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Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
2018 | Action, Role-Playing
Story, battle system, mini games (0 more)
Gummi ship controls (0 more)
Great Adventure
I love the Kingdom Hearts series because it offered great characters and fantastic worlds from so many favorite Disney movies. I was quite excited for Kingdom Hearts III when it finally arrived. The combat is definitely better here and moves more fluidly. The attraction attacks are a lot of fun, but a couple aren't so great. I did have some favorites though and it was always a blast to use them. The addition of mini games definitely adds to the fun of the game. The story itself is interesting with familiar characters and great nods to previous Kingdom Hearts games. I have never liked the gummi ship because the controls for it were always awful. The gummi ship controls are a little better here, but they're still not great. The game is a bit short, but it's still a great game with amazing graphics and fun gameplay making it worth the wait.
Tarzan the Ape Man (1932)
Tarzan the Ape Man (1932)
1932 | Action, Classics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
With this classic, Johnny Weissmuller is introduced to the world as Tarzan. Already well known as an Olympic swimming star by 1932, whilst Johnny was not the first on screen Tarzan, his has become the most famous.

Playing the role as a naive childlike action hero, king of his domain whilst being pitched as fish out of water when round westerners or “Civilized” folk, these early action movies spend no time delving into the The Ape Man’s origins, as many subsequent adaptions have.

Here, he is simply Tarzan; the athletic protector of the jungle, able to summon help from his wild allies, apes, elephants etc… as he fights white men, “savages” and any number of wild foes, including crocodiles, hippos and a selection of wild cats.

But only up until his fateful meeting with feisty Jane Parker (Maureen O’Sullivan), a fairy tale, innocent romance blossoms which is actually portrayed in such a way, that it is genuinely heart warming as the series progresses.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Predictably solid Marvel brand-extension is another of those movies where the main character is never actually referred to by their superhero codename, which is a little odd as the film is unafraid to embrace the silliness of its subject matter elsewhere. Slightly convoluted plot concerns Brie Larson's character, who is a fierce alien warrior or a feisty USAF jet pilot (finding out exactly who she is is central to the plot). Aliens infiltrate Earth in 1995, Larson has to team up with Samuel L Jackson (pre-eyepatch) to stop them.

Generally pretty good fun, especially once you get past the (intentionally?) cryptic first act. Good jokes, good action, and the film's big moments are well staged. Larson, Jackson, and Ben Mendelsohn all contribute thoroughly tongue-in-cheek performances which are exactly what the material demands. Dances lightly around the potential girl-power subtext, although arguably misses a trick by not putting the Spice Girls on the soundtrack. Maybe next time.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
MCU does it again (0 more)
The wait till End Game (0 more)
At this point Marvel can really do no wrong. When it comes to their movies (esp original ones) they have a formula that's worked well so far so why change it. Really we've not had a bad MCU movie since iron man 3 & thor 2 and even they were watchable and in parts mildly enjoyable. Here we have excellent action with just enough comedy to give people laughs without being silly and considering this is about shape changing aliens, silly was a possibility. But theres a good story at its core and nice character development with a few twists and turns to keep everyone interested. We also get Goose - the greatest space cat since Jonesy from Alien!!...2 good post credits scenes as per normal - 1 serious story one and 1 funny but worth sticking around for. The next month or so needs to fly past.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
I enjoyed everything about this movie. Loved the 80s references, soundtrack, special effects and captain marvel is, well... marvellous (0 more)
Absolutely awesome
I thought the trailers looked good and I wasnt disappointed. I wasnt a big fan but this reinvention is awesome. Love the soundtrack, it fits well with the scenes and is a blast from the past. The special effects are awesome, especially towards the end. The humor is on point, and i love the dry wry wit of Carol Danvers. She totally kicks ass. Wonder woman was my favorite growing up. If this version of Captain Marvel was around then, she would definately be on the top of my list of favorite superheros. Shes a strong stubborn female who doesnt take herself too seriously.
The CGI was really well done on Goose and to make a younger Coulson & Nick Fury. Interesting to see a younger, less serious, humorous Nick Fury. I loved everything about it. One of my top movies for Marvel and 2019.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
2001 | Comedy
There are at least three jokes per minute, whether you get them or not. (0 more)
Stan Lee is dead. (0 more)
Greatest movie ever? thinks not!
There is not a more positive culture relevant movie in existence. If you like any movie or TV show from the 70s-90s, chances are somebody from that show is in this movie. Mark Hamil, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Carrie Fisher, George Carlin, Pie fucker, that dude that screwed Joey on Dawson's, Stiffler, not to mention hetero life mates Jay and Silent Bob! The jokes on this movie are a mile a minute, so you need to pay attention if you want to catch them all. If you're new to Kevin Smith and his impulsive friend Jason Mewes, then check out their Smodcast podcasts, or any of the other movies they've done together. Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc. This is a must see for any fan of pop culture. This movie is like every Funko Pop figure wrapped into one.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Devil Girl from Mars (1955) in Movies

