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My City
My City
2020 | City Building
Tetris style gaming (1 more)
Evolution of levels
Hard to monitor instant placement of pieces (0 more)
Great entry level evolution game for all the family
This was our first try at playing an evolution game and we have found it very exciting to open the envelopes revealing new rules and stickers. We have also found it good to linger at certain levels to get the hang of new rules and develop strategies rather than rushing through. The Tetris style building is addictive and it's often surprising how well or badly your score ends up in comparison to how you think you have done. Enjoyed by both parents and teenage kids in our family.
Escape From Sunset Island
Escape From Sunset Island
2013 | Zombie / Survivalist
Co-operative survival game (3 more)
Hidden traitor mechanic, which plays well against the impetus to work together
Challenging gameplay
Players who are turned into zones can continue to play as zombies, rather than being eliminated
Artwork is basic (1 more)
Longevity of gameplay will depend heavily on your group
A decent enough zombie game
I have very fond memories playing this game, based primarily on the enthusiasm of my gaming group to play this 2/3 times a night, approximately twice a week, for a year! This game places a group of people on an island, with zombies that are about to awaken and chase you down to turn you. Each player has a special action and may pick up a weapon along their travels across the island, whilst on search of fuel and water, both of which are needed to leave the island. The catch? Carrying these items slows you down, so you have to work together to get to one of two points on the island to get away and win...but if the zombies turn players, there are more after the survivors, and there is also the potential for a traitor in your midst, so who can you trust? This is a difficult game to win, but is the more enjoyable for it. That said, it includes basic mechanics and therefore the strength of the game will depend heavily on the enthusiasm of your gaming group.
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
2016 | Action/Adventure
Such a let down. (0 more)
Hyped Up Nonsense
Earlier this month No Man’s Sky was released, a game that had been hyped and anticipated by so many. Unfortunately, it has failed to live up to the expectations that gamers had for it, however in the eyes of many this isn’t due to the faults or shortcomings of the actual game itself, but is rather due to the way that Sony marketed the game, (this game is technically an indie title, yet Sony treated it as a 1st party exclusive,) and the gaming media blowing expectations insanely out of proportion. Personally, I have only played the game for a couple of hours, but I feel that I have already seen everything there is to see, in that I know that if I play for longer all I will come across is the same things with different skins and textures and that is okay, if that is all that you are looking for. The reason that I stole the phrase, “a mile wide and an inch deep,” from Colin Moriarty and used it as the headline to this article, is because I feel that it is the most accurate description that I have heard of this game to date. However, if the game was marketed as an exploratory crafting game with very light story elements and no real characters, it would have been received a lot better. The point of this paper isn’t to insult No Man’s Sky, I am simply using it as an example as that game is currently at the forefront of the gaming zeitgeist. I don’t think that the gaming community’s disappointment in No Man’s Sky is down to the developers of the game, I believe that it was Sony’s treatment, as well as the gaming press’ treatment of the game that caused the hype train to come to a crash.

This isn’t the first time that this has happened, it happened last year with The Phantom Pain, that game took over three years to come out after it was officially announced and it was still an unfinished mess. The example that always comes up when discussing games stuck in development hell for years is Duke Nukem Forever, which was objectively a bad game, but even if it was more competent, in the leagues of Halo or COD, it would still be considered a failure. Final Fantasy 15 and The Last Guardian are also going to suffer for these reasons, too much time has been spent, reporting development news and hyping up the release that feels like it will never arrive and both of those games could be stellar masterpieces and they still wouldn’t reach anywhere near the payoff that is expected of them due to all of this overhyping and false hope that has been created by the gaming press. Lastly, even if Half Life 3 ever does release and against all odds does meet the standard of the previous games in the series, that still won’t be enough for die hard fans, due to the vast amount of time between now and the previous entry and the unrealistically high standards that this has caused gamers to expect.

