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Blithe Spirit (2020)
Blithe Spirit (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Blithe Spirit is gentle British romantic comedy that is based off a play by Noel Coward. Gentle is the key word here, Blithe Spirit is a slow tale that tries to focus on the relationships of the three main characters. Even the humour is quite mild.
There are a few familiar faces in the film but that's no surprise, as the saying goes 'Welcome to England, we have 20 actors, 4 sets and 14 Doctors'.
There was something a bit 'Cheep', I can't quite place my finger on it but there are a few times that the sets look a bit to like sets.
Even from this version you can see how the original is an inspiration for later films such as Ghost.
I you want a slow paced film with an entertaining story and light laughs and totally inoffensive then Blithe Sprit is worth a look.
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
I saw Ready or Not earlier this evening as part of Odeon's Scream Unseen - so we went in with no idea of what movie we were about to see (apart from my friend @Neon's Nerd Nexus being bang on with his guess), and hadn't really seen much promo before hand.
And I'm glad he was right, because I found it to be a pretty good horror film (it reminded me of You're Next at times) with generous lashings of black comedy.
It made me laugh a good few times throughout whilst simultaneously making me wince at some of the gore on display.
Samara Weaving is really likable and easy to root for. In fact, I actually liked pretty much every character on display.

It's not the best horror movie you will see by a long way, but above all, Ready or Not is just extremely fun.

AJaneClark (3962 KP) rated Strike Back - Season 5 in TV

Aug 11, 2020 (Updated Aug 11, 2020)  
Strike Back - Season 5
Strike Back - Season 5
2015 | Action
Casting (0 more)
As an insomniac, I struggle with finding ways to entertain myself for hours... enter my new now tv subscription. And discovering Strike Back. I am not exactly watching them in the intended seasonal order.

Strike Back (season 5) Legacy is a ten part high octane fuelled, action packed explosive drama series, featuring some very familiar faces, some bad language and lots of guns.

This season sees Stonebridge, Scott and the team go through some highs and lows travelling the world from Thailand to North Korea and then Switzerland and the US. They take on a number of bad guys, in completely impossible situations bring some sex and comedy to the mix. It’s hard not to like these two and their antics. Expect some loss, heartache and heroics.

If you are after all out action, easy to follow story lines and basic entertainment, this is the show for you

Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated What Men Want (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
What Men Want (2019)
What Men Want (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
A fun movie not to be taken seriously
WoW! What a massive amount of hate for this comedy on here. That's just crazy to me, I mean I didn't love this movie but I didn't hate it either. All the characters are charming, dumb, but charming none the less. The overall story isn't that good but it does get the job done. Its a move about equality, not empowerment so don't get that twisted because in my opinion the trailers certainly did. At the end, of course, she finds out more about herself and not men. It's about figuring ourselves out our strengths our flaws and working on them. So, in conclusion, I thought this was a good film with a positive message and plus I'm always at least going to rate any Taraji lead movie a 5 cause shes just great no matter what.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Jolt (2021) in Movies

Sep 4, 2021  
Jolt (2021)
Jolt (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Kate Beckinsale (1 more)
Middle of road genre (0 more)
Low voltage fun
Feeling like a low powered Crank with a female twist. Never quite sure whether to go full out violent or go for comedy value. So it ends up some where in the middle and with a weak revenge story it's not going to jolt your memory long after.
Kate Beckinsale with her sarcastic blunt quips does make it fairly enjoyable and the supporting cast is pretty decent. OK for a watch but not one to go out of your way to catch.
Why try to Americanise the location as well? European cars, English street signs and scenes shot on the Southbank and quite a few using the Tate Modern location for the villians pad. A couple of fire hydrants, yellow taxis and a school bus to make it look set in New York seem pointless.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Mr. Vampire (1985) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Mr. Vampire (1985)
Mr. Vampire (1985)
1985 | Action, International, Comedy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Let’s start by saying that this 2K restored version of Mr Vampire comes with several audio tracks to choose from an English dub in 2.0, an America Dub in 5.1 and the Cantonese audio in mono, so I opted to watch the film in it’s 5.1 dub for the purposes of this review.

