A Smashbomb Christmas
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Hello Everyone,
I am organizing a Christmas book exchange. If you would like to participate please send me (Cumberland) your address don't forget to include the country. By sending me your address you are agreeing that me and one other person will have access to this information. If you join you will send a book to one person, and receive a book from another person. Once you have read your book I would love if you posted a review, and mention a Smashbomb Christmas!
1. Do not send me your address if you do not intend on sending a book to someone else.
2. Books may be new or used! Just try to send something you enjoyed. December 12th is the last day you can send in your address and join the exchange.
4. Please try to send a book to the address you are given by December 15th. The goal is for everyone to have their book before, or at least around Christmas.
5. Have Fun!
Please post any questions you have in the orb, and I will answer them as soon as possible.
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