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Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!


This is book number 4 in the Dungeons and Dating series and I have to say I have loved every one so far. The series is centred on a group of people who run a business called the Tabletop Tavern and have come together through their love of board games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons.

Each book focuses on different characters and their love life and life in general. This book focuses on Kelly who is trying to get over a domestically violent relationship that ended with the death of her then-girlfriend and Tabby who has never felt any good for anybody.

Katherine is an absolute wizard with words and you get a clear understanding of what each character is going through. She tackles the tougher subjects abuse/homophobia/grief etc in such a delicate but powerful way. It is a pleasure to read even though some of it is heart-breaking.

I 100% recommend reading not just this book but the whole series. Fantastic Katherine.


** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

RPGMP3 (211 KP) created a post in RPGs Rock

Apr 23, 2018  
Played a DnD 5e one off over the weekend. It went reasonably well, we had a new player who enjoyed herself. My friend Glen, is in the process of converting a lot of the old Mystara content to 5e and wanted to test the balance of the adventure. The party consisted of a Variant Human Cleric of War (who worshipped Nob Nar, the Halfling god of adventure), a Gnome Wizard and a Phanaton (flying squirrel person) Rogue.

The adventure was called The Khan and the Duchess and started with the party working as caravan guards for a gnome caravan that gets attacked by Goblins. The party fared well in the attack and even recovered some of the stolen goods, drovers and guards from a nearby goblin camp. The sessions wrapped up with the party attending a high society social gathering with the caravan master as thanks.

There is more to come but we seem to be off to a good start. We used it as a way to do a streaming test for recording out tabletop games for future sessions and it seemed to work pretty well.

Looking forward to more playing, as I am most often found in the GMs chair.
Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Environmental, Science Fiction, Territory Building
Terraforming Mars is one of the current hallmarks of today's tabletop gaming. It's based around building an engine to turn Mars into a livable land using cards. As a sci-fi lover, its theme is fantastic. Its art.... Is mostly stock pictures, which doesn't bother me too much, but could be a nitpick for other folks. It's component quality is okay, but the player boards, thanks to the squares that are your primary tokens/markers, can easily be bumped and ruin your board. I highly recommend getting 3rd party player boards that have recesses to solve this problem.

Every turn, every player draws cards and decides which ones they want to keep. Then use resources to either terraform mars or improve their engine using cards. The game length can be highly dependent on group. I've talked to people who have games last up to four hours as people focus solely on engines versus terraforming Mars actually. My personal meta has it around 1.5 hours (with expansions). The early game can be very slow and sometimes you just never draw the cards you need for your planned engines.

Still though, I love this game for its heavy emphasis on theme and on how good a powerful engine can be.
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a series!

Jasper runs the tabletop tavern with his close friends and has no intention of letting anybody else in he likes it that way. Matt has gone through yet another breakup and is feeling unlovable what is wrong with him why is he not good enough for any woman? Jasper helps him on his journey of healing but could there be more to it?

I have absolutely loved this series from start to finish! The warmth, emotion, turmoil, love, and everything in between is gripping. There are so many issues dealt with and they are done so in a sensitive heartwarming way. Although this can be read as a stand-alone I would advise reading all of the books as each character has a different story to tell it's easy to see why they support each other so fondly.
Jasper's story is heartbreaking but I'm so happy he has his family to help him get through it even though at times like some of us do we can get quite nasty when we're hurting or unable to process certain things.

It has been such a pleasure reading and learning about each of these characters realizing that no matter what you don't need to feel shame. Thank you Katherine you've done an amazing job.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post

Apr 13, 2019  
Can anyone recommend some good two-player tabletop games, be it board, and, or dice games? I'm going to have surgery and will have a lot of downtime and don't want to spend it as a couch potato.

I like to play city building games online, like Banished, Civilization, and Sierra Impression Games (Pharaoh, Caesar, and Emporer) and have looked at a few board game versions but they look complicated and come with so many pieces. Are they manageable or will a cat coming into the room destroy the game with a swipe of its tail? My roommate doesn't play games yet so it would have to be a game that isn't overly complex or complicated to a newbie or a highly-medicated me.

We also like Scrabble, word puzzles, and trivia games but are looking for similar games. We've played Uno (which is now forever known as F-U/No, F-U, haha) and Yahtzee. So traditional board, card, and dice would be nice. We like mystery, paranormal, and educational games, not big on fantasy, sci-fi, sports, or anything chaotic.

I'm also hoping to find games my boyfriend and I can play kind of mindlessly to do in the background while we chat about life and tell stories. I'm really needing some good intimate (not sexual) discussion.

All advice appreciated.
Show all 4 comments.

Awix (3310 KP) Apr 14, 2019

Seven Wonders Duel is a pretty good, medium-complex card game. Splendor and Carcassonne also both work well with two and they're a little simpler and possibly more cat-proof too.


The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Apr 15, 2019

Jaipur is one of my favorites and has an App you can get as well.


