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ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Lost Ones in Books

Dec 3, 2019  
The Lost Ones
The Lost Ones
Anita Frank | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lost Ones is a gothic horror set during the First World War. It's 1917and Stella Marcham has already experienced a traumatic war. She has lost her fiancé, and seen more than most women as a nurse on the front line. She is grief stricken and it's highly possible that she has PTSD. Her brother-in-law asks Stella to go and keep her pregnant sister company at his country home, as she is experiencing strange occurrences, and he feels that she needs some support. He doesn't believe Stella's sister when she says that she can hear a child crying: there are no children at Greyswick.

I loved this book! it made me jump, gasp out loud and burst out in nervous laughter. It's worth bearing in mind that I was on a long train journey as I was reading this, so there are probably a number of people between Skegness and Chester who either think I'm a little unhinged, or are dying to know what I was reading (I'm considering wearing some sort of badge on long train journeys, that says 'currently reading (insert book name here)'. I'm sure it'll explain to people my frankly erratic behaviour in cases like this.).

Anyway, this book deserves any hype it gets, and I strongly suggest that if you're a fan of historical fiction with a gothic bent, you go out, buy and read this immediately. And read it in public. I can't always be the one to show herself up like this.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HQ for my copy of this book.
The call of cthulhu  (2005)
The call of cthulhu (2005)
2005 | Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Plays great tribute to the silent era of films (1 more)
Great stop motion Cthulhu
It is made too imitate a classic silent movie which means it's going to be primitive in its production values and effects this movie is not going to be for everybody (0 more)
Experienced the madness like never before
The Call of Cthulhu 2005 was developed by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society celebrating the classic short story by the famed Gothic horror writer it was created purposely to correctly portray what a movie would be like if made during the time of the stories publication which is a silent era movie because of this the movie uses practical effects such as miniature toy sets and a stop motion Cthulhu monster

The movie follows the story of a researcher who is trying to learn the secrets of an ancient cult but soon realizes he may have bitten off more than he can chew when he comes across their God
Die, Monster, Die! (1965)
Die, Monster, Die! (1965)
1965 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Rather annoyingly not-quite-there horror movie based on an H.P. Lovecraft short story ('based on' in the sense of 'almost entirely different from'). Guy goes to see his girl in the remote English countryside, discovers surly locals, finds her father has been up to experiments into Things Which Man Was Not Meant To Know. Includes the obligatory badly-done Lovecraftian squid-monsters.

Interesting cast, and you can tell Karloff in particular is doing his best with the material, but there's an awful lot of wandering about with not much happening, especially for a film only about an hour and a quarter long. Obviously done on the cheap, and too invested in its standard Gothic tropes - creepy old mansion, spooky domestics, cursed family heritage, etc - to make the most of the potential in the short story it's supposed to be based on. All in all, less interesting than it has any right to be in the circumstances.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Elder Sign in Tabletop Games

Jul 17, 2020 (Updated Jul 18, 2020)  
Elder Sign
Elder Sign
2011 | Adventure, Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting
The Theme (3 more)
Solo Gameplay
The Setting
High Replayabity
Little Pieces, Easy to lose (1 more)
Luck of the dice
Call of Cthulhu
Elder Sign- is a excellent fantasy adventure, horror card game. I learn about this game through Tabletop. And to me it looked really good. And plus you can play it solo. So i had to buy it, cause of the solo experience. I only played this solo and its fun, but hard to win. I love the theme of the game which is based on the Cthulhu Mythos of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. I love both H.P. Lovecraft, and Cthulhu. If you don't know what Elder Sign is I will explain it.

Elder Sign- is a cooperative card and dice game, based on the Cthulhu Mythos of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. It is published by Fantasy Flight Games, which also produces the Cthulhu Mythos games Arkham Horror, Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, Mansions of Madness, and Eldritch Horror.


Players randomly select a monster (known as an Ancient One) to oppose. The Ancient One requires a certain number of elder sign tokens to "seal" or imprison it. Conversely, the Ancient One can be "awakened" or released by a number of doom tokens.

 There are also many other less powerful monsters that can appear during the game.
Each player chooses an investigator to play as (usually randomly), each investigator having unique abilities.

Players take turns exploring a randomly generated room (there are Adventure cards and Other World cards). If a player succeeds at completing all of the tasks in the room they are exploring, they obtain a reward. Conversely, if they fail, they receive a penalty. If the player's investigator is devoured (either by losing all of their stamina and/or sanity), they lose what they originally had, a doom token is added to the doom track, and the player returns to play as a different investigator.

Rooms are explored until either the Ancient One is "sealed" or "awakened". If the Ancient One is sealed, the players immediately win. If the Ancient One awakens, the players must face it in battle. This battle is designed to be extremely difficult with a low chance of success, so players must try to prevent the Ancient One from awakening at all costs.

Its a excellent gothic horror game, it has fantasy, dice, cards and adventure and alot of replayablity. Buy it if you havent already. Cause its excellent.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Horror movie hostess Elvira dreams of hosting a show in Vegas. When she receives saying that her Great Aunt had died she thinks her dreams have come true. Once she arrives at Fallwell, Massachusetts for the reading of the will she finds that things won’t be as easy as she had hoped. As the town turns against her and family secrets are uncovered Elvira needs to find a way to stop her great Uncles plan.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark brings a backstory to Cassandra Pearson's character Elvira, gothic late night horror hostess. The film starts during one of Elvira’s shows when she receives a telegram telling her to go the reading of a will for a dead relative and, in the events that follow she finds out that she really is a witch.
Elvira is odd in the fact that it is almost in the style of an 80’s teen movie but it isn’t quite one. There are a few teens in the cast but the film does focus on Elvira and other people in the town.
Elvira, Mistress of the dark is rated 15 and is a comedy with a couple of scenes of peril and one jump scare. A lot of the humour focuses on Elvira’s rather ample bosom but in a quite tasteful way, it’s not a ‘Sex comedy’.