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(95 KP)
Book, film, game & tabletop nerd!
I make soap and crotcheted accessories, but love film, music, TV, games and everything geeky!
Last Active: Dec 17, 2021

Mission Earth: Invaders Plan
Wonderful satire science fiction. Perfect for any sci-fi nerd that loves cheesy humor.

(0 KP)
Comic book buff and super nerd
Comics, games, anime, music, deadpool, warhammer 40k
Last Active: May 27, 2018

Evelyn Rose
(0 KP)
YA Lit Enthusiast, Language Nerd
Pink hair, woman, Harry Potter generation, lover of big dogs, activist, multi-level nerd (Doctor Who...

Steve Smith
(932 KP)
Nerd and proud of it!
Lover of books, TV, films and games.
Last Active: Sep 5, 2019