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2007 | Puzzle & Cards
Level design (3 more)
Character Design
Game mechanics
Relatively short story (0 more)
One of the smartest games around
Portal (2007) is one of the best video games around, and led to an even more successful sequel. The games premise is simple- you wake up in a testing room, with only an homicidal A.I to guide you through puzzles as you try and escape the testing facility. The twist comes in the dialogue, and the story that unfolds around you.
Your character doesn't speak, and her past and future are a mystery, which only adds to the intrigue the story incites.

The design is simple, a clean high-tech facility, equal parts simple and beautiful. You navigate through this world with use of a portal gun. Strategically placed, these portals can lead to your victory or your doom, and thus begins the most enjoyable 3D puzzle of the past 20 years.
Dialogue, as said, is a clear highlight, somehow balancing comedy and adventure perfectly, much akin to a Douglas Adams novel. It even manages to make G.L.A.D.O.S, a homicidal A.I, a genuinely endearing character, and one that is welcomed quickly, and missed once the game is complete.

Over all, it is clear why this game has so many devoted fans, and why we were all eager for more. This game, while simple has many levels, that make replaying and exploring a thrilling experience that you can have again and again and never get bored.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling | 2014 | Children
9.0 (221 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (2 more)
Simply Amazing
Harry Potter is a cultural icon, and reading the books will tell you exactly why.
While I do not believe this is the best Harry Potter book (Read the Goblet of Fire, it is perfect) this book is up there with the best. With a plot that is simple yet magical, it will no doubt be remembered alongside the adventures of Tolkien, with an epic story that is character driven and imaginative to the extreme.

The book takes an even greater appeal when considered alongside the rest of the series, and with the addition of the final book, rereading is crucial. Easter eggs and secrets are hidden deep within these pages and make it a joy to read again, theorise about and delve deep into.

J.K is famous for her world building, creating something of epic scale that feels real despite how crazy it sounds. While avoiding spoilers in this review, it is important that I emphasise the importance of this book with the addition of The Order of the Phoenix. an addition that creates a thrilling new plot line that develops characters masterfully. We see the golden trio grow more than ever before, and it is a joy to experience.

Read Harry Potter, you won't regret it, and you will be a part of the biggest book series since records began. The one that defines this generation of teens, and inspired some of the greatest creators since.
The Girl Before
The Girl Before
J.P. Delaney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
J.P. Delaney is a new-to-me author and one that I will definitely be checking out again. I saw this book and read the synopsis while standing in Barnes and Noble, and took a chance on it, as it sounded phenomenal. It a point. The switching between two characters got a little confusing but the plot line itself was outstanding. 

The dark, psychological twists that Delaney implements in this story are incredible. The creepy factor of this is off the charts awesome. I found myself white knuckling the book while turning each page to find out what was happening with Jane and with Emma. I can't imagine living in a house like they did, let alone experiencing the same thing as the girl before me. But, I felt it. I felt transported to London, felt the insane twists, and the roller coaster turns of the story. 

While I would love to give this a 4 star review, I can't. I give it 3.5 stars. The switching between Jane and Emma sometimes had me confused on whose story was whose. That's the one and only downside to the book. But, I still highly recommend this! The actual plot line, is as I said before, outstanding! This is one book you don't want to miss! It's creepy, it's twisty, it's thrilling. I'm looking forward to reading more of Delaney's work! 

*I purchased my own copy of this book. All opinions, positive or negative, are my own.*

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Chestnut Man in Books

Mar 24, 2019  
The Chestnut Man
The Chestnut Man
Søren Sveistrup | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great debut
If that cover doesn't draw you in and make you pick it up, you are a lost soul !!!

And if the cover doesn't do it for you, the story certainly will. It does make for uncomfortable reading at times given the subject matter but it is a story about a serial killer so some gruesome descriptions of the crimes shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.

The plot is gripping, dark and thrilling and the pace of the book is ideal with a seamless mix of murder, politics and police procedure all wrapped up in a perfect psychological thriller package. I actually don't normally like what is called Scandi-noir after having previously tried and failed to read one by a very successful author but this one is excellent.

The characters are fantastic - I know it's a good book when I can see the characters as real people and imagine who would play them if the book were made into a film or TV series - the Danish actor, Kim Bodnia, from The Bridge (Bron/Broen) and Killing Eve would be perfect for the role of Hess.

This is the debut novel by this author, although he has written the highly acclaimed series "The Killing", and a very accomplished debut it is and my thanks must go to the publisher, Penguin UK - Michael Joseph, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.
Game Of Thrones  - Season 7
Game Of Thrones - Season 7
2017 | Sci-Fi
Immensely satisfying
I’ve just rewatched this series in preparation for the final series (only 12 days to go!) and this really is a ridiculously satisfying penultimate series. With a limited number of episodes in comparison with earlier series, the writers really have forgotten any pointless filler and gotten straight down to business. They’ve brought together and wrapped up so many individual story arcs and characters, and being a huge fan I can’t begin to explain how warm and fuzzy it makes me feel seeing certain characters back together after so many series, or those getting their well deserved comeuppance (without any spoilers, you all know who I mean), or indeed certain characters finally doing or learning about what we as viewers have wanted or known all along.

It’s the same old Game of Thrones, thrilling, funny and quite scary and serious all at the same time. And with some great physical effects and CGI thrown in too. Watching this again, I honestly can’t fault this at all - aside from the fact that there is still at least 1 secret to be revealed that as a viewer we’ve known for ages, which is a tad frustrating. What worries me the most though is that the warm fuzzy feeling I have from watching this series is likely to be completely shattered with the final series, as it’s highly unlikely that all of my favourite characters willl survive. I don’t think my heart can take it!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated All That's Dead in Books

May 27, 2019  
All That's Dead
All That's Dead
Stuart MacBride | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkly humorous and thrilling
Having read and thoroughly loved one of Mr MacBride's previous outings starring Logan McRae - A Dark So Deadly - I was thrilled to be accepted by the publisher, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction, via NetGalley to read and review "All That's Dead" before publication in return for an honest and unbiased review.

