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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Dantes Inferno
#johnwick3 is an adrenalin shot to the #heart, delivering on almost all of its promises to be bigger, better & smarter than its previous instalments. #johnwick films have always risen above the generic & mundane action films we get bombarded with nowadays as they seem to understand what makes action thrilling as well as learning from the best action #classics of the past & #johnwick3parabellum is no exception to this either. JW3 (like John Wick the character himself) shows just how much its evolved, learnt new skills & matured as a film realising that action its self is too an art form just as graceful, elegant & smooth flowing as a #ballet. In fact the comparison to ballet, #dance & #theatre is present during most #action scenes making them a beautifully choreographed, atmospheric & visually stunning display of bullet barrages & swooping movement. Comparisons dont end there either i was thrilled to see John compared to #Dante (from #DantesInferno) & there are countless scenes inspired by or paying homage to old #westerns, #90s action films, #Korean #revenge films & old #kungfu/#Japanese mob films which was #respectful & added to the films #charm too. World building is expanded on more in this one also as are some characters stories & I absolutely #loved seeing John evolve & learn from each fight to help him progress/gain an edge over his opponents. #Fights are thrilling, wincingly #violent & so exhilarating that I once again found my #heart racing with highlights being a #knife in an old shop & gunfight involving attack #dogs which was incredibly fresh & intense. Cinematography is ravishing always especially when smoke, #neon & rain is being pumped out all across the screen with #electrifying & mood drenching effect. Sadly I do have some negatives, I found the last act shoddy compared to the intelligence, thrill & beauty of the first two. In this act an odd #humour creeps in that felt a bit off, #action feels subpar compared to what we've just already seen, the ending a little silly & i also found the main #villain under used & under developed. That being said its still a fantastically made, must see showstopper thats learnt from the best. #keanureeves #matrix
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Mark Hamill gives a stellar & sinister new voice to your favorite Buddi. (0 more)
The schlock moments, though few, are cringe worthy indeed. (0 more)
New Chucky Is My Favorite Chucky
I am a reborn Chucky fan after the wonderful 2019 reimagining that is Child's Play. It is not easy to follow a long-standing series with a history of both slasher success, and campy catastrophe. Child's Play is a fresh new story that puts a much-needed spin on a franchise that frankly had been run into the ground. At its heart, this movie is exactly what it is supposed to be, a thrilling tale of a killer doll run amok. Though I imagine some diehard fans are inevitably going to be disappointed, I call this a resounding win. I wasn't a fan of the Chucky design at first, but it won me over later during a hilarious teaching moment between Andy and his pal in the first act. The lighting and camera work are solid, with a haunting, playful score that draws out the tension like a blade. Parents be warned, there is plenty of brutality, and no shying from gore. Even jaded millennial kids should wait to see this one. The story is a fantastic satire of all things electronically assisted, and paints a believable portrait with bloody overtones. The thrilling premise really shines due to the superior talents of the cast and crew. Aubrey Plaza brings weight to a character that is almost unceremoniously sidelined for most of the movie. The real celebration is Gabriel Bateman's performance as Andy Barclay. The slower paced moments settle a pall of tension over events as you share in Andy's isolation and later persecution. The supporting cast won me over entirely. Even the cannon fodder characters are awesome, with a pleasant dose of likability that gives them depth, with varying levels of unpleasantness that will have you tongue in cheek rooting for Chucky at times. Good stories are enjoyable. Check. Great stories get us thinking. Double check. When top-tier tech meets malicious malfunction, Chucky will have us all asking ourselves... "Are you broken like me?
The Circle (2017)
The Circle (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Tom Hanks (2 more)
Bill Paxton
The core concept
Nothing else (0 more)
Unrealized Potential
There's a part early on the circle where the main character, Mae, is interviewing for a job at the titular company. The interviewer asks her what her biggest fear is. "Unrealized potential," she responds. That's pretty much my review of the movie. There's so much that could have been done with the great core concept of the Circle, but the potential was lost in poor writing and direction. The movie doesn't take the concept of questioning the benefit of privacy or lack thereof anywhere significant, and lots of screen time is spent on side tangents that also go nowhere. The Circle is perhaps most exciting in the final scene, when Mae pulls back the curtain on the antagonists, but it all comes to a screeching halt with no resolution. Couple that with Emma Watson's worst performance to date (she CAN NOT muster an American accent to save her life), and the Circle becomes a forgettable and not-so-thrilling thriller that not even Tom Hanks can salvage.
Jade was positive she was just an average girl, until she fell asleep in her bath, inhaled some salt water, and sprouted a mermaid tail. Soon the truth comes out that her mom was a mermaid. But then how did her mom drown last summer? Jade works to come to terms with this new side of herself, maintain her close friendships without spilling her secret, attempt to keep her dignity around her adorable crush, and figure out the mystery behind her mother.