I am fed up of this occurring, but the press isn’t going to stop reporting any news on these projects as its released, that’s their job. The only way that I can see to get around this issue is for developers to use the Fallout 4 method and release their game with 6 months of announcing it, quelling the inevitable explosion of hype that is created if the game takes any longer than that to release. The old saying goes that, ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity,’ but if the developer has any integrity and tact and isn’t just making something for the sake of a cash grab, perhaps they would do well to think of the No Man’s Sky release saga as a cautionary tale.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance
Mary Elizabeth Winstead wih with Blue hair! Really what more could you ask for in a female supporting actress (8 more)
Michael Cera in a role that suited him perfectly
Gideon Graves was a fantastic villain
The soundtrack was exceptional. A real highlight of the film.
The Gaming references were spot on
On-screen graphics made the film feel like an Augmented reality experience
Special effects were very good
Edgar Wright as director is always a positive
Overall, the casting was fantastic, with some big names showing up
The film unfortunately left out a number of 'Vital' scenes from the source material (1 more)
Some of the humour just didn't work as intended
Michael Cera CAN ACT!
Ghost Machine (2009)
Ghost Machine (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A decent low budget indie flick made in Northern Ireland. It has some well known faces like Rachael Taylor (Transformers) and a great location, an old disused prison which genuinely looks creepy. The film has a nice idea, a virtual reality battle simulation used by the army is borrowed for a gaming session. The only problem that as well as mapping the old prison to play in the game it also picks up a ghost with revenge in mind. Considering the budget the effects are ok. It reminded me a bit of Stay alive and more recently Gamer. Overall a good effort on a low budget, the DVD has a 30 minute making of as well!

Kathy (4 KP) rated Spotify Music in Apps

Nov 30, 2018  
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
I love that I can have as many play list as I want (0 more)
Sometime search results are plentiful and shifting through it can be a bit daunting. Its also a bit of a pain that when my youngest is listen I can't listen to my playlists. (0 more)
Love it
I love that I can have a playlist for every thing I do. Mood music for reading and gaming. Hang out the kids or friends. It is wonderful to get enjoy all the music from my school days when ever I want. This is really worth the small amount they charge for the premium account. Give it a shot and enjoy the sound waves.
Lost Cities
Lost Cities
1999 | Card Game, Exploration
Mainly for non-gamers
Today I had a chance to play Lost Cities. I was quite excited by the game as the concept/rules weren't new to me. Once I played few rounds (as it is fairly quick game), it became very transparent that this game is mainly aimed as an introductory game into the gaming world for non-gamers. If you judge it on this merit, then it is a fast nifty game that anyone can enjoy with simple rules to follow. I think experienced gamers might get bored fairly quickly. For those, I would recommend the travel edition of Keltis, as the rules are similar but the strategy has much greater slope and it has great playability.

KalJ95 (25 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Rayman Legends in Video Games

Apr 2, 2020  
Rayman Legends
Rayman Legends
One of the definitive platformers. (3 more)
Animation and art is beautiful.
Catalogue of different levels is incredible
The soundtrack and sound design is on another level.
Often clunky controls. (0 more)
Exceptional platforming fun!
In early 2018, my love for the gaming genre was rediscovered with Hollow Knight. I've been spoilt with narrative marvels and open world paradises, that when I began Rayman Legends, I also rediscovered my childhood.

Everything about Rayman Legends is fun. From the bonkers and beautiful worlds that are so detailed and masterfully crafted, to the meticulously designed levels, which sometimes bounce along to popular songs, this game is the real deal. It deserves to be mentioned with the likes of Super Mario Bros. There, I said it.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect: Andromeda
2017 | Role-Playing
An Example Of Why There Is No Longer A Place For Mediocrity In The Video Game Industry
For those of you that are Mass Effect fans and are worried after reading the title of the essay that I am going to spend the rest of the essay bashing the game, you can rest easy put your pitchfork down. The only reason that Mass Effect is on the receiving end of my criticism today, is because it is simply the most recent example of a major game being released that doesn’t meet the high standard that we have come to expect from videogames in 2017. Don’t get me wrong though, I think that we should expect a high level of production standard in our games and frankly I think the fact that Bioware have released this game in this abysmal state is nothing less than unacceptable.