This instalment had a lot to live up to and, overall, it hit the mark with it's dark humour, the fantastic characters, the setting, the twists and all wrapped up in an excellent plot amongst the backdrop of domestic terrorism and the independence movement in Scotland which although results in a fair bit of English-bashing, does mirror Brexit (oh how I hate that word!) in many respects which makes it topical and current too!

I did have a few niggles that did irritate me somewhat ... one or two of the characters who were supposed to be Police Officers did not come across as very believable; they were overly childish and not very good at their jobs. In addition, I found the word "sooked" extremely annoying for some reason - not sure why but it just wound me up.

I am absolutely certain that it would be better to read the series in order, it does work as a standalone pretty successfully and although the niggles prevented me from awarding this a 5 star read, I would still recommend it.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Finding Eva in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Finding Eva
Finding Eva
J.A. Baker | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Eva is a cleverly written story about one woman’s search for her birth parents and the trouble it stirs up among others.

In this thrilling psychological tale of friends and family connections, told by J.A. Baker, we discover there’s much more to Eva’s relationship with both her best friend Celia and her recently dumped boyfriend Gareth than we are first lead to believe. But who’s the liar and just what secrets have they been keeping?

Gareth can’t get Eva out of his mind. He want’s to track her down and make her pay for ruining his life. But what has she done to him?

Celia only wants to make sure Eva’s safe, but when Eva ups and leaves without telling her, she makes it her business to find out what is going on. She wants answers and will do anything to get them. But in order to do this she must find Eva first.

I loved the ‘family drama’ theme which plays on how some secrets should stay dead and buried, but once unearthed there can be no going back. With Finding Eva we delve into tricky topics such as mental illness, fraught childhoods and that feeling of not quite fitting in with society. We also uncover the secrets of a feisty heroine who’s more than a match for her adversaries. A fun read with a wicked twist at the end!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Big, loud, fun.
I'm not quite sure where all the bad reviews are coming from with this one, truth be told! I fully accept that there many action film cliches littered throughout, and the dialogue is just silly at times, but how much can you really dislike the spectacle of this sequel when the monsters turn up (and that doesn't take long!)

I liked the first one a lot, even though we didn't see a huge amount of Godzilla himself, and I also really rate Kong: Skull Island as well, so I've been looking forward to this one, and it's exactly what I expected it to be - it's loud, and it's dumb, but it works because it's an impressive looking monster film - and there a huge amount of them this time around.

Lifting various Godzilla opponents from the Japanese run of films, watching Kaiju like Ghidorah, Rhodan and Mothra get involved is pretty thrilling, especially coupled with the old school Godzilla theme music.
The effects themselves are pretty impressive, and all makes for an enjoyable blockbuster.

I didn't really care too much about the human characters (except Millie Bobbie Brown, and Charles Dance... Because it's Charles Dance) but I wasn't there for them!
And I guess there is where my main issue was, there was just a bit too much time spent on characters I struggled to care about.

Aside from that, it was pretty entertaining. Bring on Godzilla vs Kong!
The Three-Body Problem
The Three-Body Problem
Cixin Liu, Ken Liu | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for something out of the ordinary to read this year, I strongly suggest this book. A best-seller in its native China, it has only just been released in the US. The plot spans several decades of China's history, and neatly incorporates that tumultuous story into the book's own, with some smartly used footnotes to help explain any cultural events that us Westerners might not be familiar with. Telling the story of Chinese scientists looking to stop a mysterious global catastrophe that may have extraterrestrial origins (the less known about the central mystery going in the better), the plot mostly moves along at a breakneck pace, especially as it reaches the conclusion. There are a few points that get bogged down in some pretty deep scientific explanations, but given how out there some of the story can get, it's also necessary to keep it in the realm of the possible. And believe me, this story can get pretty out there, delving into some highly theoretical territory; but that winds up being where it held a lot of its appeal for me. Even still I find myself thinking over some of the ideas posited within. It also holds some surprisingly liberal notions and is more directly and indirectly critical of China than I would have thought a book the government of that country hadn't censored would allow. It is a fascinating, thrilling piece of science fiction that I highly recommend to fans of the genre.

HLD (99 KP) rated The Alienist - Season 1 in TV

Aug 22, 2018 (Updated Aug 22, 2018)  
The Alienist  - Season 1
The Alienist - Season 1
2018 | Drama
Superb scenery (2 more)
I imagine a close representation of the time period
Character development is slight in some of the main cast, but it is there
Dakota Fanning never smiles. Not once (1 more)
For all the terrible things that happen, I don't feel, as a viewer, the terrible people got what they deserved
Engaging and thrilling
Much like 'Hannibal', or 'Mindhunter', this show attempts to put our protagonist in the mind of the monster he is hunting. Although it takes him a while to realise that is indeed what he is doing.

This is in interesting idea for a show. Before Psychology was a respected field of medicine, you have alienists. Essentially doing the same job, but categorised differently.

Every character appears to have demons of their own. By the end of the season, they confront those demons simply by talking about them aloud to another person.

Also, was paedophilia as accepted 118 years ago as this show portrays? Is it merely an exaggeration of some historical accounts? Who knows, but it definitely created an unhealthy dynamic within society.
Everyone cares so much about the murders of these young men, but nobody cares about the children living on the streets. Or the people having sex with them.

The filming of the show does out-perform some of the acting, but the scenery added to the storylines that occur are sure to keep you entertained until episode ten.