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Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
You haven't seen this movie... It’d be a lot cooler if you did.
I quote this movie so much it's insane.. Like every single day type of quoting and I can hoestly say that as soon as someone gets my reference we become instant friends.

Dazed and confused is such a piece of life movie that it just works so beautifully. Even though I wasn't born until 89 and this movie wasnt made till 93 its such an iconic 70s movie that you just don't question it.

The casting was just so spot in that even the most minor characters feel like real people you could have gone to high school with and it's with that detail that Dazed and confused sucks you in and doesn't let you got to the point that you can watch this movie and rewatxg it multiple times and it's still just as good.

The other stand out factor is the soundtrack is one of the best there is each song just fits so well.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Biggles (1986) in Movies

Mar 28, 2018 (Updated Mar 28, 2018)  
Biggles (1986)
Biggles (1986)
1986 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
5.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Biggles Cocks It Up
Startlingly incompetent big-screen version of the classic boy's-adventure hero. New York yuppie discovers he is 'time twin' of First World War fighter ace, is plucked back through time to help him destroy a German secret weapon. Don't worry, it doesn't make any more sense in the actual movie.

Potentially charming adventure movie is utterly torpedoed by fatal uncertainty of tone; what started off as a 'straight' period movie is reduced to gibberish by the addition of witless time-travel plotline, which drags crass 80s 'comedy' bits in with it. The fact it largely seems to be the work of people who've never actually seen a film before, let alone worked on one, is the just the coup de grace. Even Peter Cushing's usual near-supernatural ability to lift a dubious script mostly fails him; no wonder this was his final (non-CGI) big-screen appearance. Soundtrack contains Queen bassist John Deacon's only recordings away from the band; this is almost certainly not a good enough reason to watch the damn thing.
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
1979 | Ancient, Fighting, Racing
The idea of the game (1 more)
The Theme "Chariot Racing"
old crappy components (0 more)
A really retro game, but still a good game.
I used to pay this when I was a kid in the 80's, watch Ben Hur and I want to play again immediately. The choice to play to win the race or to play to kill everyone else is a very real one and you find a way to balance the two is probably best. You can do damage to the chariots and the horses, and run them into the walls. Flip them over, Use he whip on them, etc. It's a race game at heart but the interaction between the racers is where the fun comes in. plus there are lots of people who find awesome mini's and create coliseums instead of the board it comes with, and they play at conventions. See some of the pictures I've added. This game is a old school treasure ahead of its time, but could use updating. I'd love to see a modern publisher get a hold of this and re-make it.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover of this book actually put me off the contents the first few times I saw it. It isn't as if the cover is bad, and it actually reflects the book fairly well&mdash;but I like books about <b>people</b>, and when there's not a person anywhere on the cover, I have to be prettty bored to read the book.

I'm glad I did read it, although there were some rough bits. I need happy endings in my fiction. I just do, okay? This is pleasure reading, after all. And at one point the main character was so very far down that I felt hopeless for the him! Having experienced major depression, I fully recognized that he was very close to suicide. That wasn't very easy for me to read.

If gender bending is an issue for you, stay away from this one. It goes well beyond <a href="">John Varley's</a> <a href="">Steel Beach</a>. I was tickled to see several casual references to polyamory.
The Dead Lands
The Dead Lands
Benjamin Percy | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

The Dead Lands is at its core a story of survival in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles - survival not just of a few individuals, but of humanity itself.

The story starts out in Sanctuary, and then hops back and forth between there and the group of escapees who have set off in the hopes of discovering something better. Each member of the scouting party has his or her own personal reason for fleeing Sanctuary. For some, the struggle with their decision to leave causes them almost as much grief as the monsters, inhospitable climates, and other people they meet along the way.

This book had both the horror-road-trip feel of The Talisman, by Stephen King and Peter Straub, and the find-other-survivors-and-keep-the-human-race-going vibe of The Passage, by Justin Cronin. (Both of which I highly recommend if you have not already read them!) It was a suspenseful, thought-provoking tale and I really enjoyed it.
Starship Troopers (1997)
Starship Troopers (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not so much an adaptation of Heinlein's novel as a parody of it, Verhoeven's SF spectacular works equally well as storming action movie and outrageous black satire. Johnny Rico (Van Dien) joins the army for the wrong reasons, finds himself rising through the ranks as Earth provokes a war with the invertebrate Arachnids and finds itself facing a much more dangerous opponent than expected.

