Skywalker tries to put an end to the evil empire, led by Darth Vader, once and for all. While I consider Return of the Jedi the weaker of the older three, it still represents classic sci-fi that later films will aspire to be.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 8
Starts off a bit slower than the previous two, but doesnā€™t take too long to pick up. I wasnā€™t overly wowed, yet I was intrigued enough to want to see what was coming next. It was definitely a daring choice going almost twenty minutes before we start to see the main characters we know and love onscreen.

Characters: 10
Speaking of which, the gang is all back for Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is a hero for the ages, a lovable winner that is struggling to manage his power and his true place in the world. The Star Wars world is filled with such rich characters from the amazing Chewbaca to those cute little Ewoks. And we canā€™t forget about Vader one of the most terrifying villains in the history of film. Quality characters all around.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The lightsaber fights are just ramped up to another level in Return of the Jedi. The battles, especially between Luke and Vader, feel more personal and intense. As always, the setpieces leave a lot to remember. I loved the stormtrooper airbike chase through the forest. This, like many of the other scenes, were a treat to behold.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 8
This movie is iconic, filled to the brim with memorable moments. There is one scene in particular that holds on to my memory, one between Luke and Yoda. It happens fairly early on in the movie and sets the pace for what is to come. A powerful moment between two icons. Whether we are witnessing phenomenal battles between good and evil or cute ewoks dancing, this movie is a walking memory.

Pace: 9

Plot: 8

Resolution: 10

Overall: 92
Not perfect, Return of the Jedi still manages to be a classic by tying up a lot of loose ends and checking off all the important movie boxes. It might not be the best of the series, but it is definitely one of the most endearing. Itā€™s one I can watch repeatedly and enjoy it all over again like the first time.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Fun...with heart
Doctor Strange is my favorite Marvel character. This comes from my college days when one of my roommates had a stack of Dr. Strange comics and I tore through them - one of the few Marvel comics that I have actually read. So I was thrilled to find out that Sam Raimi was coming back (was he ever gone?) to direct the 2nd solo Dr. Strange film, DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

And it does not disappoint for while DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS is not quite as ā€œmadā€ as one would expect by the build up to this film, it delivers solid action by actors playing characters that are easy to root for (or root against) all done with a wink in the eye and a focus on Marvelā€™s secret weaponā€¦relationships and heart.

You will find no brooding ā€œdark knightsā€ in this one.

Sprightly Directed by Sam Raimi (THE EVIL DEAD), Multiverse (as I will call it from here on out) finds our titular hero (Benedict Cumberbatch) connecting with - and working to save - a multiverse hopping heroine in the form of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from an evil that wishes to drain her of her multiverse hopping powers.

What happens next is a multiverse hopping action/adventure/horror/chase film that really shows off the cinematic sensibilities of Director Raimi whoā€™s mark is all over this filmā€¦for the better. Multiverse swerves really close to being a horror film, but, fortunately for itā€™s box office fortunes, remains firmly in the action/adventure/superhero genre. Only a director like Raimi can ride this fine line as well as he has and it works for this film.

Cumberbatch, of course, is terrific as Doctor Stephen Strange and he slides, comfortably, back into the cloak and sling-ring. Benedict Wong (Wong - The Sorcerer Supreme), Rachel McAdams (Dr. Christine Palmer) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Baron Mordo) all reprise their characters from the first film and they all seem re-energized in their roles for this one while Xochitl Gomez makes a winning debut as America Chavez.

But, make no mistake, the personae that steals this film is Elizabeth Olson as the grieving Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch who Dr. Strange reaches out to when America Chavez falls into his lap. She is outstanding and is really the driving force here. It would not be a misnomer to say that this film easily could have been titled THE SCARLET WITCH IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

My one quibble with this film is that it doesnā€™t go to enough Multiverses to suit my tastes and is not quite as ā€œmadā€ as one would hope - our hero does spend a rather large amount of time in one multiverse - but that is a minor issue and this one multiverse does bring many fun cameosā€¦cameos that will not be spoiled here.

Which brings up one last point. See this film, if you can, in a theater full of the aforementioned fanboys. The full house IMAX theater that I caught this film in went absolutely nuts when one specific person showed his/her face for their extended cameo and that was a very fun time.

As is DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS - it works well as a stand alone film, but if you want to do ā€œsome homeworkā€, check out the Disney+ TV Series WANDAVISION (essential), the first DOCTOR STRANGE movie (good background) and the animated Disney+ series MARVELā€™S WHAT IF (some nice callbacks).

And, of course, stay for the end creditsā€¦it sets up DOCTOR STRANGE 3, a film that canā€™t get here soon enough.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)