Mar 30, 2019 (Updated Mar 30, 2019)  
Devil Girl from Mars (1955)
Devil Girl from Mars (1955)
1955 | Sci-Fi
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Notorious cheapo British SF film objectively deserves about a 2 or 3, but it's worth at least an 8 for connoisseurs of duff B-movies, so I've split the difference. Title character Nyah (Laffan) swishes about in a shower curtain, occasionally hypnotising men she wants to take home to Mars, and devastating the countryside with her pet robot (which looks like a fridge with legs). Everyone else tries to get on with some very soapy subplots.

Absolutely a horrendous collision between a homespun UK programme filler and a spangly American flying saucer B-movie, but the weirdest thing about this very odd film is that there are individual bits of it that are actually pretty good: just not the acting, script, or sci-fi props. Shameless in its economy and genuinely very funny (just not intentionally), the result is sort of like an episode of The Twilight Zone performed as amateur theatre. Awful, but a fun kind of awful.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Parker (2013) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019  
Parker (2013)
Parker (2013)
2013 | Mystery
Fun if slightly nondescript Jason Statham action thriller. Master criminal (J-Stat) is betrayed by associates, embarks on vengeance; this involves pretending to be Texan. Comely estate agent (J-Lo) is, somehow, completely taken in by the wholly ridiculous accent her co-star adopts. Much twisty-turny plotting and violent mayhem ensues.

Not much here to disappoint fans of the great man: plenty of faintly absurd moments are mixed in with him kicking people in, and there are some pleasingly tense and effective moments. That said, it is a bit overlong, and - like quite a few films from around this period in his career - you do get a sense of a star perhaps a bit too firmly lodged in his comfort zone, as there's not much to distinguish this from Safe, The Mechanic, and so on. On the other hand, I kind of miss the days when you could expect two or three Statham movies like this one every year. Hey ho.
The Divide (2012)
The Divide (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wasn't sure what to expect from this movie. It was a very strange, dark story. The acting was just ok. The cinematography was decent. The turns this story takes with the characters throughout were sad and twisted.. These people feel apart in perry unimaginable ways. Some just took longer than others. You never really know who the "main" character is until late in the story but that didn't matter much as they all went through a type of "hell" trapped in this basement after a nuclear attack. The ending was a little predictable but it didn't really matter either. Throughout the whole movie there's a sense of hopelessness I haven't seen in many movies. I don't think this one is for the kids. I mean, I don't think it's for some adults either. Anyway, if you're bored and don't mind a dark, hopeless type of "horror" film, this on will do. Overall though, this one isn't really worth a watch.
Léon: The Professional (1994)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Cult thriller that gave the world Natalie Portman and briefly turned Luc Besson into someone with Hollywood clout; it's still almost certainly his best film. A troubled young girl (Portman) is orphaned by drug dealers and is taken under the wing of a supernaturally gifted hitman (Reno); he has issues of his own. Slowly the relationship between the two of them deepens, but the question of vengeance against the man who killed her family (Oldman) refuses to go away.

Stylish and witty, with great performances from the three leads; genuinely affecting in a way that most Besson movies simply are not. Surprisingly little action for what's supposedly a thriller but still very involving; the theatrical cut delicately skips around what's really going on in Leon and Mathilda's relationship. Knock a point off if you're watching the director's cut, which trades some of the subtlety for extra scenes which add a mixture of hokeyness and pure ick.