Verhoeven displays his usual uncanny ability to turn a movie on a dime - one second this is a deliberately cheesy deadpan comedy about growing up in a fascist utopia, the next it's delivering a genuinely thrilling action sequence that pushes the boundaries of CGI. Much, much smarter than it initially appears - even the decision to cast good-looking but essentially wooden young people (e.g. Denise Richards) in the lead roles seems calculated to make a point. Michael Ironside is genuinely good as the grizzled old soldier; another belting score from Basil Poledouris. Also weirdly prescient of the way the US and its media reacted after 9/11. Thoroughly enjoyable on many levels.
Vista Beach is in the middle of a heatwave, and thieves are taking advantage of people leaving doors and windows open. It looks like Rory has stumbled on the aftermath of one such burglary when she finds her neighbor, Willow, dead on her kitchen floor. But the police aren’t buying robbery as a motive, and they focus on Rory’s friend Dawn as the killer. Can Rory learn the truth?

Naturally, it turns out that Willow had a number of secrets, and those kept the pages turning until we reached the end. I did figure things out a bit early, but my jaw still literally dropped at a couple of the twists along the way. The characters are good enough to make us care about the outcome, but they could still be a bit more developed. Still, this is a fun book that flew by all too quickly.

NOTE: I received an ARC.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy arrives at the scene of Dr. Edmund Blackwell’s death thinking it is a suicide. However, as soon as he views it, he realizes it was murder. By that point, he’s already involved midwife Sarah Brandt as she is attending the dead man’s wife, who has gone into labor from the shock. Dr. Blackwell was a magnetic healer, bring relief to people suffering from pain. Who would want to kill a man like that?

And just like that, we are once again traveling back in time to 1890’s New York City. The book really does a great job of bringing the time and place to life. Frank and Sarah are fantastic main characters who share the sleuthing and page time as our third person point of view characters. The mystery is sharp with plenty of secrets to be uncovered. I thought I had it figured out early, but I was missing a big piece of the puzzle.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Gorgo (1961) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Gorgo (1961)
Gorgo (1961)
1961 | Adventure
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The poster tagline 'Like nothing you've ever seen before' is really pushing it a bit considering this British suitamation movie is composed almost entirely of bits from other, better-known films. Generations of British people have grown up believing they've seen a proper Godzilla film when in fact they were just exposed to this in their childhood. On the other hand, Eugene Lourie also directed The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, one of the original Godzilla's main inspirations, so you could say he's just repeating himself rather than actually being derivative.

Soundly scripted with a decent twist and pretty good performances, and the devastation of London by Gorgo's mum in the final reel is well-staged. Persistent rumour suggests that a young John Carpenter made an unofficial sequel, Gorgo Vs Godzilla, but no-one seems to know for sure if this even exists - shame, as on the strength of this outing Gorgo and his mum had potential for their own series. Only really of interest to fans of vintage monster movies, but a distinctive and rather distinguished entry to this genre.
After the Storm (KGI, #8)
After the Storm (KGI, #8)
Maya Banks | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so I get why some people didn't like the latest adventure in the KGI series. Yes it wasn't set in so far flung place, God knows where. Killing bad guys to rescue the damsel in distress but you got to see Donovan how he really is, his passion for rescuing women and children from the clutches of evil and his longing to settle down with his own girl and play happy families just like his brothers.
Donovan for all his muscles and hardness is a pussycat really.

"Donovan wouldn't hurt a hair on your head, nor would he hurt you emotionally. He's just not wired that way"

I loved "After The Storm" it's just as good as the others in the series but just different :-)

Page 210, O.M.G that was fabulous and Rusty's story is going to be great, I can't wait for that.

For those who DNF shame on you, you missed the best bits. Oh well, your loss.

Roll on the next in the series Maya can't write fast enough for me x