Obsessed book reviews
(49 KP)
Book reviewer
My name is Emma bramley, I am a working mum with a wonderful husband and fantastic 5 year old son....
Last Active: May 27, 2019

Dredd (2012)
Movie Watch
Mega City One is a vast, violent metropolis where felons rule the streets. The only law lies with...

Batman Begins (2005)
Movie Watch
A young Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels to the Far East, where he's trained in the martial arts...

X2: X-Men United (2003)
Movie Watch
Stryker (Brian Cox), a villainous former Army commander, holds the key to Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman)...

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Movie Watch
As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams up with a fellow Avenger...

One Shot (Jack Reacher Book #9)
Jack Reacher is working on his tan with a Norwegian blonde on the beach in Miami. The weather is hot...
JackReacher LeeChild