If you have been generous enough to read any of my other stuff, you may have seen a piece I wrote around a year ago, where I loosely reviewed the Amazing Spiderman 2 on PS4, but really I just used the review as an excuse to talk about the place for mediocrity in the modern gaming landscape. This essay will essentially be an updated version of that piece, because every now and again something comes along and reminds me that mediocrity is still a present factor in modern gaming. I am aware that not every game released can be a 10/10 masterpiece at the level of The Last Of Us, but gaming has came such a long way in the last few decades that in my eyes there is a standard that must be met at this point and there is no room for mediocrity anymore.

As a quick disclaimer, let me say that I love and miss the mid tier section of the video game market. I love so many Codemasters, Midway and THQ games and the mid tier is the main reason that the PS2 is my favourite console. With that out of the way; in theory, mediocrity in gaming should have went away altogether when the mid tier crumbled in the dying days of the PS2. What we should have been left with is incredible AAA experiences and smaller, innovative indie experiences.

Excuses can be made for some examples of recent mediocre games. Liquid Entertainment and Beenox games are mostly movie tie ins, developed quickly and released to make a fast buck off of the back of another property. Hello Games were a small studio that bit off more than they could chew. Sega is a big studio, but they have been slowly going downhill and losing respect at a steady rate for a while now. Bioware aren’t a mid tier developer, they are one of the biggest game developers on the planet. Mass Effect Andromeda had a budget of 40 million dollars and a five year development cycle, that is where most of the shock regarding the state of this game comes from.

Nonetheless, Andromeda will still go on to sell millions of copies, EA will make their money back and more games will be developed in the series. This is because the majority of fans of the previous Mass Effect games will have already pre ordered the newest entry and hype alone with carry this game through any turmoil it faces. Frankly I don’t specifically care about the future of Mass Effect as I have never really been a fan of that series, but if you are a Mass Effect fan this should concern you greatly. If you are unhappy with the state that this game has been released in, don’t buy it and if you really can’t resist playing it at some point, wait a while and buy it used from a Mom and Grop Shop. That way you aren’t giving EA your money and you aren’t allowing them to continue to rely on reaching their profit goals via a lackluster game. That is how you change the future of your favourite franchise; never underestimate the power that you possess as a consumer.

Like I said though, Mass Effect has never been my thing, my concern lies more on the overall gaming market and the worry that this will bleed out and affect the mindset of other developers. Using a big franchise name alone to sell your game and forfeiting any attempt at creating a well made experience for your audience.

This is an issue that we have to stamp out now, it may sound petty or harsh, but this is how we make gaming better for all of us. There is no longer a place in the industry for mediocrity and it is up to us, the consumers to prove that to developers.

The message that I keep reiterating is backed up again by this topic, stop being an apologist, stop settling for less, don’t be afraid to demand a higher standard. Spreading negativity isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it has a legitimate basis. This is how we push mediocrity out of gaming. Playstation’s best slogan is still, ‘Expect Greatness,’ because we should expect greatness from developers; don’t be afraid to call a spade a spade. The most powerful voice of all lives in your back pocket; your hard earned cash and that is what gives you the right to call for better experiences.
2004 | Abstract Strategy, Fantasy
Quick to play (3 more)
Simple to learn
Interesting concept
Very little scope for strategy (1 more)
Not much replay value
A Path Into Gaming
Tsuro is a game with a very simple concept: be the last player on the board. You do this by laying tiles which link to create winding paths around the board, which inevitably end up running off the board altogether. But be careful - colliding with another player results in a double elimination.

Because it boasts such trivial mechanics, it is very easy to pick up and play a few rounds quickly (some games can last under 10 minutes including setup), as well as being one that young children could enjoy. The player meeples have a good quality feel, and it can be satisfying watching the winding paths in the game board grow.

However, it very quickly becomes obvious just how simple this game is - winning is often less about trying to run your opponents off the board as it is trying to keep yourself in play for as long as possible, until you inevitably take yourself out of the game.

Tsuro, then, is an inviting game for introducing regular folk to the mad world of tabletop gaming, and is a solid option for beginning a proper games night with its simplicity and charm. I used it recently myself as a sweetner to help ease a new player into game night, and it worked a treat. It probably won't make regular appearances however.

I like it. Worth a look.