
Rachel Maria Berney (114 KP) rated Reason & Responsibility in Books

Jan 25, 2019 (Updated Jan 25, 2019)  
Reason & Responsibility
Reason & Responsibility
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy to understand (1 more)
Different views on each subject
Some essays long and complicated (0 more)
Beginners guide to philosophical problems
This was required reading for my first philosophy class, as a complete beginner it is a great introduction to the problems within philosophy. Most essays easy to read and understand. This isn't just for people studying philosophy, it's for anyone questioning any preconceptions or beliefs they have, this helps you break them down and think logically about them, sometimes you change your mind and something's you find valid reasons for your beliefs and they are reinforced.
Philosophy is a great place to start if you find your life is at a cross roads or you are questioning g things in your life.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1
1997 | Horror
The concept (0 more)
Finding its feet, worth a watch
I remember loving Buffy when I watched it on TV, I was 15ish then. I recently rewatched this, I still liked it, although it does have its flaws. The characters can be annoying but this is balanced with a really good idea. Joss Whedon has created a fantastic world, it truly is amazing. This is the first season, having already watched the others I already know that it just keeps getting better and the characters less annoying. If you are new to Buffy, keep watching, the series develops a depth but it takes a couple of seasons.
Angel: The Series - Season 1
Angel: The Series - Season 1
1999 | Adventure, Comedy, Horror
The comedic value (0 more)
If you are a Buffy fan, you will love this.
Recently rewatched this after being a huge fan when it was first on TV. I still loved it. I like the case by case episodes and the way the personal relationships are built. There is a comedic value in Angel that you just don't get in Buffy, it makes it feel a little more grown up. I am still a fan of Buffy, however, I think they got the formula better with Angel.
The Little Shop of Found Things
The Little Shop of Found Things
Paula Brackston | 2018 | Paranormal
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The relationships (0 more)
Plot (1 more)
A nice story that is a little too obvious
I was looking forward to reading this, the story sounded very interesting and something that is right up my alley. However, I was underwhelmed and dissapointed.

The Main character is like a cardboard cutout, glossy blonde ringlets, Dr Martens, beautiful singing voice, antique expert and a psychic gift, but no real depth till the end. You want to like her, her gist is interesting. You want to feel for her, looking after her sick mother, innocent and sent to jail, she has had a trying time. You want to root for her, but you can't, she's too 2 dimensional. I found Xanthe tinny and annoying, with an impulse to slap her, had she been real.

I wanted to like the story, love it, it was such a good idea. There are so many good elements, that put together right, should've made the book shine. But the whole book just hangs there, hollow. You don't feel anything much for the characters or their plight, it maybe stirs you a little in the second half of the book, but too little too late. The story plods along and doesn't build up intrigue like it should.

I was dissapointed, expecting so much more, it failed to deliver that imaginational jump. it is nothing more than words on a page, with no depth or room for your imagination. I found Blackburns writing too descriptive, she has a tendency to state the obvious to the reader when readers are not stupid, it is annoying and takes something away from the story. From the descriptions it is clear Blackburn has done her historical research and in that respect, she does bring to life the past.

One of the saving graces of the story is the telling of the relationshop between Xanthe and Samuel, it brings an emotional aspect to the book, that up until that point, was lacking.

Overall the story is predicatable, the writing ok, and the only reason you read to end is the optimistic hope that there will be some kind of twist or an unxpected resolution; you are left feeling underwhelmed and frustrated.
The Greatest Showman (2017)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
2017 | Drama, Musical
The story (0 more)
Some of the singing (0 more)
A musical for non-musical fans
I hate musicals, I avoid them like the plague. My daughter decided to put this on and I ended up sitting and watching the whole thing by myself, she wandered off to play.

This is a musical that even the haters of musicals I think would enjoy. The only reason I can see why I didn't mind and actually liked some of the songs is the irony and sarcasm that was inherent in the songs and in the acting whilst they were singing. Normally, the people singing, whether it's a happy or sad song, have those insane asylum grins plastered to their faces, which make you feel uncomfortable. The songs were catchy, warning, they stay with you for days.

The story line was good, I enjoyed it. The acting was very good and the singing not that bad. I was surprised to find out Hugh Jackman was the leading man, I didn't recognise him at all at first. Took me a while to figure our that it was Zac Effron supporting too.

The costumes and make-up were fantastic and the actual shows were really good to watch. I would love to know what they would've been like at the real Barnum circus, as well as what the real relationships were within the troupe. Intrigued me enough that I am going to put my history at uni to use and research it.

I think if you take a chance and watch this, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Wizard and Glass - Dark Tower IV
Wizard and Glass - Dark Tower IV
Stephen King | 1997 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written (0 more)
Slow in the middle (0 more)
A good step on the road to the dark tower
I just finished reading this, took a few days, more than I expected. The first 3 dark tower books I couldn't put down and flew through; this one started well, gripping, but in the middle it slowed down and dragged a bit.
We start where we left off in Dark Tower III, it's fairly fast paced until we get a bit of Roland's back story. Whilst I love hearing about what happened to Roland before he met Jake and made a new ka-tet, this story in a story was slow paced and dragged, you were just waiting to get to the good bits.
Once Roland had told his story, there wasn't much left to read. King only moves their journey to the dark tower a little bit. Overall, you do get to know Roland a lot better, which is a good thing. I am still looking forward to reading the next book.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Idris Elba (0 more)
Doesn't follow the books (0 more)
An enjoyable film, if you have not read the books
If you think of the film on its own, seperate from the books, it's ok. It was enjoyable enough, Idris Elba was a good Roland and the kid that played Jake a good actor. They had a good chemistry on screen. The story was easy to follow, it was an ok adventure film. Worth a watch, glad I didn't go to the cinema to see. If you haven't read Stephen King's Dark Tower series, you will enjoy the film and follow the story nicely. They have managed to fit a shelled down version of the Dark Tower story into this one film.

However, if you have read the books; you are going to be dissapointed. Whilst Idris Elba as Roland is a really good choice, that's the only thing that is good. Roland and Jake meet in a completely different way, Jake's history is completely different, so right from the start you know it's not going to be the story from the books. You will notice the absence of Eddie and Suzanne as well. Of course, I didn't really expect it to follow the books, they have fitted an epic 8 book series into one film. It's dissapointing, the Dark Tower was worthy of an epic, at minimum, trilogy of films.

All in all, this film gives you a little taste of the Dark Tower world, its gunslinger and mid-world's ways. If you watch the film before reading the books, whether you like the film or not, I really recommend reading the books. If you have read the books, you may want to skip the film.
Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
Simon Blackburn | 1999 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Explains Philosophy (0 more)
Some parts complicated (0 more)
A good introduction to philosophy
If, like me, you suddenly found yourself interested in philsophy, this book is a good place to start. It covers the basic topics in philsophy and mostly explains them in an easy to understand way for a novice. There is a chapter, about zombies and robots, that takes a couple of reads, that is the hardest part of the book. You have to think differently in philosophy and this books help you guide your mind into thinking a different way, looking at things in a different way.
Everyone should read a little philosophy, expand their minds and question their beliefs. It's how people grow and move forward.
I know people think philosophy is not 'worth it', Lawrence Krauss for one (I like his books too), but all the sciences started as philosophy. They were thought experiments, until they were practical and got their own subject heading.
Want to know what philosophy is all about? This is a good place to start.