Christine A. (965 KP) rated Smashbomb in Apps

Nov 27, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
Can review many types of media and import ratings and/or reviews from other sites. (0 more)
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Smashbomb allows users to review many types of media.
I recently discovered Smashbomb. It's similar to Goodreads but you can review more than books. Movies, apps, TV shows, music, video games, tabletop games, podcasts, and tech are reviewed also.

You can access Smashbomb by downloading the app or by going to

You can easily import your ratings and/or reviews from Goodreads. I had difficulty importing my ratings from IMDb. When I figure out what I'm doing wrong I'll write a blog post to explain.

You earn badges and can be awarded KP, kudos points.

Users can award you KP because of your review or "for submitting high quality content". The amount of daily KP you are rewarded is based on your KP score. The more KP you earn, the more influential you become.

"Some badges are earned based on kudos points (KP) awarded by other users, and others are awarded by Smashbomb directly." As of 11/27/18, approximately 90 badges are offered. "Higher level badges are a sign of authority and trust, which will result in increased exposure and more followers."

I like the KP system, the badge system, and the concept of being able to go to one place for all of the reviews offered.
Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CONSTITUTION CHECK is the fourth book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and it's time to have your heart pummelled. Both Kelly and Tabby deserve so much and, together, they've found it, but will they realise it?

We knew something was going on with Kelly but to find out the details? Harsh! No one should have to deal with anything like Nat was dishing out, and her mother was just as bad. And then there's Tabby's brother and other as*hole members of the family. Every 'joke', every innuendo, they all slide beneath the armour and hurt.

The Tabletop Tavern family are there for Kelly, and Eli is there for Tabby. I want more from him, but he's the next one so I'll wait patiently. Seeing both of these women learn and grow, both together and separately, was brilliant. Both of them hurting for similar reasons - reasons they could empathise with and different enough so they could provide support without drowning in their own misery.

This was a brilliant addition to the series that I absolutely loved. I can't recommend this highly enough but, please, start from book one. You're really missing out if you don't.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 3, 2022
2004 | Abstract Strategy, Fantasy
Quick to play (3 more)
Simple to learn
Interesting concept
Very little scope for strategy (1 more)
Not much replay value
A Path Into Gaming
Tsuro is a game with a very simple concept: be the last player on the board. You do this by laying tiles which link to create winding paths around the board, which inevitably end up running off the board altogether. But be careful - colliding with another player results in a double elimination.

Because it boasts such trivial mechanics, it is very easy to pick up and play a few rounds quickly (some games can last under 10 minutes including setup), as well as being one that young children could enjoy. The player meeples have a good quality feel, and it can be satisfying watching the winding paths in the game board grow.

However, it very quickly becomes obvious just how simple this game is - winning is often less about trying to run your opponents off the board as it is trying to keep yourself in play for as long as possible, until you inevitably take yourself out of the game.

Tsuro, then, is an inviting game for introducing regular folk to the mad world of tabletop gaming, and is a solid option for beginning a proper games night with its simplicity and charm. I used it recently myself as a sweetner to help ease a new player into game night, and it worked a treat. It probably won't make regular appearances however.

I like it. Worth a look.

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2) in Books

Dec 15, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
WISDOM CHECK is the second book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and this time we focus on Cal, one side of the triangle of owners and the recent divorcee from his ice-queen horror of an ex-wife. And then there's Julien, head chef of the Tabletop Tavern, who's had a long-term crush on his boss but is too busy being responsible for his own family to do anything about it.

The relationship between Julien and Cal is slow-burn, to begin with. My word, the number of near-misses had me ready to throw my Kindle against the wall. But then, THEN, they make a move and holy moly, it's hot. I loved their relationship, even with Julien's martyr tendencies.

We learn more about Cal's past, with his family and his ex-wife, and it leaves me loving his found family even more. I did enjoy hearing about Cal's mum though. There is always a chance... if you're lucky!

I really enjoyed the first book and was glad to see Roxie and Mel here, but I LOVED this one. Now, I just need to wait for Mase and Hunter's story. *Imagine me jumping up and down, all excited.*

Another winner from Ms McIntyre and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 15, 2021
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHARISMA CHECK is the sixth and final book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and you should really read these amazing books in order to get the full benefit. This is a 5-star series, simple as that.

Everything we have come to hold dear is threatened in this book and it about killed me! Add to that, Matt and Jasper, two characters who have made themselves known in previous books - even if it's only superficially. Oh, boy. These two. I loved them both so much. Jasper about broke me though and I'm not ashamed to say it. His backstory was a killer and his actions throughout the series take on a whole new light. Matt has had an easier time of it in the past to a degree but has had to deal with numerous failed relationships and, in the present, he has to deal with his best friend leaving him. Together, they are guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies.

Everyone shows up in this book, much to my delight. Happy tears were shed and I finished the book with a HUGE smile on my face. I can't wait to return at Christmas to the D&D group at Tabletop Tavern, as well as begin with the guys from Whipped in Leather & Lattes.

Absolutely brilliant all the way through. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 23, 2023