I enjoyed every second of this story. I instantly liked Jade and her slight sarcasm. Although the events were, in reality, absolutely ridiculous, they worked in the context of the book, and it was easy to get lost in the story and believe in mermaids for a while. It was much more of an exciting and thrilling adventure than I originally imagined it to be. The twist at the end was perfectly wonderful! I read it twice I liked it so much. (*grins ecstatically*) I would recommend this book in a heartbeat.


Content/Recommendation: Clean, ages 10-16

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Unsane (2018) in Movies

Feb 5, 2019  
Unsane (2018)
Unsane (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Starts off well, but with a poor ending
I’ll start off by saying I’m really impressed with the fact that this was filmed on a iPhone. Yes it’s pretty obvious in parts that it’s been done on a phone, and it gives the film a certain look, but I quite liked it. It really fit in with the overall tone of the film.

Claire Foy is a great actress and she is one of the main reasons this is watchable, and there’s a fun cameo from Matt Damon. The story itself starts off well and the first half of the film is actually very intriguing and thrilling. It makes you wonder what’s going on and it’s quite creepy and disturbing. The main problem with this film though is that the second half is a massive letdown. It wasn’t the ending that I’d expected or hoped for, and it was beyond predictable and just a bit ridiculous. It’s such a shame that the ending is stupid, as otherwise this would be a great film.

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Sleep in Books

May 22, 2019  
C.L. Taylor | 2019 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna suffers from crushing insomnia following an accident that she feels responsible for. Unable to forgive herself she moves to Rum to try and escape.

At first it would appear that the location and the job are just what the Dr ordered until the new intake of guests arrive and with them more disaster for Anna. The story is made even more interesting with what is going on at home. At first you cannot see any link, but as the story builds to its thrilling climax you realize the connection and there is even an unexpected twist at the end.

Once again C.L. Taylor has delivered a perfect thriller. I raced through this book as once I started I just couldn't stop. I kept thinking I had it all figured out.... BIG MISTAKE!!!! The ending is just WOW!
The setting is just wonderful for this story and just takes it to that next level.
Creepy, chilling, exciting and intriguing. A true reminder to never take things on face value!

Many thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books for the chance to read, review!
A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
2019 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
All killer, no filler (2 more)
Extremely heavy and modern sounding
Leaves me craving to see them live
Politicising may discourage some (0 more)
Razor sharp rock and hip-hop fusion
Discovered at random while searching for Rock music released this year, Grandson managed to be heavy and thrilling, while also utilising modern production techniques more usually associated with hip hop and electronic music, the fusion is excellent.
There are five tracks on this EP and each has a distinctive flavour. Apologize is a swaggering endorsement of the self, warts and all, which every listener can adopt as their own personal anthem. Stigmata is a full on, head down rocker that no doubt sets mosh pits ablaze. Is This What You Wanted is a searing enditement of facing the grinding misery of the world, compared with escaping it via indulgence and excess, slower than its predecessors but no less furious. Falling is a tripped out meditation on struggling with addiction. Darkside is the take of a would - be school shooter that drips with menace until it finally drops, when it becomes openly hostile.

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated The Sky Throne in Books

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Sky Throne
The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chris Ledbetter is a new author to me. His storytelling is nice and well written. I enjoyed his book “The Sky Throne” a fantasy and mythology book. It tells a story about a young Zeus and somewhat of how he comes to be a Geek God.

Will Zeus and his classmates find out what they are to do? The adventures they take are thrilling. Don is short for “Poseidon”. Is this book to tell the story of ancient Greek or is it more geared towards Modern? You will have to read the book to find out for yourself and decide. Though the story of young Zeus is about ancient Greek and becoming Greek God.

Hyperion coming to Create after young Zeus pulls enough pranks to get himself and his best friend expelled from Crete Lower Prep. Will he learn his lesson or will he continue with the pranks? Once his best friend is killed and his mother injured he is sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. He sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia he as one question “Who is his real Mother”?