Bespeckled Book Worm
Lisbon, United States
24. November

Joined: Feb 7, 2018

At the age of thirteen, I found and fell in love with my first book. Dark Demon By Christine Feehan was the beginning of an adventure that I still enjoy today. I have devoured hundreds, perhaps even thousands of books ranging from raunchy romances to twisted fairy tales and dystopian futures. I tend to writers who are direct and to the point rather than using three pages to describe a single cup - yes Tolkien I am looking at you. Then again being a reader with Dyslexia has its challenges but I manage and have learned to overcome my disadvantages. The worlds created by these author, Feehan, Carriger, Kenyon, Pratchett are well worth the determination I have poured into overcoming my unique little quirk. At 21 I was diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, PTSD, as well as BPD and I, have since used reading as my escape and coping skill for those really bad days. It has saved my life more than once and its why I have come here--to spread my love for reading and writing. In hopes that I could offer insight into a book and potentially help someone with similar issues find an escape a page at a time.

Badge collection
  • Junior Editor

    Junior Editor

    Earned at Feb 9, 2018, 10:53:22 PM
  • Smashbomb Reviewer

    Smashbomb Reviewer

    Earned at Feb 7, 2018, 3:38:34 AM
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