The team behind the 2K Restoration of Mr Vampire has done a good job, there is some slight grain to the film, but this really doesn’t distract from what is a fun movie with its mix of comedy, some martial arts and horror, the colours are nice and vibrant making the film look fresh and most probably how it looked when it first had its release, the dubbing is one of the better-dubbed movies I’ve seen recently and the 5.1 mix does sound good (I’ll update this review with the other language options soon).

p3anut (62 KP) rated Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) in Movies

Jan 16, 2022 (Updated Jan 16, 2022)  
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Action Humor One liners (0 more)
Human elemants (0 more)
In a world of bad video game movies this stands out.
Contains spoilers, click to show
So first off this movie had the basic video game movie flaw of how do we turn a popular game into a live action movie? The overall buddy road trip aspect of this movie was pretty boring. But the comedy and the action is what ultimately saves this movie. This is Jim Carrey in a rare return to form. If there's anyone who could bring eggman to life in a believable way it's him. James Marsdens character is ultimately forgettable (like most.of the human characters) but he does add the heart aspect to this movie and the fact that sonic finally doesn't feel alone. I hope the sequels focus more on world building and less on the live action characters with the exception of Dr robotnic and his Assistant.
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1993)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy
Finkle and Einhorn, Einhorn and Finkle ...
Early 90s comedy movie starring a then up-and-coming Jim Carrey (before he completely went off the rails), round about the time of Dumb and Dumber and the Mask.

Of those three, this has probably aged the least well - I would be shocked if they could get away with some of the stuff they did here nowadays (particularly the whole Einhorn and Finkle plotline).

Anyway - provided you're not too easily offended - Carrey plays the eponymous Ace Ventura, a detective who specialises in finding missing animals, and who is hired (by none other than Courtney Cox) when the Miami Dolphins mascot - an actual Dolphin - is kidnapped on the Superbowl weekend.

Which probably means more the American audiences than any other.

The film does still raise the odd wry chuckle, but I was obviously easier amused back in the day ...
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Form-Prefect of the Dead.
The Plot
Meredith Houseman (Simon Pegg) is housemaster of Sparta house in Slaughterhouse school: an ancient public school establishment steering England’s future greats to greatness (which probably explains a lot about the current Brexit mess!). Houseman is not in a happy place, given that his girlfriend is now in deepest darkest African doing “good works” with handsome French doctors, and particularly that she is played by Margot Robbie: I would be also be sad… #punching!

New school starter Don Wallace (Finn Cole) is equally unhappy as he is a northern teen dragooned into attending the school by his well-meaning Mum (Jo Hartley). His strange room-mate Willoughby (Asa Butterfield) seems to be a chronic depressive; he is being picked on by the prefect-bully Clegg (Tom Rhys Harries); and his bed was previously occupied by a Viscount, since deceased under unpleasant circumstances that no-one wants to talk about. At least he has the distraction of the upper-sixth school goddess Clemsie Lawrence (Hermione Corfield) to take his mind off his woes.

All this washes over “The Bat” – the school’s headmaster (Michael Sheen) – since he is engrossed in some shady deal with an evil corporation doing fracking in the school grounds. The fracking though seems to be doing more than just causing a few minor earth tremors, as ancient forces are unleashed.

The Review
The movie is positioned as a “comedy/horror”, along the lines of “Shaun of the Dead”. The film also has Frost and Pegg as executive producers and they also have starring roles in the film. But there the similarities really end: this is a “Cornetto film” without a cone of solid chocolate lurking at the bottom to enjoy.

The script (by director Crispian Mills and first-time screenwriter Henry Fitzherbert) is nowhere near as sharp as the Frost/Pegg scripts for their famous collaborations. The story overall makes precious little sense: it’s a hodge-podge of elements from many Harry Potter films (especially “The Chamber of Secrets”), Lindsay Anderson’s “If…”; and Roy Boulting’s “The Guinea Pig”; with also a sprinkling of the anarchic essence of Michael Palin’s classic “Tomkinson’s Schooldays”. The whole thing never manages to gel into a cohesive whole.

