Joseph Reynolds
Joseph Reynolds hasn't rated any items yet
(1702 KP)
Bookworm, music aficionado, travelling journalist
Spend all day and night reading and listening to books, while attempting to work full time as a news...
Last Active: Oct 29, 2019
Steven Sklansky
(231 KP)
Geeky Nerd
My name is Steven and I am a movie and tv show watching maniac. There should be lots of reviews to...
Last Active: Mar 1, 2021
Rachael Moyes
(404 KP)
Book Nerd
I'm a gigantic book nerd. Mostly sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, YA & asian literature but I'll read...
Last Active: Nov 9, 2020
(589 KP)
Poet, Total book worm, Gamer and Music lover.
Poet, spoken vocalist, former model. Underground music promoter. Music lover. Amateur actress....
Last Active: Sep 13, 2020
(589 KP)
Poet, Total book worm, Gamer and Music lover.
Poet, spoken vocalist, former model. Underground music promoter. Music lover. Amateur actress....
Last Active: Sep 13, 2020