After the second reel, the film completely loses sight of the plot: there’s a whole lot of running, screaming and dying going on but there’s little logic behind any of it that I could fathom. What didn’t help my comprehension of what was going on were some ‘Cornetto-esque’ sequences of manic editing. Images were thrown onto the screen so subliminally that any clever nuance was lost. I’m sure at one point there was a droll (if gross) segue at a “Roman orgy” of a girl receiving oral sex before being ‘eaten out’ in an entirely different way. But you would need a Blu-ray and a frame-by-frame pause function to get the joke.

That’s not to say that I didn’t laugh a few times along the way. There are some sight gags – for example, Wooten (Kit Connor) as the lad at the bottom of the bullying pecking order, chained to a U-bend – that made me laugh, and some running jokes – for example, Frost as the head of the anti-fracking camp offering the kids drugs at every encounter – that mildly amuse. But once again here’s a British comedy that, like the atrocious “The Brits are Coming“, thinks that “funny” largely revolves around swearing a lot – how useful that “frack” sounds so similar to another word – with added bodily dismemberment.

The turns
Pegg and Frost ham it up with their usual comedy schtick well enough, and it was quite fun to see Sheen try a comedy role for a change as the conniving and supercilious headmaster. Elsewhere all the young cast put their hearts into it, but it’s again Asa Butterfield that your eyes gravitate to, due to his striking features. I last saw Asa in the excellent if harrowing WW1 drama “Journey’s End“, and he here proves again that he is a One Mann’s Movies ‘name to watch for the future’.

Final thoughts
There’s a lot to irritate in this film. From the “z” in the title to… well… about 80% of the film. There is no nuance or subtlety to either the writing or the direction. I think that’s a great shame. The film has a good premise hidden in there. An adult comedy set around the ridiculous rules and rites of public schools (away from the light nonsense of “St Trinians”) is overdue. And the whole subject of fracking, and the conflicts surrounding the controversial techniques, hasn’t yet – to my knowledge – been explored in a fictional movie. The film does have a few very funny moments. But as a whole I left the cinema with that “wasted two hours” feeling. Not recommended.
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
The fine between comedy and tragedy...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can remember first hearing about this early in 2010, and was unsure as what to expect. On one hand this could have been a nasty hate film, mocking the wave of Muslim extremism which is taking a firm hold in this country, merely for the entertainment value, or this could be one of the important satires on the subject to date.

It was by far, without a shadow of doubt, the latter. Four Lions follows five amateur, lackluster Muslims from Sheffield who all believe that they are a primed terror cell on the frontline of the war against the infidels. Unfortunately for them, they are bunglers, whilst achieving the ability to create explosives, they have failed to control how and when it explodes! The plot culminates with an attempt to attack the London Marathon but it is a long road, taking our protagonists to the terror camps of Pakistan, and the town halls of Sheffield. This film is written and directed so expertly, it is literally frightening.

Morris and his pitch perfect cast deliver a film which so perfectly walks the razor wire tightrope between comedy and tragedy that every laugh is tinged with sadness or pity and every dark moment, seemingly comedic.

Is this a comedy? Decidedly not, but is this funny, and intentionally so? Yes. It's almost as if the laughs are out of sheer relief, as moments which should shock are delivered or followed up by some of the most profoundly realistic and yet ridiculous conversions.

The Lion King explanation for the war against the west; The almost horrifically callous 'Honey Monster' exchange as a police sniper may well have just shot an innocent civilian will stick in your mind. Let alone more simple humour, such as the eating of the sim cards to prevent tracking, which resembled the Catholic method of taking of the bread at mass.

But this was also about grooming: Grooming the audience to sympathise with a terror cell plotting in our midst was genius, whist having to watch the various methods employed within the group itself, leading to some of the films most poignant and tragic moments.

The disenfranchised Muslim population of this country have been captured so well, though portrayed on one hand as been dimwitted 'wanna-be terrorists', but on the other as real people, miss led with some of the most ridiculous concepts designed to reduce their lives to that of mediocrity in order to convince them to take so many others. This is a sympathetic peace movie in a time of great confusion and conflict.

Until now, United 93 was the film which had most summed up the dark times in which we live, following 9/11, but this is at least on par with it and is a great addition to a long and significant catalogue of topical anti-establishment films, such as M.A.S.H. and Dr. Strangelove.

Not just highly recommended, but a MUST SEE!